John Hastings Turner


It Happened to One Man
Theatre Play
A film directed by Paul L. Stein.
The Night of the Party
Theatre Play
A major newspaper publisher dies in suspicious circumstances during a parlour game at a dinner party. The publishers secretary is the obvious suspect, but the inspector isn't so sure ...
The Night of the Party
A major newspaper publisher dies in suspicious circumstances during a parlour game at a dinner party. The publishers secretary is the obvious suspect, but the inspector isn't so sure ...
Murder at Monte Carlo
A professor comes up with a system to win at roulette, and goes to the famous casino at Monte Carlo to try it out. When he turns up murdered and his "system" missing, a reporter sets out to find the killer--and the system.
The Great Defender
Sir Douglas Rolls is a highly respected defence lawyer of many years experience. Now in rapidly failing health, he is advised to retreat from the courtroom and pursue more pleasurable activities. But it is just at this point in his life that his great lost love a woman his own strong sense of duty led him to give up twenty years ago, and whom he still loves deeply walks into his chambers to ask that he defend her adulterous husband, now to stand trial for murder. Reluctantly agreeing to take on the case, Sir Douglas soon finds there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Профессор Морлант, британский египтолог, желает обрести бессмертие, используя силу драгоценного камня, найденного в древней восточной гробнице. После смерти Морлант возвращается в мир живых, чтобы отомстить тем, кто украл драгоценный камень из его склепа.
The Silver Greyhound
A British crime thriller film directed by William C. McGann
A Voice Said Goodnight
A British crime film directed by William C. McGann
Help Yourself
British comedy directed by John Daumery ...