Hans Peter Ludvigsen


Вальгалла: Рагнарёк
Близится Рагнарек, и великие боги Асгарда собирают последние силы перед битвой. Двое смертных из Мидгарда вместе с Локи и Тором пребывают в небесный чертог накануне сражения. Вот-вот пробудится чудовищный волк Фенрир и древние исполины из Йотенхейма осадят стены Вальгаллы. Мир обречен. Но можно ли изменить предначертанное?
Grey Gold
Production Design
Discarded by society, let down by their bank and evicted from their homes, three senior citizens plan a nice little bank robbery to set things right. But things don't go quite that easy...
Love at First Hiccough
Stunt Coordinator
Anja is a beautiful and very well proportioned high school senior... and still a virgin. She insists that she wants her first time to be with a guy, who knows what it's about. Her rich (and arrogant, pretentious and obnoxious) boyfriend Peter serves the purpose, and he's more than willing. In fact, he's pushing forward as much as he can, but Victor, a freshman who has a serious crush on Anja, has other plans. Her first time should definitely not be with this buffoon, and he's ready to take it VERY far!