Действие начинается с бунта Люцифера, который отказывается признавать красоту Божественного мира, а затем соблазняет к грехопадению Адама и Еву. Лишившись Рая, Адам оказывается на земле и в очередном разговоре с Люцифером просит показать ему будущее человеческого рода...
Pre-school children tell by drawing and verbally what historical events we remember on the official holidays of the period of socialism.
The encounter can never happen between a man in the past (tense) and a girl in the present (tense) in the garden of times.
Divided into four sections, "Song" is inspired by the Siberian and Finno-Ugric legends about Creation, in which the world begins with characters who are only half-human, one being half-bird, the other half-bear. The narrator delves into the origins of Hungarian culture, the Iranian and Turkish influences that impacted the society, and finally the story of Stephen, the emperor who brought Christianity to the country and shifted the capital west in an attempt to link with Europe.
Short animated film by Dóra Keresztes
Well-known, unknown and forgotten faces from all over the ages are rolling by in some very short minutes.
A typical apartment building in Budapest and their residents from the aspect of a young boy playing football sometime in the end of the 1980s at the time of the change of regime in Eastern Europe. Is there a way out from here? A geometrical paradox and a political parable at the same time.
What would it feel like to be a bird and fly over the trees and housetops? A boy named Willy finds out when the Sparrow Guardian turns him into a Sparrow for shooting a BB gun at the little birds. Suddenly, Willy's own cat thinks of him as lunch but, luckily, some new sparrow friends rush to Willy's rescue. They deliver him to a grandfatherly old bird named Cipur who takes Willy under his wing, teaches him how to fly, and so much more. In return, Willy fulfills Cipur's lifelong dream for knowledge by teaching him ow to read. Willy's new friendship helps him understand that all creatures have feelings and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Before Willy is turned back into a boy, he leads the sparrows in a brave but perilous plan to retake their home in the barn from Blacky the cat. Finally, the Sparrow Guardian offers Willy a very special opportunity.
Обитателей леса очень встревожило известие о том, что известный преступник кот Зеро, совершивший ранее похищение оперной певицы канарейки Риты и профессора лингвистики попугая Аррару, готовит очередное преступление. Он подготовил операцию по продаже всего леса одной фирме. Лесные жители поручают Капитану лесной полиции разоблачить преступника.
György Kovásznai co-directs his last film “Reportrait” with Elek Lisziák, a series of interviews about various sociological subjects based on the concept of “Anima Veritae”.
Когда-то росло на земле гигантское дерево. На одном из листочков его могучей кроны помещалась целая страна. У короля, правившего этой страной, было три сына, которые в один прекрасный день отправились в путь, чтобы найти себе жен. Скоро они вернулись домой с тремя прекрасными феями.
Одну звали Золотоволосая, другую Серебряноволосая, третья Медноволосая. Невиданно пышную свадьбу устроил король. Но самого его омрачала какая-то дума. Пока шумел праздник , он призвал к себе трех юных принцесс и рассказал им о трех драконах, обитателях подземного царства, которым приглянулись избранницы принцев.
Юные принцессы загорелись любопытством к тайне властителей царства тьмы, и попали в плен к драконам. Освободить их могли только очень храбрые юноши.
A man sleeping is haunted by surreal and everyday images: a grotesque dream-scape of the socialist countryside.
Zsolt Mohai, an eccentric shop window decorator in his 40s, drops by Anna Parádi on his wedding day, asking her to phone his bride Klára Horváth and call off the event. Drama, discussions and musical numbers ensue over topics like romance, loyalty, ambition, and settling for a family life in a modern day city.
A technological civilization takes three intelligent salamander creatures captive to conduct experiments on them. The experiments go awry and the salamander creatures wreak havoc in the city of humans.
The Komló settlement was a typical example of how Roma labour was exploited in the 1970s industrial mass production. This collaboration of Roma pupils and their teachers portrays the children’s everyday lives through their own drawings, often translating cruel facts into fairytales.
A young peasant boy stands up to tyranny, aided by his trusting friend - a goose.
Set in the allegorical space of an abandoned room, a frustrated mind feels the distorting effects of aggression and paranoia—including visions of butterflies, the Mona Lisa, and nuclear fallout.
The Sultan of Zanzibar has a harbor infested with sharks, which makes it impossible for ships to trade with him. In an attempt to fix the problem, he brings twelve hippos into the harbor to keep the sharks away. His idea works well enough, but once the hippos are no longer a novelty and the people no longer feed them, they begin to starve. After the hungry hippos rampage through the city looking for food, Aban-Khan, the king's adviser, slaughters all the hippos except one, a little hippo named Hugo.
An animated collage of the battle between Napoleon and Kutuzov, set to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.