Donna Gardon


Hello, It's Me
Two years after her husband dies in a sudden accident, Annie and her two children are left to cope with the loss. Annie can't imagine falling in love again, until she meets a wealthy bachelor who is drawn to her free spirit. Afraid to love again, she longs for guidance when she starts to develop feelings for this new man. Her prayers are answered when she starts receiving communications from her late husband that encourage her to follow her heart.
Рождественские страшилки
Script Supervisor
Антология из четырех историй, случившихся на рождественский сочельник. Группа подростков пытается разгадать тайну девочки-призрака, ворующей бетон со стройки. Добропорядочная семья теряет маленького сынишку в лесу во время незаконной вырубки елки, а когда снова его находит — не узнает даже без грима. Еще одно святое семейство открывает мир сказок после встречи с Крампусом — рогатым и косматым звероподобным чудищем демонической наружности. На долю Санта-Клауса выпадает самый трудный рабочий день за все его праздничные смены: трудолюбивые эльфы внезапно превращаются в плотоядных зомби с паршивым характером и рождественскому деду приходится устраивать самый настоящий эльфийский геноцид, защищая свою жизнь с пожарным топором в руках.
Script Supervisor
В недалёком будущем, где фанатизм, направленный в сторону поп-кумиров, дошёл до такой степени, что поклонники с радостью приобретают вирусные заболевания своих идолов в специальных инфекционных лабораториях, которые с такой же радостью их продают.
Oliver Sherman
Script Supervisor
Feeling lost and disconnected, with no family of his own, veteran Sherman Oliver sets out to the countryside in search of the soldier who saved him back in the war. That man, Franklin Page, has long since moved on - to a wife, two children, and a reliable job in a reliably safe and quiet rural town. The stability Franklin worked so hard to establish is soon threatened, and the violence he believed he'd left behind in the war begins to re-emerge and cloud over both the household and the town itself.
Script Supervisor
Фильм поведает историю маленького мальчика, сумевшего в годы Второй мировой войны сбежать из немецкого концентрационного лагеря и стать впоследствии известным поэтом.
Booky Makes Her Mark
Script Supervisor
The Thomsons, like many families, have hit hard times as Thomas can't find steady work. Fifteen year old Booky takes the family situation in stride, being matter-of-fact about being poor. Beyond her loving family, there are some things about her life she likes, such as being the president of her local Deanna Durbin fan club, and going out with a boy named Lorne.
Script Supervisor
During World War II, the usually sleepy town of Gander, Newfoundland is abuzz with activity as the stopover point for many flights between North America and the European Theater. Teenager Terry Fleming, who lives just outside of Gander, is feeling conflicted. He wants to work in Gander so that he can have access to the plethora of movie stars and GIs flying though the area.
DC 9/11: Time of Crisis
Script Supervisor
This is the story of the days directly after 9/11, and the president's whereabouts. Scheduled to air shortly before the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, DC 9/11 takes an inside look at the Bush Administration, beginning with the day of the attacks, and following the President's journey to Ground Zero, culminating with his now famous national address nine days after the attacks.
A Husband, a Wife and a Lover
Script Supervisor
When her cheating husband has a debilitating stroke, a woman invites her lover to move in with them.