John F.K. Parenteau


After graduating from the School of Film and Television at U.S.C., John began his career in the industry as a cinematographer, working on a variety of projects for television and film. In 1993, he was introduced to computer animation by a friend, and soon found a new and exciting outlet for his skills in cinematography. With his ability to translate the real world of filmmaking into the computer, John was soon discovered by Amblin Entertainment in 1993, where he began work on the visual effects team for seaQuest DSV (1993) (TV)_. John was soon promoted to Vice-President/General Manager of the newly founded Amblin Imaging, where he supervised effects on both seaQuest and Star Trek: Voyager. His work on the pilot of Voyager earned him an Emmy Award in 1995, for computer animation. With the end of seaQuest and Amblin Imaging in 1996, John moved off lot to form his own facility, Digital Muse, creating effects for shows such as X-Files, Sliders and Titanic: The mini-series, as well as continued work on Voyager and Deep Space Nine. In addition, the company branched into film and commercial work, quickly becoming a premier visual effects boutique in Hollywood. In 2000, John left Muse to found a visual effects division at Hollywood Digital West. The team he helped form would produce visual effects for the acclaimed series Invisible Man on the Sci-Fi Channel. In 2002, John moved up to Vice President of Visual Effects for Liberty Livewire Pictures, working closely with Riot Effects in Santa Monica, and Encore Effects in Hollywood. Utilizing his skills in production, post-production and visual effects, in 2003, John began his transition back into producing for feature film and television, working with CafeFX, Vinton Studios (now Laika) and many others as a producer. John has also acted as General Manager for worldwide VFX giant Pixomondo, Managing Director of supercomputer company Silverdraft and Executive Producer for Shade VFX, New York.


Executive Producer
Kaya Torres is circling a black hole in a pod, with no one coming, no one to help. She's Alone.
Очень плохие девчонки
Visual Effects Producer
Что может омрачить развеселый и безбашенный девичник в Майами? Наверное, только нелепая смерть стриптизера. Теперь подружкам предстоит выпутаться из дурацкой истории и как-то замести следы, пока они не попали в руки к копам.
Голодные игры
VFX Supervisor
Будущее. Деспотичное государство ежегодно устраивает показательные игры на выживание, за которыми в прямом эфире следит весь мир. Жребий участвовать в Играх выпадает юной Китнисс и тайно влюбленному в нее Питу. Они знакомы с детства, но теперь должны стать врагами. Ведь по нерушимому закону Голодных игр победить может только один из 24 участников. Судьям не важно кто выиграет, главное — зрелище. И на этот раз зрелище будет незабываемым.
This is the story of the fall of Lucifer, whose pride would divide the heavenly host into two warring factions and ultimately bring Sin and Death to mankind. This story is the first of a trilogy concerning the greatest battle epic since Creation. This short is an action scene taken out of the first script. - Written by Ray Griggs
Город грехов
CG Supervisor
Город грехов - это адская бездна преступлений. Один из его жителей пытается найти убийцу своей невесты. Другой, фотограф, случайно убивает полицейского и старается скрыть свое преступление. Спуститесь по глухому переулку города, и вы найдете кое-что еще. В Городе грехов полиция коррумпирована и улицы смертельно опасны…
Tale of Two Sisters
Director of Photography
Two sisters reunite after not having seen each other for five years. While catching up on each others' lives, they relive childhood experiences, both good and bad.