Sonny Lahey


Buff Cops
Surfman McClinzy
Buff and Cliff star in an animated series. When the series is suddenly dropped and they are no longer animated, they wake up with a set up in each their action figure on the artist's desk. From here begins a hard journey of realization for the two former stars, who are slowly beginning to realize that their entire lives have been constructed.
Чем мы становимся
SWAT Team Member (voice) (uncredited)
Спокойная семейная жизнь Йоханссенов заканчивается, когда в пригороде Копенгагена — Соргенфри — вспыхивает эпидемия неизвестной болезни, превращающей людей в ходячих мертвецов. Пернилла и Дино, а также их сын Густаф и дочь Май оказываются вместе с остальными жителями в карантинной зоне, и никто не знает, откуда взялась эта страшная болезнь и чем же люди становятся…
Jensen & Jensen
Kong Frederik (voice)
Two brothers are forced to hunt Europe’s most dangerous criminal, Milo, who has devious plans to control the world's currency.
After a violent episode in biology class, the outsider Lykke begins to change. There is something very wrong and soon a big showdown with the outside world awaits. The beast in her has been awakened.