Dave Dreyer


Stage to Chino
Original Music Composer
To investigate a gold-shipping scam, a postal inspector goes undercover and tries to infiltrate the gang he believes is responsible.
Bullet Code
Original Music Composer
Protecting himself in an attack by rustlers, Rancher Steve Holden believes he has killed one of the attackers, young Bud Mathews, who in reality has warned Holden of the rustlers' approach. Unaware that Mathews was actually killed by rustler boss Cass Barton, Holden heads out to Mathews' home town where he plans to tell the boy's family of his death but instead uncovers a plan by a local businessman to force Mathews' father out of his ranch.
High Flyers
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
Достойная улица
Music Director
Сестры Фиби и Сьюзан Троссел живут в Англии, на Кволити-стрит, за строгостью нравов на которой следят соседки Виллоуби. За Фиби ухаживает доктор Валентин Браун, который не сделав ожидаемого предложения руки и сердца, уезжает на войну с Наполеоном. Через десять лет, в течение которых сестры содержали школу для детей, он возвращается и остается разочарован внешним видом Фиби, превратившейся в старую деву. В тот же вечер он знакомится в доме сестер и приглашает на бал их очаровательную племянницу Ливви, не узнав в ней Фиби, решившую вспомнить, что она еще молода и хороша собой...
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