José Luis Monter


Джанго, стреляй...
Assistant Director
… если ты жив — стреляй! Вестерн о Джанго, мстителе и защитнике слабых и беззащитных, таскающем за собой на веревке убедительный аргумент в виде пулемета в гробу. Одиночка, пришедший из ниоткуда. Он один выступает против злодея и его банды головорезов, терроризирующего все население небольшого городка на Диком Западе и окрест.
The Sheriff Won't Shoot
Sheriff Won't Shoot
The Revenge of the Crusader
After wedding the beautiful Genoveffa, Count Sigfrido of Treviri employs his right-hand man to look after his bride while he's away fighting in the crusades, unaware that his supposed friend has plans of his own for the new countess.
Hercules Against the Sons of the Sun
First Assistant Director
Hercules, after sailing global waters is eventually shipwrecked in South America. After losing his Greek shipmates, Hercules is enlisted to overthrow a tyrannical king int he land of the Incas. Featuring scenic views of the mountains of the Andes.
As if It Were Raining
A writer stumbles into a job as a mob enforcer.
Un ángel tuvo la culpa
Assistant Director
Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.
Poison at 2:30
Assistant Director
Don Senen has spent inheritance Begoña sprees, his niece, who only had to administer. It remains to receive a million pesetas, which will only be delivered to the death of Don Senen. The old man, in complicity with Begoña and two nephews going to fake his death by a false certificate. What you may not know is that some of his relatives did not want it to be false and plan to poison him.
Molokai: la isla maldita
Assistant Director
Kingdom of Hawaii, 1866. Fearful that leprosy would spread throughout the archipelago, the king banishes the sick to the island of Molokai. In 1873, the Belgian Catholic missionary Damien de Veuster arrives on the island to help improve the lives of its unfortunate inhabitants.
Parque de Madrid
Assistant Director
In the Madrid of the fifties, during any day, whether by chance or fate, a series of characters live all kinds of stories, funny stories and some not so, in one of the most beautiful parks that exist in the city, the Retiro park, known as Parque de Madrid.
Juanillo, papá y mamá
Assistant Director
Смерть велосипедиста
Assistant Director
Возвращаясь с любовником с загородного рандеву, супруга богатого промышленника сбивает на пустынном шоссе велосипедиста. Опасаясь разоблачения супружеской измены, она скрывается с места происшествия. Однако чувство вины и тревожные мысли о единственном свидетеле случившегося не оставляют ее.