Donald Woods

Donald Woods

Рождение : 1906-12-02, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

Смерть : 1998-03-05


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Donald Woods (born Ralph Lewis Zink, December 2, 1906 – March 5, 1998) was a Canadian-American film and television actor whose career in Hollywood spanned six decades. Born in Brandon, Manitoba, Woods moved with his family to California and was raised in Burbank. A son of William and Margaret Zink, Presbyterians of German descent. His younger brother, Clarence Russell Zink, also became an actor (Russ Conway). Woods graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, and made his film debut in 1928. His screen career was spent mostly in B movies, for example as lawyer Perry Mason in the 1937 film The Case of the Stuttering Bishop. He also occasionally played major roles in bigger feature films like A Tale of Two Cities (1935), Anthony Adverse (1936), Watch on the Rhine (1943), The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1944), and Roughly Speaking (1945). Of considerable importance to his acting career were several seasons as leading man with the Elitch Gardens Theatre Company in Denver, Colorado, where he performed in 1932, 1933, 1939, 1941, 1947, and 1948. In the early days of television, Woods starred as the title character in the 1951 syndicated TV series Craig Kennedy, Criminologist, and he was the host of Damon Runyon Theater on CBS-TV. He played himself on the dramatic series Hotel Cosmopolitan, also on CBS, and he was one of three hosts of The Orchid Award on ABC-TV. He portrayed Walter Manning on Portia Faces Life on CBS. He also appeared in such anthology series as The Philco Television Playhouse, Armstrong Circle Theatre, Robert Montgomery Presents, The United States Steel Hour, Crossroads, and General Electric Theater. On April 11, 1961, Woods appeared as "Profesor Landfield" in the episode "Two for the Gallows" on NBC's Laramie western series. Series character Slim Sherman (John Smith) is hired under false pretenses to take Landfield into the Badlands to seek gold. Landfield, however, is really Morgan Bennett, a member of the former Henry Plummer gang who has escaped from prison. Slim has no idea that Lanfield is seeking the loot that his gang had hidden away. Series character Jess Harper (Robert Fuller), Pete Dixon, played by Warren Oates, and Pete's younger brother soon come to Slim's aid. The title stems from the talk that the undisciplined Dixon brothers might eventually wind up on a hangman's noose. Woods later was a regular in the role of John Brent on the short-lived series Tammy and made guest appearances on Bat Masterson, Wagon Train, Ben Casey, 77 Sunset Strip, Hawaiian Eye, Stoney Burke, Bourbon Street Beat, Bonanza, Coronet Blue, Ironside, Alias Smith and Jones, The Wild Wild West and Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law, among many others before retiring from acting in 1976. Besides his film career, he also worked as a successful real estate broker in Palm Springs where he lived with his wife, childhood sweetheart Josephine Van der Horck. They were married from 1933 until his death and had two children, Linda and Conrad. He was interred at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Cathedral City, California.


Donald Woods


Настоящее мужество
Упрямая молодая особа нанимает нашего героя — бесстрашного «одинокого волка», одноглазого служителя закона, Рустера Когберна, чтобы найти убийцу своего отца, который скрылся с её фамильными сбережениями. «Заказчица» ставит совершенно невыносимое для нашего героя условие — она настаивает на своём участии в розыске преступника. Ситуация превращается из катастрофической в безнадёжную, после того как к ним присоединяется неопытный и излишне деятельный техасский рэйнджер.
Istanbul Express
An art dealer on a special mission is pulled into dangerous intrigue while railway detective Cheval tries to help and pursues criminals on the Istanbul Express.
A Time to Sing
Vernon Carter
A young farmer becomes a singer against the wishes of his uncle.
Tammy and the Millionaire
John Brent
A bayou girl (Debbie Watson) and her kin (Frank McGrath, Denver Pyle) have run-ins with some rich folks.
Пятое измерение
Агент американской разведки совместно с китайской коллегой и с помощью пояса, позволяющего путешествовать во времени, пытается помешать китайскому преступному клану импортировать в Лос-Анджелес материалы для создания атомной бомбы.
Moment to Moment
Mr. Singer
When an erring wife's supposedly dead lover turns up an amnesiac, it's her unsuspecting shrink husband who's enlisted to get those memories back.
Целуя кузин
General Alvin Donford
Начальство посылает американского офицера Джоша Моргана к его дальним родственникам Татумам. Его задача — убедить семейство Татумов продать их землю, на которой согласно армейским планам должен быть построен ракетный комплекс. Прибыв на место, Джош натыкается на своего двойника — оказывается, один из Татумов похож на него как две капли воды.
Five Minutes to Live
Kenneth Wilson
A guitar playing killer terrorizes a housewife while his partner robs the bank where her husband works.
13 призраков
Cyrus Zorba
Умерший в затворничестве доктор Зорба оставляет свой особняк племяннику Сайрусу и его семье. Где-то в доме спрятаны деньги, однако вместе с имуществом доктора Сайрус унаследовал и коллекцию из 13 призраков.
I'll Give My Life
This story opens with John Bradford throwing a graduation party for his son, Jim, who has just earned a degree in engineering. John has planned to make his son a partner in his engineering firm for many years. However, Jim has decided to enter the ministry.
A Wind from the South
Set in Ireland, the story centers on a day in the life of Shevawn, an innocent, 30-year-old dreamer who is domineered by her innkeeper brother. An American tourist with a troubled marriage gives Shevawn's life new meaning.
Чудовище с глубины 20 000 морских саженей
Capt. Jackson
В результате испытаний ядерного оружия в Арктике, просыпается к жизни плотоядный динозавр. Сомнения ученых исчезают, когда гигантский монстр устремляется к Нью-Йорку.
Born to the Saddle
Matt Daggett
A naïve, recently-orphaned young man discovers he's being used as a pawn in a crooked gambler's plan to rig a July 4 horserace. Western.
The Studebaker Story
John Mohler Studebaker
The history of the Studebaker family, their success at making wagons and the company's venture into automobiles.
Tall, Dark and Dead
Craig Kennedy
A 1952 crime film edited from tv series Craig Kennedy, Criminologist. A well-known stage star is shot at when he approaches the front door of Craig Kennedy's laboratory. Later, the actor is murdered in his backstage dressing room, and Kennedy, aided by Police Inspector J. J. Burke and Evening Star reporter Walt James, is drawn into one of his most bizarre adventures. Blamour, sex and publicity motivate the mystery, played before an intriguing background of Oriental stage-settings and theatrical backdrops. Passions, bot homicidal and amorous, almost lead to Kennedy's death at the hands of the killer.
All That I Have
Pastor William Goodwin
Dr. Charles Greyson is a famous and wealthy former surgeon. His nephews have taken him to court to challenge his competency, due to his recent inexplicable gifts of large amounts of cash to the church, and, apparently, to some nefarious scam artists. The film is portrayed as a courtroom drama first painting "Dr. Charlie" as incompetent and easily swindled, then telling his side of events and putting them into context. In the courtroom, and by use of flashback, we hear of Dr. Charlies' move away from impersonal contribution on an institutional level, and preferring to express Christian stewardship directly to people who need it, and by helping spread the word of God by donating to Mission fronts who fight fear, anxiety and destitution around the world. We even find the scam artists having turned a new leaf, and creating new lives for themselves. Message being that all that we are we owe to God, and the profits gained from our God-given abilities require care and thought before sharing.
Mr. Music
Tippy Carpenter
A golf-crazy songwriter tries to avoid the long, solitary hours of concentration needed to produce a hit musical. His producer and his secretary conspire to get him back on track.
The Lost Volcano
Paul Gordon
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Johnny One-Eye
Johnny One-Eye was adapted from one of Damon Runyon's lesser-known stories. Martin Martin and Dane Cory were former partners in crime who have long since split up. When a new district attorney puts the heat on, Cory, anxious to save his own hide, accuses Martin of an unsolved murder. Holed up in abandoned house, Martin is befriended by a little girl and her dog. It so happens that the girl is the daughter of the crusading DA, and thereby hangs the rest of this tale.
Barbary Pirate
Maj. Tom Blake
U.S. agent Major Tom Blake is sent to Tripoli to uncover who it is in Washington that is tipping off the pirates as to what's being shipped where. A fast-moving story with lots of sabers and rapiers.
Free For All
Roger Abernathy
The discovery of a way of turning petrol into water makes a fortune and romance for the young inventor.
Scene of the Crime
Bob Herkimer
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
Daughter of the West
Commissioner Ralph C. Connors
A convent-raised woman (Martha Vickers) learns of her American Indian heritage through romance with an educated Navajo (Philip Reed) during the 1880s.
The Return of Rin Tin Tin
Father Matthew
A World War II European orphan, Paul, has lost all faith in humanity. Brought to the United States by Father Mathew, Paul's confidence and faith are gradually restored through his close association with a dog, Rin-Tin-Tin.
Ken Bullock
Although Dale and Ken Bullock should be a happily married couple, their marriage is on the verge of a break-up, because Dale refuses to give up her well-paying job in order to devote more time to Ken and their two children Jimmy, age 9, and Tommy, age 6. They sue for divorce and the Judge rules that the children be placed in the custody of their father. Dale realizes what she has lost but she is too proud to say anything to Ken, whom she still loves. Ken, shopping for the perfect stay-at-home wife to take care of his children, falls for the charms of his secretary, Millie Lynch. Not quite.
Bells of San Fernando
Michael 'Gringo' O'Brien
In the New Spain era, a tyrant ruling the San Fernando Valley attempts to wrestle a blacksmith’s daughter from the arms of her Irish sailor fiancé.
The Time, The Place and The Girl
Martin Drew
The stuffy manager of lovely opera singer Vicki Cassel and her uncle, a classical conductor, is determined to close down the noisy nightclub next door to the Cassels' home. The club's owners--Steve, a handsome ladies' man, and Jeff, his clownish sidekick--hatch a plan to keep the club open. Steve arranges to meet--and woo--Vicki and then invite her and her uncle to the club. When Vicki's snobbish aunt and the manager discover that Vicki now favors popular music over the classics, they arrange to get the club closed. But that doesn't keep Steve and Jeff down. Instead, they decide to put on a Broadway show if they can get a backer. They find their "angel" in Vicki's uncle who agrees to finance the show only if Vicki is the leading lady. But again, Vicki's aunt and manager may be the spoiler in everyone's plans.
Никогда не говори прощай
Rex DeVallon
Фил и Элен Гэйли, разведенная нью-йоркская пара, они воспитывают свою семилетнюю дочь Филиппу по очереди, каждые полгода девочка живёт у одного из родителей. В преддверии рождества очередной раз настал срок смены родителя, и чернокожая нянечка собирает чемодан маленькой Филли, которая должна покинуть дом папы и переехать к маме. Элен все еще любит Фила, который стал популярным художником, но бывшая супруга делает вид, что в ее сердце нет места для бывшего мужа. Тем более он уже давно сожительствует с одной из своих натурщиц-моделей, которая собирается его женить на себе. Как хорошо, что в канун рождества может сбыться любая мечта, задуманная ребенком, и Филли загадывает, чтобы ее родители сошлись вновь…
Goodbye, Weeds
A sales pitch for an herbicide/fertilizer for the lawn made by Sherwin Williams.
Ночь и день
Ward Blackburn
Мюзикл на базе биографии величайшего композитора 20 века Коула Портера со времени обучения в Йелльском университете и кончая мировым признанием. В фильме есть элементы и комедии и мелодрамы.
Star in the Night
Nick, a motel owner who has lost faith in more than just the humanity of mankind, is visited by a kindly stranger on Christmas Eve. The motel's guests are only concerned for themselves until a poor man and his wife drive up to the motel, unable to go any further. Out of rooms, Nick's wife prepares a place for them in a shed under a neon star Nick had just finished hanging. Their plight brings out the generosity in everyone, including Nick, who remembers another family almost two thousand years earlier that also found a makeshift room at an inn under another kind of star.
Roughly Speaking
Rodney Crane
In the 1920s, enterprising Louise Randall is determined to succeed in a man's world. Despite numerous setbacks, she always picks herself back up and moves forward again.
Monte Rossen
Баззи Белью становится свидетелем убийства, совершенного гангстером Джексоном. Люди Джексона убивают Баззи, который уже в виде привидения решает помочь полиции посадить гангстера.
Голливудская лавка для войск
Капрал Слим Грин, влюбленный в актрису Джоан Лесли, во время отпуска после ранения попадает в изумрудную сказку под названием «Голливудская Столовая» — место, где недосягаемые Звезды Голливуда спускаются с Небес на Землю и общаются с простыми американскими солдатами. Там он встречается со своим кумиром и осуществляет заветную мечту — поцеловать Джоан. На другой день ему везет еще больше — он становится миллионным посетителем «Столовой», а приз — вечер с любой голливудской актрисой. Он, конечно же, выбирает Джоан. При этом мисс Лесли оказывается никакой не недоступной Звездой, а обычной девушкой, проникающейся симпатией к парню. Их романтические отношения сопровождаются музыкальными выступлениями в «Столовой» Звезд экрана той эпохи.
Enemy of Women
Dr. Hans Traeger, MD
Playwright Joseph Goebbels (Paul Andor) turns Nazi propagandist and loses his girlfriend (Claudia Drake) to another man (Donald Woods).
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Brother Juniper
A rope bridge over a gorge in the Peruvian Andes snaps, sending five people plunging to their deaths. A priest sets out to find out more about the life of each of the victims.
Hi'ya, Sailor
Bob Jackson
Bob Jackson and his three Merchant Marine shipmates have each invested $50 in a song Bob has written and which he thinks will be published for a fee of $200. In a taxicab driven by Pat Rogers, they search for the publisher's office but finally realize they have been swindled. Plus, they now owe Pat a large taxi-bill.
So's Your Uncle
Steve Curtis aka Uncle John
Circumstances arise that result in a man impersonating his uncle. As the "uncle", he finds himself pursued by his girlfriend's aunt, who does not approve of their relationship.
Дозор на Рейне
David Farrelly
Сара и Курт Муллер с тремя детьми возвращаются в дом ее матери в Вашингтоне после 18 лет, проведенных в Европе. Румынский князь, проживающий там, находит чемодан Курта полный денег…
Dr. Michael
A doctor and his staff in a hospital on the Philippine island of Corregidor shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor try to treat the sick, injured and wounded as American and Filipino troops desperately try to beat back a ferocious Japanese attack.
Веселые сестры
Penn Sutherland Gaylord
The eldest (Barbara Stanwyck) of three sisters protects their Fifth Avenue mansion from a developer (George Brent) she once married.
March On, America!
Francis Scott Key (archive footage) (uncredited)
The story of America from the Pilgrims in 1620 to the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Americans always working for freedom.
Thru Different Eyes
Ted Farnsworth
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island
Joel Grant / Joseph Elmer
A ship's officer is sentenced to Devil's Island for murder after a fatal brawl.
Bachelor Daddy
Edward Smith
The lives of three bachelors is disrupted when one of them is left with a baby.
Sky Raiders
Captain Bob Dayton
Captain Bob Dayton and Lieutenant Ed Carey are partners in a company called "Sky Raiders" which seeks US government contracts for its inventions. Enemy spies attempt to steal, sabotage and discredit the inventions and founders of the company.
Mexican Spitfire Out West
Dennis 'Denny' Lindsay
Dennis heads west to work on an important business deal minus the Mexican Spitfire, Carmelita. His hot-tempered spouse decides to surprise him, but ends up as the surprised one when she sees him with another woman. Instead of a second honeymoon, Carmelita begins divorce proceedings
Young America Flies
John Woodward
World War II propaganda film from Warner Brothers.
Love, Honor and Oh-Baby!
Brian McGrath
In despair after breaking up with his girlfriend, a man hires a thug he has never seen to kill him. However, he changes his mind when he falls in love with another woman--but he can't stop the man trying to kill him because he doesn't know who he is.
If I Had My Way
Fred Johnson
Construction worker Buzz Blackwell becomes the guardian of 12-year-old Pat Johnson after one of his buddies, her father, is killed. Buzz and Pat, along with their chum Axel Swensen, head to New York to look for the girl's uncle. The trio soon unexpectedly become owners of a tired restaurant.
Forgotten Girls
Dan Donahue
A disillusioned factory worker is charged with the attempted murder of her mother's lover.
City of Chance
Steve Walker
Texas girl goes to New York, becomes a newspaper reporter, and tries to get her gambler boyfriend to come home.
Mexican Spitfire
Dennis Lindsay
Newlyweds Dennis and Carmelita have several obstacles to deal with in their new marriage: Carmelita's fiery Latin temper, a meddling aunt and a conniving ex-fiancee who's determined to break up their marriage.
Heritage of the Desert
John Abbott
John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.
The Girl from Mexico
Dennis Lindsay
Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.
Beauty for the Asking
Jeffrey Martin
Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
Danger on the Air
Benjamin Butts
Trouble begins when a hated cad of a sponsor is found murdered during the climax of a live radio show. A radio engineer then tries to solve the murder.
Romance on the Run
Barry Drake
A (rather shady?) private detective specializing in recovering highly insured items gets involved in recovering a stolen necklace. In the process also gets involved with a secretary at the insurance company.
The Black Doll
Nick Halstead
Nicholas Rood, dishonest mine owner, finds a Black Doll on his desk and knows that vengeance is about to overtake him for murdering his former partner. He is knifed as he talks to his daughter Marian. She summons her fiancé Nick Halstead, a private detective. He finds that six people had a motive for the murder; Rood's sister Mrs. Laura Leland; her son Rex; Rood's associates Mallison and Walling; Esteban, a servant and Dr. Giddings. Sheriff Renick and his deputy Red get the clues all mixed up, but Nick finally narrows the search down to one suspect...
Big Town Girl
Mark Tracey
When a department store songstress becomes a radio star she keeps her identity secret, as the "Masked Countess", because he estranged husband is a crook.
Чарли Чен на Бродвее
Speed Patten, Reporter New York Bulletin
Вернувшись из европейской ссылки, где она избегала дачи показаний против своих преступных сообщников, бывшая певица с откровенным дневником убита, чтобы заставить её молчать.
Talent Scout
Steve Stewart
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
Дело о заикающемся епископе
Perry Mason
Епископ из Австралии обращается к Перри, чтобы попросить его взять дело женщины, ошибочно обвинённую в убийстве 22 года назад. Дело заключается в богатом мистере Браунли и тот факт, что его предполагаемая внучка может быть самозванкой. При этом епископ уходит и уединяется в своем гостиничном номере. Вскоре после того, как он уплывает на лодке, Перри встречается женщиной по имени Ида Гилберт. Перри идет к мистеру Браунли, но не находит его нигде. Позже той же ночью, Браунли встретится с Идой, но он будет застрелен женщиной, которая подбирает пистолет Иды. Иду арестовывают за убийство мистера Браунли и Перри ввязывается в это дело.
Sea Devils
Steve Webb
Doris lives with her rough Coast Guardsman father. He has plans for her to marry an up and coming officer, but there is competition when a new, brash, Guardsman enters the picture. Dad hates the new guy, mostly because he is like himself.
Once a Doctor
Steven Brace
Dr. Frank Brace (Joe King) is an important doctor with son Jerry (Gordon Oliver) as well as foster son Steven (Donald Woods). The sons are both interns at Frank's hospital. Steven is the better doctor who takes blame for Jerry's mistakes.Steven has his license revoked when he is blamed for two deaths. Steven goes through years of hell trying to redeem himself.
Breakdowns of 1936
Time marches on.
Остров ярости
Eric Blake
На небольшом острове в районе Южных морей Вэл Стивенс и Люсиль Гордон вступают в брак, когда из-за шторма рядом с островом терпит кораблекрушение судно. Вэл и его работники успевают спасти только капитана Дивера и его таинственного пассажира Эрика Блэка. Доктор Харди, врач острова, с подозрением относится к вновь прибывшим и задает весьма каверзные вопросы. Он первым догадывается, что через некоторое время между Эриком и Люсиль вспыхивает чувство и чтобы предотвратить возможность их оставить наедине, он советует Эрику совершить поездку с Вэлом на другой остров, где местные ныряльщики отказываются добывать жемчуг, потому что чего-то боятся в воде…
Vincent Nolte
Марч играет заглавную роль, незаконнорожденного ребенка, чей отец был убит на дуэли. Его воспитал в монастыре добрый священник. Усыновленный добрым торговцем из Шотландии, подросший мальчик вскоре влюбляется в девушку, которая мечтает петь в опере. Хотя они и поженились, им приходится расстаться, так как роковая записка была унесена порывом ветра. Энтони сходит с ума от отчаяния в течение нескольких лет, следя за интересами своего отчима в Африке. Когда он возвращается в Европу, отчим его уже в могиле, жена стала оперной дивой с романтической связью с Наполеоном, а на его наследство зарится подлый Дон Луис, который когда-то убил его настоящего отца.
The Song of a Nation
Francis Scott Key
This historical featurette dramatizes the events that led to Francis Scott Key writing the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner."
The White Angel
Charles Cooper
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
The Making of a Great Motion Picture
Narrated documentary of the making of Anthony Adverse (1936), featuring many clips from the actual film.
Road Gang
James 'Jim' Larrabie
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Повесть о Луи Пастере
Dr. Jean Martel
Биографическая история о жизни французского химика и микробиолога Луи Пастере, который произвел революцию в медицине, доказав, что многие болезни вызваны микробами, что санитария имеет первостепенное значение и что по крайней мере некоторые болезни можно вылечить с помощью прививок.
A Dream Comes True
Himself (uncredited)
A promotional short to hype the production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935).
Повесть о двух городах
Charles Darnay
Адвокат Сидни Картон — уставший от мира, разочарованный алкоголик, который удалился от жизни во всех её проявлениях, пока он не влюбляется в Люси Манетт, дочь французского революционного политического заключённого. Она, между тем, думает о нём только как о друге и выходит замуж за Чарльза Дарнея, потомка французских аристократов.
Things You Never See on the Screen
Collection of Warner's stars blundering through missed takes.
Парень из Фриско
Charles Ford
Сан-Франциско, 1854 год. Бывший моряк Бэт Морган в драке убивает опасного бандита Дака и попадает на страницы газеты «Трибьюн». Вскоре Бэт знакомится с владелицей газеты и светской дамой Джин Баррат. Решив добиться её расположения, он использует весь свой ум и упорство, чтобы стать во главе всех городских игровых залов и притонов. Довольно быстро Морган превращается в одного из самых богатых и влиятельных людей города, но это не приносит ему счастья. Джин, привлечённая обаянием Бэта, влюбляется в него, но отказывается выйти за него замуж из-за его безнравственного образа жизни. Тем временем в городе нарастает недовольство безнаказанностью преступников и бессилием закона.
John Wesley
A Traveler's Aid worker who delights in solving people's problems gets mixed up with gangsters.
Дело о любопытной невесте
Поставив окружному прокурору ещё одно поразительное поражение, Перри планирует провести отпуск в Китае. То есть это было, до тех пор, пока его старая подруга Рода, не встретилась в ресторане. Несмотря на то, что она говорит, что она просит друга, Перри может видеть её. Кажется, её муж Мосли, который, как утверждается, был мёртв в течение четырёх лет, жив и требует денег, поскольку она вышла замуж за богатого. Дело осложняется, когда полиция находит тело Мосли и её обвиняют в убийстве.
The Florentine Dagger
Juan Cesare
A playwright descended from the Borgias family becomes a murder suspect.
Sweet Adeline
Sid Barnett
In 1898, composer Sid Barnett manages to get his sweetheart, Adeline the beer-garden singer, to sing the lead in his new Broadway operetta; this infuriates Elysia, the erstwhile star. But Sid frets as Adeline spends increasing amounts of time with the dashing Major Day.
She Was a Lady
Tommy Traill
Before his daughter can formally claim her rightful title, her father dies. Now her blue-blooded American suitor finds that his father refuses to allow the two to marry as she is not a high-born lady.
Храбрость Чарли Чена
Bob Crawford
Чарли нанимают, чтобы доставить жемчужное ожерелье миллионеру на его ранчо. Когда в дело вмешивается убийство, он маскируется под китайского слугу и начинает расследование.
Туман над Фриско
Tony Sterling
Арлин Брэдфорд — богатая и испорченная девушка из Сан-Франциско. Ей наплевать на закон, Арлин водит дружбу с гангстерами и вовлекла своего жениха Спенсера Карлтона в преступную деятельность. Эверетт Брэдфорд, отчим Арлин, возмущён поведением падчерицы. До поры до времени он терпит её выходки, но однажды начинает беспокоиться, что Арлин окажет дурное влияние на Вал, родную дочь Эверетта…
Merry Wives of Reno
Three couples raise a ruckus when they travel to Nevada for quickie divorces.
Hollywood Newsreel
A potpourri of features involving Hollywood celebrities. The Columbia University football team, winner of the 1934 Rose Bowl game, visits the Warner Bros. Studios and is greeted by several stars; Margaret Lindsay, Guy Kibbee, and Dick Powell work at a gold mine; Joan Blondell, recovered from a recent illness, thanks her fans; songs from the movie Harold Teen (1934) are performed by the songwriters and the film's stars.
As the Earth Turns
Love happens between the son of Polish immigrants settled in Maine and the daughter of a neighboring farm family.
Motorboat Mamas
Yacht Club Patron (uncredited)
Motorboat Mamas is a silent comedy short.