Stanton W. Kamens


Forever 16
Executive Producer
Sixteen-year old Raven Highgate is not your average teenager, she is a vampire and this is her umpteenth time attending a new high school to keep her identity hidden. But when a local cop reveals she knows Raven's secret and offers to introduce Raven to others of her kind in exchange for help catching a murderer loose in the school, Raven has no choice but to accept. . .but at what cost?
Forever 16
Sixteen-year old Raven Highgate is not your average teenager, she is a vampire and this is her umpteenth time attending a new high school to keep her identity hidden. But when a local cop reveals she knows Raven's secret and offers to introduce Raven to others of her kind in exchange for help catching a murderer loose in the school, Raven has no choice but to accept. . .but at what cost?
Deadly Honeymoon
Handsome silver spoon Texan Trevor Forrest can't always control his tendencies to flirt and gamble, even on honeymoon cruise to Tahiti with Lindsey Ross Forrest, which may compromise their business ambitions. The ship captain asks FBI agent Gwen Merced, on cruise, to investigate discretely when Trevor goes missing, probably fallen or pushed overboard as blood traces are found. It's unclear whether the Hungarian business trio Luka, Max and Ben are innocent flirtatious gamblers like Trevor or criminals, but others have hidden agendas too.
Executive Producer
A young couple (Mark and Jamie) embezzle money from their parents and elope in a rented plane. When the plane crashes, Mark must decide between saving the girl or go with the money. She dies by drowning; over time, Mark starts a new life, becoming a respected man, married with a 7 year old daughter. When she falls ill and urgently needs a kidney transplant, Mark must return to find his family, who believe him dead, to find a matching donor to save his daughter ...
Executive Producer
Уолтер Уэйкфилд переезжает в маленький городок в поисках мести за смерть сестры, где влюбляется в женщину Линду, которая гораздо старше его. На душе у нее тоже имеются похожие шрамы, она хочет отомстить за смерть своего мужа…
The Secret Lives of Second Wives
Executive Producer
Lynn Hughes finds that marriage the second time around is far from idyllic when the ex wife and her children return to manipulate her husband Jack.
Загадки Сфинкса
Executive Producer
Кэрин Пэрр все время считала своего отца тихим домоседом, пока однажды им не стали известны обстоятельства гибели ее деда. Его смерть оказалась неразрывно связна с мифическим существом, хранящим древние секреты Египта — Сфинксом. Только после этого отец решается рассказать дочери всю правду о прошлом и о своей работе в секретном правительственном подразделении несколько лет назад. Настало время для решительных действий. Вооружившись всем необходимым, они вместе с дочерью отправляются в Каир, чтобы расшифровать семь смертельных загадок Сфинкса. Для этого им понадобится вся их находчивость и сноровка, ведь Сфинкс не прощает ошибок.
Дневник смерти
Executive Producer
Сара влюбляется в отца-одиночку Пола. Они женятся, и Сара становится не только женой, но еще и мачехой для дочери Пола — Лилиан. Начинается их совместная семейная жизнь и вместе с ней начинается череда непонятных пугающих событий. Что за рок преследует их? Откуда исходит смертельная угроза?...
I Know What I Saw
Executive Producer
Mourning the loss of her father, who committed suicide, Mackenzie starts having hallucinations of killing people. They seem so real that she's convinced she's been committing these crimes; however, she can find no evidence to support this. Is she losing her marbles, or is there something sinister at work around her?
My Neighbor's Keeper
Executive Producer
Kate Powell was a happy housewife with her husband Tim and accepted working with small children in hospital who lack motherly love. When her best friend Ann Harding gets murdered at Halloween, she becomes her little kids Logan and Ellie's surrogate mother, while widower Mike Harding, who wasn't home again, blames himself for having put his business before his marriage, and gets rid of some of his materialistic show pieces. Then the theory rises that Kate may have wanted kids too much...
Judicial Indiscretion
Executive Producer
A federal judge’s life is disrupted by sexual assault, blackmail and murder after she’s put on the shortlist to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.
На грани риска
Executive Producer
Новобрачная Венди Крус в шоке — ее жених арестован ФБР и обвинен в убийстве! Чтобы помочь любимому, Венди решает провести собственное расследование и тайно внедриться в преступную группировку…
Under the Mistletoe
Executive Producer
At Christmas, the tables turn on on a selfless single mom when a local radio station takes over her love life thanks to an innocent call from her young son.
Ее роковой недостаток
Executive Producer
Высокопоставленный политик найден убитым в гостиничном номере в Чикаго. Все собранные на месте преступления улики указывают на то, что убийство совершил состоятельный чикагский бизнесмен Роберт Дженаро. В скором времени Дженаро оказывается в почти полном одиночестве и понимает, что единственный человек, кому он может доверять — его невеста Лэйни Хенесси, к которой он обращается за моральной и юридической защитой. В ходе расследования обстоятельств преступления Хенесси сталкивается с некоторыми нелицеприятными фактами и оказывается втянутой в запутанную сеть шантажа, убийства и обмана, которые угрожают разрушить её карьеру и её любовь. Чем ближе адвокат подбирается к истине, тем дальше она отходит от любимого человека. Хенесси приходится решать дилемму — знать ли ей всю правду о своём женихе или уничтожить свою, до того времени вполне безоблачную, жизнь. Станет ли это решение «её роковым недостатком»?
The Secrets of Comfort House
Executive Producer
A multiple murder investigation in a small hunting town focuses on one suspect, Wendy Sinclair, who operates a battered women's shelter where each of the victims' wives have sought shelter.
To Have and to Hold
Executive Producer
Tom hasn't been what you'd call the most faithful husband, and now he's gotten himself mixed up with a bad girl named Lisa. After their scandalous affair, Tom kicks Lisa to the curb and she vows to get revenge.
Four Extraordinary Women
Executive Producer
John's mother was diagnosed, then his nanny. After that, his sister. And finally, his wife. This is the unbelievable (and unbelievably poignant) tale, inspired by actual events, of four courageous women who battled breast cancer, and the man who loved them all.
My Silent Partner
Executive Producer
A San Francisco policewoman accepts a favor from a local crime boss to counter a nasty child custody battle with her ex-husband, and finds herself dangerously entangled with the mob.
Mind Games
Executive Producer
A woman puts her own life on the line by helping a private investigator gather evidence against her potentially dangerous husband.
Veiled Truth
Executive Producer
A woman's past comes back to haunt her when the pimp she helped put behind bars is released and after revenge.
12 часов чтобы жить
Executive Producer
Это был явно не ее день, не только потому, что Эми похитил сумасшедший вооруженный бандит, но и потому что ей очень был нужен инсулин, без которого она не могла жить. Теперь агенту ФБР Меган Саундерс предстоит найти их. Но удастся ли ей обогнать время и спасти Эми, пока девушка еще жива?
Ties That Bind
Executive Producer
A young married couple find their relationship and their lives threatened after a beautiful and dangerous seductress moves into their pool house.
Lesser Evil
Executive Producer
When Karen finally gathers up the courage to go to the police after she is raped, she's shocked to learn that the cops won't do a thing about it! So this gutsy gal goes up against a federal law-enforcement agency in order to make sure her attacker is thrown behind bars once and for all. You'll cheer Karen on as she fights for justice.
Double Cross
Executive Producer
Two women jokingly agree to kill each others' husbands. Then one really does and blackmails the other into killing her own.
Executive Producer
A reporter is killed whilst investigating a story & her college friend and former professor join forces to try and find out who killed her.
Праздник для двоих
Executive Producer
Пытаясь спасти маленькую местную газету «Голос округа Мэрии» от поглощения крупным преуспевающим издательством «The Sun», Лиз Мэдисон создает колонку, посвященную Рождеству, которая быстро завоевывает популярность у читателей. Ведущий автор «The Sun» Том Лейн по поручению главного редактора Вики Шоу открывает такую же рубрику, успешно конкурирующую с детищем Лиз благодаря его таланту и неординарности. Взаимное притяжение, соперничество и ненависть перерастают в глубокое чувство. С приближением Рождества Лиз и Том осознают, что настоящий праздник — быть вместе…
Home for the Holidays
Executive Producer
After their parents are killed in a terrible accident, the four McMurrin children live with their loving Aunt Martha. Martha wants to adopt the children but the town's bitter old banker stands in their way. However, the children's courage and ingenuity triumph and they become a family just before the holidays.
Stranger in My Bed
Executive Producer
To escape her abusive spouse, Sarah fakes her own death and flees. Seems like a good plan, right? Sadly, it doesn't take her estranged husband long to get wise and hunt her down. This game between them will turn deadly and it looks like only one will survive.
Deck the Halls
Executive Producer
In the tradition of such classic films as "Miracle On 34th Street", a hip, eccentric marketing genius teaches a widow and her son the miracle of Christmas.
Secret Lives
Executive Producer
An art professor is informed that the husband she thought died ten years before has just been murdered. So she starts to research her husband's secret life in search of the reason he disappeared and who might have killed him.
Blind Injustice
A blind woman finds herself the target of an attacker again after the person originally convicted of her rape is found to be innocent of the crime.
Роковая встреча
Executive Producer
В отчаянии от уверенности в измене постоянно «занятого» мужа Джессика договариваетсяо свидании с Маркосом, своим давним школьным другом. Муж развеивает подозрения Джессики и отношения супругов вновь налаживаются, однако настойчивые домогательства Маркоса заставляют Джессику обратиться в полицию. Помощник окружного прокурора Лиз предупреждает ее о маниакальных наклонностях Маркоса и разрабатывает операцию по его обличению, Однако, не открывая Джессике всей правды, Лиз ставит ее под угрозу роковой встречи…
Criminal Intent
Executive Producer
Devon Major thought that his share of difficulties were over. Having gone through a difficult divorce with his wife he was now on the way to rebuilding his life when tragedy strikes leaving him in a fight for his freedom and his innocence. Devons' beautiful ex-wife is found viciously murdered, and all evidence points to Devon. In desperation Devon turns to Susan Grace the lawyer who represented his ex-wife during their divorce. Although initially reluctant and unconvinced of Devon's innocence Susan finds herself agreeing to take on the case and finds that the path to justice can often lead to betrayal, deception and murder.
Snowman's Pass
Executive Producer
Still struggling to accept her fiancé's death in a rock climbing accident, mountain guide Diana Pennington gratefully accepts industrialist Curt Seaver's offer to find the body using a new satellite imagery technology his company has developed. But while traversing the legendary "Snowman's Pass" with Curt and his companions Hugo and Tyler, Diana is horrified to discover the search for her fiancé is a decoy; they are in fact hunting for a fallen spy satellite, property of an enemy foreign power. Barely escaping with her life, Diana finds herself pursued through the cold and threatening mountains in a deadly cat and mouse game, with only a backpack full of climbing gear and her instincts to defend herself against the dangerous, and increasingly desperate men.
Eve's Christmas
Executive Producer
A wealthy and successful career woman gets a second chance in life when a magical wish transports her back in time eight years to when she walked away from her fiance to lead a business life in New York.