Valentin Tanev

Valentin Tanev


Valentin Tanev


Serious family relationships in a comedic aspect - fate, money, neighbors, the future, how we live, at what pace, what we give, what we want, how we get away.
Two very similar families are settling in two identical houses in a new fashionable neighborhood built near a complex of panel-apartment buildings. The couples are in their forties. The husbands are moderate professionals and the wives are housewives without children and with firmly fixed habits. Step by step they find out how similar they are and step by step they come to hate each other. The more they strive to be different and the more they fail, the stronger their malice and their lust to harm each other grow.
Генуя. Осень 1943 года. Немцы хозяйничают в Италии. Итальянские евреи, не без оснований опасающиеся преследований, всеми правдами и неправдами пытаются выехать из страны. Принимаются законы, запрещающие не только помогать евреям скрыться, но и просто иметь с ними какие-либо отношения. Большинство итальянцев подчиняются этим законам. Однако, есть среди них и те, кто, рискуя собственной жизнью, готов спасти несчастных…
Monkeys in Winter
Dona, Lukrecie and Tana - three women of different origins and destinies, whose stories unfold at different times. The tale of the Romany woman Dona begins in the 1960s. The only assets this beautiful and vital woman has are her three children fathered by different men. In order to secure a livelihood for them, she moves in with an older, but disabled man, who turns out to be a pervert. Ten years later, the ambitious Lukrecie is trying to avoid employment in the village. After she becomes pregnant by a prospective suitor, she meets an attractive young man who offers her a life abroad, something she had always dreamed of. Lukrecie resolves her situation in the most appalling way. Tana, the wife of a prosperous businessman, vainly longs to have a child. On the advice of a friend, she goes off to a spa, whose miraculous reputation is attributable to a skillful masseur. Her husband, however, is unmoved by the joyful news.
Frozen Dream
In secret institute in the mid 80s of last century, experiments are conducted to freeze people. The similarity of the two names confused destinies of several people. Twenty years later, accidentally frozen man wakes up in a new and very different world absurdities of mature socialism faced with the absurdities of today ...
Любовь, о которой молчат
Directeur de la prison
Фильм о жизни геев и евреев при нацистах в годы войны. Париж, 1942 год. Сара, молодая еврейка, чью семью замучило гестапо, находит убежище, работая в семейной прачечной Жана Лавандрье, её давнего друга, в которого она была давно влюблена. Но Жан — гей, и он любит Филиппа, и им приходится скрывать свои отношения от нацистов и от пронацистского правительства Виши, как и Саре приходится скрывать, что она — еврейка. Но их жизнь подвергается опасности, когда домой возвращается Жак, младший брат Жана, который только что отсидел срок в тюрьме за торговлю на чёрном рынке. Жак всегда был влюблен в Сару, и теперь он хочет предать собственного брата, чтобы добиться любви Сары…
Rezervat za rozovi pelikani
The film is a children comedy about six fat boys who experience great adventures while fighting hunger. They realize what friendship means and finally turn into little men.
Another Possible Life
A man and a woman meet again after many years - on the territory and circumstances of post-socialist Bulgaria. A university graduate and poetess, forced to adapt herself to the new social environment, she survives in her own country as a tram driver. Having arrived for his father's funeral after years of travels abroad, he catches a glimpse of his old flame accidentally in a tram. Could they bring back their emotional time, the time of their lives? Could they try to resurrect whatever bound them together in their youth?
Fate as a Rat
It is a story about a group of friends who live in a small seaport town. Their lifestyle is rigorous, their joys are simple and their sex life is raw. Their concepts of man's dignity, friendship and duty are wrong and primitive. The film helps us to understand and forgive them.
Фильм о семье советского репатрианта Алексея Головина, вернувшегося после войны в СССР с женой француженкой. Эта история произошла 50 лет назад. Это было суровое время. И какой же страстной была тогда любовь разлученных, и как безоглядно жертвовали они собой ради другого человека…