Michael Lai Siu-Tin

Michael Lai Siu-Tin

Рождение : 1946-11-08, British Hong Kong

Смерть : 2019-12-01


Michael Lai Siu-Tin


Candlelight's Woman
Lam Hung is a loudmouth street hooker with a useless crippled gambling-addicted husband Ching and son Man. Hung's friend Fei is an nightclub hostess, and Fei's lesbian sister Mei/Mooi seems bent on total self destruction after her girlfriend May dumps her for a boy. Mei becomes mixed up with tabloid journalist Wah, who convinces her to allow him to photograph her as she jumps off a building. Hung receives a marriage proposal from regular client Wai, a police officer. Causing trouble for all of them is Saur, the local loan shark and crime boss. Ching is in debt to Saur, he runs the club where Fei works, and he brings in Mainland girls who undercut the local streetgirl's prices. Wah and Mei become sort-of lovers, and Wah does a story on the streetwalkers, in order to influence public opinion against Saur and his mainlanders.
Red Wolf
Cruise emcee
A group of terrorists murder the captain of a cruise ship and take everyone hostage. Their plan is to steal the uranium being stored in the ship's safe. It's up to a security officer and a pickpocketing cocktail waitress to stop them.
Angel Hunter
Original Music Composer
A detective investigating a student's suicide discovers it is connected to a secret Satanic cult.
The Cat
A cat from outer space teams up with a young girl and an old man to fight a murderous alien that possesses people.
My Americanize Wife
A Hong Kong family illegally emmigrate to the United States. The father eventually goes back to Hong Kong to raise more money but the wife and child stay behind. Several years have passed and the father legally comes back to be with his wife and child. Has his greatest fears been realized and his wife and child have been americanized?
She Starts the Fire
Master Chu Tian Ya / Chor Tin-Ngai
Chingmy Yau stars in She Starts The Fire, a fish-out-of-water comedy where the fish can set people on fire! Wendy (Chingmy Yau) arrives in Hong Kong to stay with her aunt Big Beer (Deannie Ip), who shares a space with her landlord Charles (Lawrence Cheng, who also directed). There’s just one problem: Wendy can set things on fire with her mind. Her pyrokinetic powers are applied simultaneously with some bad luck, so the victim usually gets a double whammy of misfortune and charred flesh.
Return of the Evil Fox
Daring Hung
1391: The good Chiang Su-Su manages to defeat the evil spirit Elf Fox, but has her soul transferred to a jasper incense holder and remains dormant for hundreds of years. In 1991 the Elf Fox returns to lethal life to wreak havoc on modern Hong Kong. The Elf Fox needs to absorb the souls of 108 men in order to obtain her full power. It's up to Su-Su's sweet descendant Yi, grouchy monk shopkeeper Chiang Wu, dashing, handsome foster son Wang Hsa, sassy ghostbuster Yu, and several others to defeat the Elf Fox before it's too late.
Original Music Composer
В поисках лучшей жизни и без гроша в кармане Чарли приезжает в Гонконг. Свои последние центы он отдает бедной торговке за цветок розы, который должен принести ему удачу. И «счастливый» случай не заставил себя ждать. Чарли становится невольным участником перестрелки двух мафиозных кланов и выносит из-под огня главного босса одной из гангстерских группировок. Умирая, главарь мафии назначает Чарли своим наследником и Большим Братом своего клана. В роли «крестного отца» доброй половины криминального Гонконга Чарли приходится проявлять чудеса ловкости и изобретательности…
Last Romance
Though the title may suggest a straightforward romance, Yonfan’s artfully directed melodrama is actually a nuanced tale of friendship. The movie is firmly grounded in the realities of Hong Kong - the stock market crash of 1987 and the Sino-British negotiations over the colony's future.
Полицейская история 2
Original Music Composer
На свободу выходит Босс наркомафии Ку, но наркоторговля не остановлена, и первой его мыслью после заключения — отомстить полицейскому Кевину Ченгу, упрятавшему его за решетку. Ку нанимает киллера, который, впрочем, явно не в себе… Тем временем группа изощренных террористов пугает население серией взрывов в людных местах, и вымогает 10 миллионов долларов у одной торговой фирмы. Справиться с этой ситуацией и спасти любимую девушку под силу только полицейскому Кевину Ченгу.
Звезда романтики 2
К дяде Кену переезжает его племянник, работающий на 9-м канале, самом непопулярном телеканале Гонконга. Босс этого канала готов на все, лишь бы поднять его рейтинг, и Лау Тай знает, что делать — он привлекает помощников дяди Кена, которые недавно прославились, побывав заложниками во время ограбления банка. С ними дела 9-го канала и правда выправляются, но босс конкурирующего 8-го канала тоже не дремлет…
Проект А: Часть 2
Original Music Composer
Отважный дракон Ма, прославившийся благодаря уничтожению пиратского гнезда на китайском море, получает новое назначение — его делают начальником округа. Основная причина этого назначения состоит в том, что власти сомневаются в чистоплотности его предшественника Чуна, как оказывается впоследствии, напрасно. В результате мастерски выполненной подставки дракон попадает в тюрьму. Теперь доказать свою невиновность он может только разоблачив Чуна…
Озорные парни
Robber (Cameo)
Четверо друзей-бандитов сидят в тюрьме, но спят и видят, как выйдут на свободу и поделят оставшиеся с последнего «дела» бриллианты. Так уж получилось, что одного из них выпускают раньше других, но представьте себе удивление парня, когда по прибытию на место «захоронения» награбленного он не находит ничего, кроме кучи камней. Причем проблема не только в том, что от мечты о миллионах ему теперь придется отказаться — его подельники уверены, что он прикарманил бриллианты и не хочет ни с кем делиться…
Happy Din Don
Michael is a guitarist in a night club, but his indulgence in gambling costs him his job. He is kicked out of the band. Wandering in an alley, he accidentally overhears a gang of drug dealers plotting. He is caught as he tries to get away. Michael seeks the help of his roommate, Roger who is the manager of a girls band preparing to go on a performing tour to Thailand. Roger takes Michael as a band member so that he can get away. While in Thailand, Michael falls in love with the leading female singer of the band. He tries all sorts of ways to gain her attention and love, while keeping one jump ahead of pursuing gangsters...
Happy Din Don
Michael is a guitarist in a night club, but his indulgence in gambling costs him his job. He is kicked out of the band. Wandering in an alley, he accidentally overhears a gang of drug dealers plotting. He is caught as he tries to get away. Michael seeks the help of his roommate, Roger who is the manager of a girls band preparing to go on a performing tour to Thailand. Roger takes Michael as a band member so that he can get away. While in Thailand, Michael falls in love with the leading female singer of the band. He tries all sorts of ways to gain her attention and love, while keeping one jump ahead of pursuing gangsters...
Полицейская история
Original Music Composer
В результате удачно проведенной облавы в руки полиции попадает босс наркомафии Чи. Одному из полицейских, Кевину, принимавшему непосредственное участие в аресте, поручают охрану секретарши преступника, которая проходит по делу в качестве главного свидетеля. Но в день суда она исчезает. Только разыскав девушку и арестовав Чи, Кевин сможет снять с себя подозрение в соучастии…
Мои счастливые звезды
Original Music Composer
Пара полицейских из Гонконга Рикки и Масклз (что означает `мускулы») попадают в поисках беглого преступника в Токио. Здесь приятелей ждет крупная неудача — Рикки похищен японскими бандитами. Но Масклзу на помощь из Гонконга спешит подкрепление в лице… мелких мошенников, которые умудряются попадать в самые жуткие и смешные передряги. Правда среди них есть и профессионал — красотка — полицейская Мисс Ву, чья схватка с японкой стала хрестоматийной для жанра боевых искусств.
Cherie's Cousin
The beautiful Cherie Chung plays the title character, an exercise teacher who is wooed by a rich, older businessman and a young photographer. You watch Cherie as she bounces between these two, not really liking the businessman, while the photographer is more in love with her image as his model than as a true love.
Mr. Wong (Michael Hui) is the chief chef in a Teppanyaki restaurant. His overbearing wife and sadistic father-in-law make his home life a misery, so he spends all day dreaming about his dream girl, Sissy (Sally Yeh). When she comes into the restaurant, Wong seizes the opportunity and arranges to take her on a tour of the Paradise Island. Unfortunately, his wife and her friend go with him.
Проект А
Original Music Composer
Гонконг начала 20 века. На китайском море свирепствуют пираты под предводительством зловещего пирата Ло. Все свои надежды правительство возлагает на специально разработанный план борьбы с пиратами под кодовым названием «Проект А». Но Ло всегда на шаг опережает власти, подрывает их корабли, и «проект» оказывается под угрозой срыва. Его выполнение берут на себя борец береговой охраны по кличке «Дракон» и его товарищи…
The Fung-shui Master
Hong Kong fantasy comedy film.
First Time
Original Music Composer
Hong Kong drama film.
The Hong Kong Tycoon
A character-driven melodrama about a Hong Kong ‘everyday man’ who marries a rich woman to climb the class ladder.
Hong Kong sex comedy film.
Bald-Headed Betty
Poor Betty gets drugged and kidnapped at a teen beach party and finds herself in clutches of a sleazy prostitution ring. After trying to escape, her head is shaved as punishment. Soon enough, she's the star of the stable for all the local bald freaks.
A Mad World of Fools
A whacky 1974 comedy starring David Chiang who was also the director, that's one to see. Well it certainly is whacky, and the film is actually a number of short pieces, varying in length from a couple of minutes to the last story that is 30 minutes or so.
The Crazy Instructor
A bumbling martial arts teacher has the skills but lacks the confidence to use them. Run out of town by some ne'er-do-wells, he sets out on some comic adventures as he travels the countryside. Taking up some companions that are as bumbling as he is, the group seems to stumble into one misadventure after another. Will our hearty band eventually prove their worth with their skills and bring their enemies to justice?
Orphan in Distress
60s shaw crime film
The Great Devotion
Chan Siu-Hong
Poor teacher Chan Chi-hong, his wife Lee Yuk-mei and their five children survive on his meagre pay. When he is laid off by two schools in a row, the family runs into difficulties. The children resort to begging on the streets to pay the mother's medical bills. Turning to writing, Chan's novel fails to find a publisher and, worse still, he comes down with tuberculosis. Dealt a further blow by the death of the youngest daughter and the pressures from the loan sharks, Chan contemplates killing himself and his family but changes his mind when he witnesses the sacrifices made by other parents for their children. He vows to be a dutiful father and tries his best to overcome their adversities. His novel is finally published and sells well. Through thick and thin, the family at last sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
Human Relationships
Yang Zhaohan
Lee Sun-fung is renowned for adapting literary classics for the silver screen. To commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Union Film Enterprise known for producing quality films and co-founded by Lee, Human Relationships is adapted from writer Ba Jin's novel into film. The Yiu family moves into a manor. Mrs Yiu, while frustrated by the way her step-son is spoiled by her husband and mother-in-law, develops a friendship with a kid (Michael Lai) who steals flowers from the mansion's garden. She later learns that he is the son of the place's former owner whose downfall at middle age is the result of being spoiled when young. Lai was only a child but gained a foothold among seasoned veterans like Cheung Wood-yau, Ng Cho-fan and Pak Yin.