Paco Manzanedo

Paco Manzanedo


Paco Manzanedo


Raquel, a fifteen years old girl, behaves in a strange and aggressive way with her surroundings. He does not speak or relate as he has always done. Nobody knows what's wrong with her and she doesn't tell anything.
Seattle is a love story between Iván, a pilot, and Amanda, a stewardess, through their meetings in hotels around the world.
A shy, young woman has reasons to suspect that her enigmatic boyfriend is cheating on her. Determined to reveal the truth she’ll discover a sinister secret that will turn her life into an endless nightmare.
The Final
You, Queer
A story about love, friendship and loneliness that throws a glance at the gay universe in today's Spain. Julian, trying to forget an ex boyfriend, takes refuge in sporadic encounters and occasional dates with random men. Based on Julián Almazán and Alfonso Casas' comic book.
The Olive Tree
Alma’s family has been producing quality olive oil in the Baix Maestrat area of Spain’s Castellón for generations. Yet changing pressures in the industry have made their traditional practices economically untenable, and the family is now in the mass-production poultry business. Alma’s grandfather has not spoken in years. Sadness envelopes him, and he no longer wants to eat. His sons—Alma’s father and uncle—are impatient with him, but Alma understands her grandfather. She realizes he has been grieving for a thousand-year-old olive tree that the family has uprooted and sold to pay some debts. (A sadly common reality in Castellón at present.) Unable to bear the idea that her grandfather could die without seeing this terrible wrong corrected, Alma undertakes a quixotic mission to locate the tree and return it to the family orchard, so that her grandfather may have peace in his final days.
В картине пойдет речь о первых 40 днях, последовавших вслед за воскресением Христа. Основным персонажем станет атеистически настроенный римский центурион, которого прокуратор Иудеи, Понтий Пилат, посылает разузнать с чем связаны слухи о воскресении Христа, а также попытаться отыскать тело этого новоявленного мессии.
Óscar and Fon are friends and war reporters. They are kidnapped in a basement, in a foreign country, over three thousand miles from home.
Репортаж: Апокалипсис
Анхела приходит в себя на корабле посреди океана. После вспышки эпидемии неизвестного вируса, превращающего людей в зомби, ученые решили изолировать инфицированных, но не заболевших людей, чтобы исследовать природу заразы. На специально оборудованном бывшем нефтяном танкере есть все необходимое оборудование для проведения лабораторных экспериментов. Но, ни ученые, ни команда даже не догадываются, что их ждет. Ведь инфицированные несут в себе гибель для всего человечества.
Герой фильма — журналист Маркос Вела, пишущий для престижных гастрономических журналов. Взявшись за написание статьи про подпольные рестораны он, неожиданно для себя, открывает тайну некоторых из них. Журналист оказывается втянут в историю с богатыми людьми, платящими безумные деньги за возможность попробовать изысканные блюда, приготовленные из человеческой плоти…
Flowers From Another World
Joven Bar
Patricia, a woman from Dominican Republic, needs a home and an economic security that her illegal status in Madrid does not provide her. Milady, twenty, born in Havana and dying to travel the world. Marirosi has a job, a home, and the most complete solitude... just like Alfonso, Damián and Carmelo, men from the St. Eulalia, a village lacking both marrying women and future. A bachelors' party forces the encounter between them and the beginning of this bittersweet story of sharing a living.