Lui Hung


The Ghost Snatchers
Bong's mother
The story is about a new high rise office building that's haunted by a ghost patrol of Japanese soldiers from W.W. II. The angry ghosts want revenge and they'll do anything to achieve that goal.
Экспресс миллионеров
[Only in Alternate Cut]
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
The Lunatics
Customer of Zhao
A psychiatrist donates his time to help the mentally ill street people of Hong Kong. A reporter who hears about his activities accompanies him on his rounds.
Midnight Girls
Blackie's mother
Midnight Girls is the story of two women, Blackie (Kitty Chan) and Ling (Ng Man-Ling), who are trying to make a living for themselves so that they can escape the hard-knock existence of Hong Kong’s slums.
The Young Vagabond
Brothel madam
A martial artist must train incessantly to defeat the brutally powerful thief called Centipede.
Secret Service of the Imperial Court
Chao clan member
Secret Service of the Imperial Court was one of the last kung fu/swordplay films to be made at Hong Kong's Shaw Bros. studio. Set in the Ming Dynasty, it makes excellent use of the studio's vast array of sprawling sets and colorful costumes to give a real period flavor. It has a good cast, lots of large-scale fight action and an exciting storyline about a conflict between an honorable officer and a corrupt Eunuch.
Love in a Fallen City
Taking place in 1941, Love in a Fallen City centers on Pai, a young woman who has been ostracized by her family for divorcing her rich husband. A local match-maker, Mrs. Hsu, takes pity on Pai and decides to bring her to Hong Kong, under the guise of employing her as the Hsu's nanny, but in reality to introduce her to Fan. Pai and Fan seem to hit it off, but Fan's refusal to marry Pai soon sours things. However, as the Japanese begin to invade Hong Kong, the two begin to realize their true feelings for each other.
Sex Beyond the Grave
Nine Aunt
In order to pay off a massive debt, a gambling addict sells his ancestral home to a young couple, who soon discover that the building is haunted by the vengeful spirits of a murdered family.
Descendant of the Sun
Shue Sang's Foster Mother
Celebrated director Chu Yuan helms "Descendant Of The Sun", a Superman meets Hercules a la old style martial art film. Derek Yee is a magic solar baby sent Earthbound by a benevolent god, raised by an old carpenter, has martial art superpowers and "green kryptonite" loses them during solar eclipses. That's when the evil baby counterpart shows up. Demon-paced martial arts action by Jackie Chan's kung-fu classmates Yuan Pin and Yuen Hua compliments Toho Studio style special optical effects.
Tales of a Eunuch
Brothel madam
The story follows a "loveable" rascal as he gambles and gets into various bits of trouble with outlaws and rebels. He eventually gets into a situation where he has to impersonate the eunuch servant of an elderly eunuch who is an evil martial art master. This gets the rascal involved with the emperor who is studying martial arts. The whole movie revolves around a quest for all the copies of a special Buddhist text.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Wu Fa's wife
This is an extremely rare example of science fiction, Hong Kong style, but, fittingly, it's unlike any sci-fi flick you've ever seen. Alien abductions, suicide pacts, superstardom, and the reality of science fiction itself is spotlighted in this bright, crazy, truly out of this world epic -- one of the more unusual movies in the Hong Kong cinema of the early 1980s. And if you know 80's Hong Kong cinema at all, you know that's really saying something!
Royal maid
Во времена империи Цин за право стать следующим правителем Китая борются двое сыновей императора, четвёртый наследник Юнчжэн и четырнадцатый — Иньти. Чтобы склонить чашу весов в свою сторону, Юнчжэн получает помощь повстанца Люй Люляна, чья племянница Люй Сынян помогает найти завещание императора с целью исправить его.
The Enchantress
Max Mok is the dashing young swordsman Feng Xiwu who arrives at a beautiful, but deadly location known as Moonlit Sky to investigate rumors of deaths and disappearances there.
The Fake Ghost Catchers
Madam Lin
This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.
Human Lanterns
A psychotic craftsman pits two rival Kung-Fu masters against each other while designing special lanterns from a disturbing source.
The Black Lizard
Old nanny
Young swordsman Lung Fei encounters strange omens portending the death of his fiancee Ting Tzu-chu. His enquiries with the help of Chief Constable Tieh Hu reveal an astounding story.
Amusing Star
Hong Kong comedy starring David Wu and Meg Lam directed by Chi-Lien Yu.
Corpse Mania
Madam Song
A necrophiliac killer is murdering the prostitutes at Madame Lan's brothel.
Haunted Tales
1. A crash leaves a man dead, and his wife badly injured. Soon, he returns as a ghost to try to take her with him. 2. A caretaker wins the lottery thanks to the saucer spirit. Things begin to go wrong when he breaks his promise to it.
Молния кунг-фу
Украдено золото у вдовы императора. По следу посылают полицейского которому дают один месяц на то, что бы разыскать золото и покарать грабителей. Ему предстоит в смертельной схватке с опаснейшим главарем вернуть золото.
Грязный Хо
Brothel Boss Wang
11-ый принц, наследник престола не очень любит двор и его окружение. Его тринадцать братьев, правда, любят его и за него, всячески пытаясь поубивать друг друга в погоне за престолом. Что же касается героя Гордона Лиу, то он вполне доволен своей жизнью инкогнито в окружении предметов искусства. Он практикует кунг-фу, достигнув в этом значительных высот, и однажды берет себе ученика, который даже не догадывается, кто на самом деле его учитель. И все было бы хорошо, но близится время, когда император должен назвать своего преемника, и коварные братья принца без устали засылают к нему под видом коллекционеров антиквариата наемных убийц…
Kung Fu vs. Yoga
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
The Scandalous Warlord
Mrs Chen Zheng
Shaw production
Шаолинь вызывает ниндзя
А-То (Гордон Лиу), молодой сын богатого промышленника, должен жениться на дочери партнера отца, японке, при этом даже ни разу ее не видев до этого. Однако девушка оказывается настоящей красавицей, и А-То без промедления организовывает свадьбу. Впрочем, он не учел "некоторые" различия между нациями, и уже в первые дни "медового месяца" Кудо (так зовут эту японку) начинает ломать стены дома, упражняясь в традиционном японском каратэ. Поругавшись с ней на почве различий в боевых искусств, А-То обижает ее, и Кудо уезжает обратно в Японию, откуда немедля приезжают семь мастеров различных стилей, горящие желанием отомстить за поруганную честь всей нации и на деле выяснить, боевые искусства какой страны наиболее действенны.
Mr. Funnybone Strikes Again
Wife of patient with 3 wives
The beloved king of Hong Kong comic book characters, Old Master Q, is back in live action again by popular demand. This hilarious sequel to Mr Funny-bone finds him, and his delightful sidekick "Big Potato", opening an Old-fashioned healing clinic - leading to a fun and fascinating clash (cultural and otherwise) when the old ways smack face first into ultra-modern Hong Kong. But, this being the great Mr Funny-bone, he triumphs in spite of himself and his large-cranium companion.
Пять злодеев
Yuan Family Member
Умирающий учитель кунг-фу просит своего студента найти пятерых своих бывших учеников, разбредшихся по свету. Каждый из них обучался одному определенному стилю: Сороконожка, Змея, Скорпион, Ящерица и Жаба — и эти пятеро в данный момент ищут сокровища, которые завещал Клану Ядовитых какой-то богатый старик. Герой Сун Чьена должен найти их, узнать, во зло или во благо они собираются использовать эти деньги, и если во зло, убить всех ослушавшихся. Дело осложняется тем, что не все из этих пятерых знают друг друга, а также они не знают, что это за старик, владеющий такими деньгами, что вынуждает героев разбиться на два лагеря, члены каждого из которых не знают оставшихся в лицо.
The Cunning Hustler
Magistrate's wife
Shaw production
Shaolin Mantis
Wai Fung's mother
When scholar Wei Fung is forcibly hired by the Manchu Emperor to infiltrate a clan of rebellious Ming Loyalists, his mission goes adrift when he falls in love with the clan's leader's granddaughter. Wei Fung must choose between his new love and his family, who will be put to death if he doesn't return to the palace successfully.
The Mad Monk Strikes Again
Mother-in-law of pregnant woman
Shaw production
The Dream of the Red Chamber
Md Chow
Pao-yu is in love with his cousin, Lin Tai-yu, but his family has other marital plans for him that will leave both broken-hearted.
The Criminals, Part 4: Assault
Ah Fang's mother
Part 1 : 'Maniac' - A gang is kidnapping and raping young women. Part 2: 'Queen of Temple Street' - A gambling addict sells his wife to a brothel to pay off his debts.
Murder on the Wedding Night
At the wedding feast of Shen Hsiu Chang (Chung Wa), a guest named Tu Fu Liang (Lau Luk Wa) suddenly announces that he had an affair with the bride, Yun Ching . The bridegroom is furious and turns on her. She disappears sadly. The next morning, her headless body is found in a lonely spot. A couple of days later, a hunter named Wu Hsiung finds a badly decomposed human head and returns it to the widower. He is rewarded with 1000 pieces of silver as the bereaved family thinks it is the head of the dead bride.
Mr. Funny Bone
Mrs Xing
The beloved cartoon character Master Q gets a hilarious live-action adaptation in the side-splitting comic adventure Mr. Funny-Bone! Join Master Q for a series of comic vignettes as he attempts to win the heart of the lovely Li Jing. Along for the ride is Master Q's loyal sidekick Potato, a stout fellow who's forever getting into silly mishaps. The pair get involved in plenty of shenanigans and gags, including pratfalls, low-brow bathroom humor, and even some fun fighting sequences.
Killers on Wheels
Michael's Mother
A quasi-vicious motorcycle gang messes with the wrong man.
Farewell to a Warrior
Shaw production
The Last Tempest
Dowager's maid
Despite Kuang Hsu's enthronement as the last reigning Emperor of China, his ability to rule effectively is overshadowed by the ever-present power of the Dowager Empress. When his attempts to reform the Imperial system are thwarted by the Dowager Empress, he attempts to curb her power. His efforts are not successful, and this failure leads directly to his own death and the end of Imperial rule in China. The Dowager Empress, though, ends her days comfortably and in peace.
Fearful Interlude
(segment "The Cold Skeleton")
Accompanied by his old manservant, scholar Sung Li Ho (Hong Hoi) is on his way to the capital for the imperial exam. They spend a night in the house of Mrs. Yuan and Li Ho takes a fancy to her pretty daughter, Pei Fang (Dana). Li Ho is discovered by a maid peeping at Pei Fang as she takes a bath. He slips and falls into the bathtub, creating a most embarrassing situation. His old servant is also implicated and both are beaten up before being thrown out. Continuing their journey in the desolate countryside, they come across woodcutter Hsi Hsueh Kuei who puts them up for the night. Captivated by the beauty of the owner’s two daughters, who are vampires, he spends a night with them and turns into a skeleton. Chased by the vampires, Shun Lai makes a narrow escape.
Big Brother Cheng
Shaw Brothers' number one action hit of 1975, and deservedly so. The character of one-man kung-fu dynamo Big Brother Cheng and kung-fu superstar Chen Kuan-tai were made for each other. A Robin Hood-like restaurant manager who socks it to the thugs in order to make the mean streets of Hong Kong a little less mean, Big Brother Cheng made his first appearance in the extremely popular The Tea House, the success of which spawned this even more successful sequel.
Sorrow of the Gentry
shaw production
Легенда о семи золотых вампирах
Граф Дракула прибывает в китайскую деревеньку, чтоб оказать поддержку шести вампирам, потерявшим седьмого члена своей секты. Тем временем неподалёку проездом оказался профессор Ван Хельсинг, к которому и обратились за помощью местные жители.
Rivals of Kung Fu
De's maid
Huang Fei-hung is back, in a new adventure written and directed by veteran Huang filmmaker Wang Feng. Newcomer Shih Chung-tien stars as the Confucian healer who fights jealous villains with wisdom, intelligence, and fabulous kung-fu.
Hong Kong 73
Wife of scaffolding laborer #2
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
Parade spectator
Director Li Han-hsiang teams up with Michael Hui in this tongue in cheek tale of extramarital affairs and corruption. Michael Hui and Wang Sheng are two loafers who prove they are good for something after all.
Золотой лотос
Фильм снят по известному эротическому древнекитайскому роману «Цзинь, пин, мэй (Цветы сливы в золотой вазе)». Золотой Лотос — имя главной героини романа — девушки с красивой внешностью, но коварным и жестоким характером. Золотыми лотосами в Древнем Китае называли маленькие женские ножки, которые пеленались девочкам с детства. У Цзинь-лянь (Золотой Лотос) ножки были самые маленькие, что считалось главным признаком женского изящества.
The Man with Two Wives
shaw production
Diary of a Lady-Killer
Diary of a Lady-Killer is a murder mystery mixed with erotica. Each time a local playboy has an affair, the lady shows up dead, making him the prime suspect.
The Jade Raksha
Shek Que Shan's wife
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
The Land of Many Perfumes
The Monk, Monkey and Pigsy find themselves in the title realm, where women can only give birth to women...unless loved by a man
Murder in the Bath
Murder mystery.