Christian IV
Egon Olsen is commissioned to help a baron with an insurance fraud. As the dividend can finance Basse's wedding, even Valborg accepts the plans.
Christian IV
Эгону предлагают самое простое дело за всю его жизнь - имитировать кражу древней китайской вазы династии Минь. И, как оно обычно бывает, простое дело оказывается совсем непростым, и невиновный Эгон попадает за решётку. На этот раз к нему на выручку бросается... Ивонна, у которой свои виды на Ольсена. Эгон свободен... Но обида и ярость толкают его на изощрённую месть обидчику. Вот только какие плоды принесут его гениальные планы и сладостна ли свобода на самом деле?
Stine is now eleven and her life and world in a Copenhagen suburb's modern social housing is portrayed in episodes around her family, friends and school.
Staranwalt (dem die Bande das Silber stiehlt)
Банда Ольсена снова занята делом. На этот раз Эгон разработал потрясающий по дерзости и гениальности план - среди бела дня ограбить инкассаторскую машину банка, охраняемую полицией. Самое забавное - то, что ограбленные вплоть до возвращения в банк не подозревают, что их обвели вокруг пальца. Наконец-то Ольсену удалось совершить ограбление века! Но, как оказалось, удержать в руках четыре миллиона непросто - они переходят из рук в руки, как мяч в футбольной игре... И команда, забившая первый гол, не всегда побеждает... Но само зрелище доставит удовольствие!
Residents of the old house are quite happy with their existence. But once they find out that the authorities plan to demolish the entire neighborhood including their house in order to build a business center they decide to unite and fight the plan...
Peter Halvorsen
Anders Munk
Godsejer Martin Kaas
På godset Næsbygaard går den gamle godsejer og savner barnebarnet Martin, der er på en kvægfarm i Texas for at lære noget om landbrug. Skytten på godset er syg, så stutterimesteren må passe hans job også. Det er netop i en tid, hvor han træner hårdt til galop løbet om Kongens ærespræmie. For at hjælpe på humøret får de besøg af nogle københavnske feriebørn. Da der opstår store problemer omkring krybskytteri på godsets jord er børnene med til at opklare sagen. Stutterimesteren kommer til skade og det ser ud til at godsets hest ikke kan deltage i det store galop løb. Men heldigvis kommer unge Martin hjem fra Texas i rette tid...
Продолжение увлекательной комедии Бей первым, Фредди — истории Фредди Хансена, необычного агента, не по своей воле вовлеченного в жестокий и загадочный мир секретных служб.
Godsejer Martin Kaas
Lykkes far - Overretssagfører Harald Hummeltofte
-En gammel godsejers eneste datter er død i Italien, efter at hun forlod familien for 15 år siden. Hjem til Danmark kommer nu hendes søn. Han truer godsejerens nevø for sin arv, hvorfor nevøen iværksætter flere planer for at bringe drengen i ugunst hos hans bedstefar. Planerne lykkes næsten, men takket være hjælp fra bl.a. præsten ender historien med en forening mellem barnebarnet og bedstefaderen.
A Day Without Lies
Det Støver Stadig er den anden film i den populære "Støv-serie" (Støv På Hjernen, Støv For Alle Pengene). Atter stod Arvid Müller og Aage Stentoft for det festlige manuskript, der introducerede nye sæder og skikke på det danske boligmarked. Man genkender let det lille samfund i "sovebyen", men store omvæltninger har fundet sted siden sidst, for beboerne på Solvænget har - med kommunestøtte - købt den ejendom, de bor i, og (- så kom noget, dengang, helt nyt) hustruerne har måttet tage arbejde for at klare økonomien! Helt forrygende er fru Rigmor Hansen (Bodil Udsen) som bestyrerinde af et Quick-vaskeri. Hendes "sandheder" om det nye dagligliv i Danmark sidder klokkeklart - og er evigt unge. Ejendommens første generalforsamling med gutterne i opgangen - og aflæggelse af første års regnskab, er gyldne scener fra dansk familiefilms guldalder.
Manden, der har 19 års bryllupsdag
Teaterdirektør Thomsen
Director Paul Borg (Ebbe Langberg) neglects his young, beautiful wife Marianne (Ghita Nørby). He even forget their wedding day, in favor of a new fast sports car, a beautiful silver-gray Jaguar. During his drive, he runs out of gas. A young lady Laura Lublinski (Hanne Borchsenius), helps him and he takes an innocent flirtation with her. When Marianne learns this, she moves home and dump into an artist community with Jenny (Bodil Steen), Ovengaden of water 52 in Christianshavn. Here she takes the unrepentant Don Juan, Mario (Dario Campeotto) and the guitar-playing Eigil (Dirch compatible).
17 -year-old May will by crook career on " the boards " - she will show that she can sing and have talent - and in its endeavors sticking her " a spoke in the wheel" for many. Several are the hardships she exposes its surroundings , to reach his goal. Although the whole thing is a joke - it becomes pretty " serious " when she torpedoing - with a bull's-eye - an engagement , then the " blow up " and with it, the economic basis of the Danish Advertising Television - the film is! But everything ends well - as befits - engagement and øresund television rescued .
Rektor Koch
Vi er i krigsåret 1658 og vinteren i februar er så hård, at bælterne er frosset til. Den svenske Kong Karl den 10. Gustav, der er ankommet Tyskland opholder sig nu i Jylland. Han kan, sammen med sin hær gå over bælterne og videre mod København. Svend Gønge får en særdeles vanskelig opgave af Frederik den 3.: 50.000 rigsdaler, der tilhører kongen, skal bringes fra Vordingborg Kirke til København.
Professor Martens
A portion of the tail of a prehistoric reptile is discovered in Denmark. It regenerates into the entire reptile, which proceeds to destroy buildings and property and generally make a nuisance of itself. It can fly, swim, and walk, and has impenetrable scales, which makes it difficult to kill.
Prokurist Smith
Фильм снят по мотивам одноименного романа Торри Гредстера. Герой картины — мальчишка по имени Пау, родом с Карибских островов, чей отец был датским моряком, женившимся на карибской девушке. Мальчик потерял своих родителей и вынужден был переехать в Данию к тете. В новой и чуждой для него стране Пау сталкивается с издевательствами других детей и становится изгоем маленького городка. "Цветного" мальчика никто не хочет принимать, кроме старого рыбака Андерса, такого же одинокого и непонятного для многих. Но над их дружбой нависла угроза и Пау решает бежать от навалившихся на него проблем в ближайший лесок. Там он чувствует себя гораздо лучше среди деревьев, напоминающих ему о родных тропических джунглях, и среди зверушек, нуждающихся в его заботе. Но все не так просто: вряд ли Пау оставят в покое, так как лес является частной собственностью...
Danish comedy from 1958.
Skibsreder Johannes Christensen
Varehusdirektør Hallgren
Tag til marked i Fjordby is a 1957 Danish comedy film directed by Poul Bang and starring Dirch Passer.
Three girls (around 20 years old) who have grown up in different parts of Denmark get a strange letter. It turns out they are sisters, and will inherit from their late mother, if the can stay together one month in the same house. They end up in a lot of (romantic) trouble, because of speculations of who their father(s) might be.
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
A tale of wealthy youth in post-WWII Copenhagen.
Stenbeck, Rodians forlægger
Crime writer Rodian moves into a hotel which used to be the hideout for the thief Mathisen and his gang. However, when Rodian has gone to bed and fallen asleep, Mathisen reads the writer's manuscripts and copies the fictional crimes. This gets Rodian in trouble...
"Direktøren", filmproducent
Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...
Hr. Carlsen
О жизни одной датской семьи, где не всё благополучно. Старший сын Эрик связался с воровской компанией. Дочь Майю выгнали с работы, и она, поссорившись с отцом, ушла из дому. У Лайфа вечные неполадки в школе, а у отца много работы, он мало отдыхает, трудится вечерами, и от этого у него побаливает сердце. Весь этот груз в первую очередь ложится на плечи матери. Но своей настойчивостью и любовью она устраняет все неприятности и уверена, что больше ей не придётся краснеть за своих детей.
Dr. med. Hans Kerner
The young mechanic Borge Rasmussen works in Salling Harbour and lives with the slightly older Marinus Frederiksen, who chairs the city's port workers. Marinus sees in Borge, who has lost his parents, his only friend and is easily influenced by his extremist views.
Fourteen-year-old Jan and his companion Erling appear as extras in a film being filmed at Nordisk Film's studios in Valby. A mysterious burglary at the studio's fine mechanics workshop gives the two healthy boys the opportunity to act as detectives.
It's all about an anonymous little gray book originating from sexually advanced Paris. The book doesn't look like much, but shouldn't be judged by its cover. Wherever this book goes, something will happen. And for sure, this book goes around.
Blom - bankdirektør
Landsretssagfører Otto Wilmer
Behind the red gates lies Dyrehaven with the green beeches and the famous zoo hill - the motley world of clowns. Professor Labardi is behind the popular singer pavilion, where his young daughter, Gulnare, performs. After a rainy summer, there is an economic low tide on Bakken, and the family is tempted to seek help from Gulnare's enterprising suitor, Carlo Petersen. But Professor Labardi carries a secret: the clown family has family ties to the fine legal world outside the gates. There is conflict, money transactions, love, hypocrisy and villainous streaks when the fine world and the hill folk meet. Behind the Red Gates is a terrific folk comedy that takes us behind the attractions at the traditional amusement park in Klampenborg.
Behind the red gates lies Dyrehaven with the green beeches and the famous zoo hill - the motley world of clowns. Professor Labardi is behind the popular singer pavilion, where his young daughter, Gulnare, performs. After a rainy summer, there is an economic low tide on Bakken, and the family is tempted to seek help from Gulnare's enterprising suitor, Carlo Petersen. But Professor Labardi carries a secret: the clown family has family ties to the fine legal world outside the gates. There is conflict, money transactions, love, hypocrisy and villainous streaks when the fine world and the hill folk meet. Behind the Red Gates is a terrific folk comedy that takes us behind the attractions at the traditional amusement park in Klampenborg.
A dangerous prison escaper, a young Jutland woman, and a bank clerk, who has just deprived his employer of some cash and is now headed abroad, meet on a lyntog (literally "lightning train") from Arhus to Copenhagen.
1914. The monarchs of Sweden, Denmark and Norway meet to demonstrate unity. In the crowd is a beautiful noble woman from Finland. She is eagerly courted by the monarch's aides.
Many people are preparing their lives for a lifetime, to make it safe and secure. And then the fate's game of 24 hours can overturn everything.
Julius Sander
Dr. Olaf Martin
Café Paradis is an award-winning Danish film made in 1950, directed by Bodil Ipsen and Lau Lauritzen Jr., and written by Johannes Allen. The film received the Bodil Award for Film of the Year, and Ib Schønberg, for what is regarded his finest performance, received the Bodil Award for Best Supporting Actor.
The estate Hjortholm is rescued from bankruptcy, as the pleasant doctor Christian Riis fetches the young engineer Erik Kongsted to the estate.
Tysk sendebud
Двое актёров путешествуют по миру, выступая в роли профессиональной танцевальной пары, которая с трудом сводит концы с концами. Йон — мечтатель, а Ирена — приземленный реалист. Ирена расширяет свой образ, изображая разочарованную женщину, отражающую тяжелую жизнь, через которую она прошла. Разочарованный оптимизм Йон переходит к насилию, что приводит к драматическим последствиям.
Soya's satirist take on variations of Danes, who willingly or unwillingly came to deal with German troops during the five year Second World War occupation.
In a train on its way through the bombed out Germany are a bunch of happy American soldiers. They are going to Copenhagen for some R&R. One of them is John Petersen, a lieutenant in the American army and another is his friend Bill. They are talking about how much they are looking forward to a rest in Denmark and John Petersen who is of Danish descent talks about his native Copenhagen.
Godsejer Joachim Fries-Olsen
Compilation film about Denmark's role in the Second World War.
О борьбе датских патриотов с фашистскими оккупантами. Герой фильма Поуль тайно возвращается из эмиграции в Данию. Он активный член подпольной организации, члены которой совершают крупные диверсии: взрывают склады боеприпасов, мосты, электростанции. Друг детства Поуля, Эрген, не понимает смысла этой борьбы, которую ведет его друг и его товарищи. Однако. столкнувшись ближе с людьми, которые, не щадя своей жизни, борются за освобождение родины от фашизма, Эрген берется заменить погибшего Поуля в проведении очень сложной операции.
Humorous short film about burglary prevention and robbery. A journalist and a press photographer come in possession of a couple of magical gallows who can make them invisible. Immediately, they see their cut to leverage the shoe's features to catch thieves on fresh deed - and get a good story on the cover!
Propaganda film for diphtheria vaccination. The film shows drastically how many carriers can be found among us. Every 11th Dane is a carrier of diphtheria! There are as many deaths a week as there were deaths throughout 1939. It is the duty of every citizen to be vaccinated.
Peter Soeborg and Susanne have been happily married for a month. He is a postman, but very gifted voice and in a couple of years participated as korherre Alhambra Theatre's operettas. Peter and especially his cute little wife proud dreams for the future, and their mutual friend, the old dresser Kragelund, who lives in the same house, also believe in Peter's abilities. There has to be premiered at the operetta "Love", and Peter hopes to be considered. But it should prove to be quite easy.
The beauty of the islands is depicted in this Danish short documentary.
Frugtplantageejer Steen
The celebrated actor George Bergmann has four divorces behind him. When his four former wives get the impression that he is cozying up to a very young actress, they feel that they must take action. However, this leads to various misunderstandings and complications, which partly involves the former wives' new men and partly the young girl's strict parents.
After three long years, the young legal secretary Bodil is reunited with his former girlfriend Carsten. Their love affair flares up again, but unfortunately Bodil has meanwhile come a little too close to his boss' son, the skirt hunter Hugo. And he has no intention of making Bodil happy.
Redaktør Poulsen
One night there is a terrible accident in the little station town of Bredsted. The young son of the rich Mogens Kragfelt is struck by the Natekspressen (P. 903) near the station. Police chief Aagesen sends the young detective officer Lund (Jørn Jeppesen) to investigate the case, where there are various mysterious circumstances, among other things there are traces of fights at the rails just where Kragfelt was crossed.
Præsten Paaske
A marine musical comedy from Denmark.
Redaktør Brandt
A really nice mood bomb from Danish films golden age in the comedy genre! Peter Malberg is the somewhat goofy - but very much in love author Peter Strøm. He has fallen for the publisher's daughter, Else Fischer (played by one of the 30s biggest divas, Gull-Maj Norin). The same has just happened to the bright journalist Fritz Faber, who also intends to fight for the young Else. Naturally, this creates the classic intricacy and it all happens on board the Great America-steamer.
Ole Petersen
dansk film skal bare ses
Snushanerne is a 1936 Danish film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
Anno 1826. Grethi Birger is 17 years old and is now all alone in the world. Her mother is dead, and she has never known her father. Grethi are now looking for the mother's only sister, aunt Birger who has a laundry in a remote provincial town. Aunt is of strictly religious disposition, receiving sister daughter with cool goodness. When the young county clerk Peer discovers that Grethi is heir to a large fortune from his father, he plans to marry her without telling anything about the legacy.
dansk film der bare skal ses