Enzo Jannacci

Enzo Jannacci

Рождение : 1935-06-03, Milano, Italy

Смерть : 2013-03-29


Enzo Jannacci


Love & Slaps
A comedy about generational conflict between two parents who do not want to grow old and a seventeen year old daughter who wants to become an adult. During a weekend with some friends in their country house in Tuscany, Marcello and Marina, relieved that the love affair of their teenage daughter Rose with another boy, Luke, is over, prepare to meet their daughter's new boyfriend. The problem is that the two adults, who still feel pretty young, do not know what to expect, and what they are about to discover will leave them speechless ...
Giuseppe Podestà
Papà dice messa
Original Music Composer
Il volatore di aquiloni
Urca (Renato Pozzetto), a young man living in the mountains of Lombardy, takes off with his hang glider to go to finally see the sea. During the voyage flying over Milan, but just as he was admiring the city from an attack of coughing and is forced to crash-land in the San Siro stadium. He discovers the city that his elderly mother had recommended to avoid at all costs, falling in love also noting its strengths and its shortcomings.
A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Bandit
The internal minister's very sophisticated ultra-technological and plated car stops for a mechanical accident in front of a villa. The owner of the villa is De Andreis that immediately offers his help to save the minister entrapped inside the car. Everything has to be done in secret to avoid a scandal within the Roman politic world. Many attempt are done but the result is unexpectedly terrific.
Ночь в Варенне
Italian clown
20 июня 1791 король и королева Франции (Луи XVI и Мария Антуанетт)а пытались бежать из охваченного революцией Парижа, чтобы присоединиться к монархистским союзникам вне Франции, но были арестованы. Этот случай породил пламенную ненависть к монархии. Фильм связан с этим реальным историческим фактом и воображает группу путешественников в дилижансе на той же самой дороге, включая американского патриота Томаса Пэйна, известного соблазнителя Казанову, французского романиста Ретифа де Ла Бретона и одну из фрейлин королевы.
A Canton Ticino family goes up for the weekend to the house in the mountains where the father spent his childhood. The journey to the valley, suffered at intervals by his wife and children, is an obsessive ritual for Alfredo, repeated week after week as he searches for his past.
Original Music Composer
A young busker goes around in Milan with his saxophone, whereby he always plays the same tune and he experiences surrealistic adventures throughout the big city. Meanwhile, a wealthy woman from the local "jet set" falls in love with him.
A young busker goes around in Milan with his saxophone, whereby he always plays the same tune and he experiences surrealistic adventures throughout the big city. Meanwhile, a wealthy woman from the local "jet set" falls in love with him.
A young busker goes around in Milan with his saxophone, whereby he always plays the same tune and he experiences surrealistic adventures throughout the big city. Meanwhile, a wealthy woman from the local "jet set" falls in love with him.
Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra
Original Music Composer
Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra
Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra
Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
Большое варево
Original Music Composer
Неизвестный фильм известных людей... Макс фон Сюдов (Max Von Sydow) в женском платье! ...Леа, главная героиня фильма, приехав из южной провинции в северный город, готовит "Большое варево"... Мужа, к которому она приехала, разбивает удар, и Леа остаётся с ним. Работает в его лотерейной конторе, всеми возможными способами пытается оградить сыночка - студента, единственного оставшегося в живых из всех её многочисленных детей, от всех возможных бед. От всех, значит от всех. В общем, повесть о материнской любви, не знающей преград...
Дурные мысли
Несчастный адвокат Морани! Красавица-жена изменяет ему с первых дней совместной жизни. Мало того, что он рогоносец со стажем, так еще и большой фантазер. Морани настолько живо представляет похождения собственной жены, что ему самому трудно разобраться, где выдумка, а где реальность. Но однажды удача улыбнулась ревнивцу. Он сумел закрыть любовника в кладовке для оружия, но не увидел его лица. Пока злодей томится в ловушке, Морани встречает всех предполагаемых любовников на свободе!
Come ti rapisco il pupo
Original Music Composer
Italy is Rotten
Original Music Composer
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
Паскуалино «Семь красоток»
Original Music Composer
«Чтобы выжить, я готов на все» — говорит Паскуалино, которого прозвали «Семь красоток» за то, что у него было семь сестер, отнюдь не красавиц. Действие в картине разбивается на два параллельных пласта — на его жизнь до войны и на его жизнь в концлагере, куда он попал, дезертировав с восточного фронта.
The Demonic Womanizer Costante Nicosia, or: Dracula in Brianza
A boorish, snobish toothpaste factory owner, Constantino Nicosia, gives his wife and everyone a hard time having let success and wealth go to his head. But after the superticous Nicosia has an encounter with an elderly gypsy aunt, and a business trip to Romania results in another encounter with a suave vampire, named Count Dragalescu, Nicosia returns with blood-sucking like qualities which makes him re-examine his life and existence.
Народный роман
Original Music Composer
Милан, 1970-е годы. Немолодой рабочий активист Джулио знакомится с семнадцатилетней красавицей Винченциной, без памяти влюбляется и женится на ней. Рождается ребёнок. Тем временем Джулио подружился с раненным в стычках с демонстрантами молодым и пригожим полицейским Джованни. Возникает классический любовный треугольник. Когда Джулио застаёт жену с любовником, он приходит в ярость, изгоняет из дома жену с младенцем и пытается покончить с собой. Проходит несколько лет. Джулио уже на пенсии, независимая Винченцина успешно продвинулась по службе на той самой фабрике, откуда ушёл Джулио, а Джованни переведён в другое полицейское управление и женился на другой женщине.
The Audience
Caustic satire on bureaucracy of the Vatican authority and a simple Italian who wants to achieve the audience with the Pope.
The Couples
Three episodes. Episode 1 - The Refrigerator (Monicelli). A married couple of two poor emigrant workers spend almost all their money to buy a refrigerator (a must in the '70s). The purchase is too expensive for their family balance sheet. To earn some money they decide to go for prostitution. The wife is not so unhappy to the perspective. Episode 2 - The Room (Sordi). To celebrate ten years of marriage a couple decides to spend a quick holiday in top luxury hotels in Sardinia. But the fashion luxury VIP world is too hard to enter; they soon will end in prison. Episode 3 - The Lion (De Sica). Two adulterous, Antonio and Giulia, are blocked by a lion, staying on the exit in the place they met. They both have to come back home, but couldn't move because of the lion’s presence. The critical situation soon drives them to their limit, revealing their real essence.
Informazione Leitmotiv. L'informazione è ciò che conta
Quando dico che ti amo
Questi pazzi, pazzi italiani
Горькая жизнь
The ballad singer
На шахте, где провинциальный интеллектуал Лучано Бьянки отвечает за "культурный сектор", происходит авария с многочисленными жертвами. Лучано лишается работы, расстаётся на время с семьёй и, вынашивая план мести руководству угледобывающей компании, переезжает в Милан. Милан - символ экономического роста и обеспеченности, характерных для Италии 60-х годов, и жизнь Лучано резко меняется: он находит новую работу и влюбляется в Анну, молодую "левую" журналистку.
Alfa Omega
A motionless individual in the centre of the frame, from birth to death. The synthesis of human events like nature, religion, love and work take place around him.