Mel Swope
Two time Golden Globe winner, Mel was chosen as the first Gilliland Chair of Telecommunications at San Jose State University. He has received four Emmy Award nominations, one Humanitas Prize nomination, two NAACP Image Award nominations, and two MPSE Golden Reel Awards. As a Producer and Executive he has supervised hundreds of productions in the USA and around the world. From summer stock Musicals, to Comedy and Drama, Mel has shepherded 'story telling' from his beginnings in theatre to the world of television, as we know it today.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Четыре лучших друга и их тренер по баскетболу празднуют свой чемпионат двадцатилетней давности. Но их воссоединение омрачается, когда выходит на свет тайна.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Юношу обвиняют в убийстве собственного отца, ему грозит электрический стул. Двенадцать присяжных собираются чтобы вынести вердикт: виновен или нет. С начала заседания почти все склонились к тому, что виновен, и лишь только один из двенадцати позволил себе усомниться. Счет голосов присяжных по принципу «виновен — невиновен» был 11:1. К концу собрания мнения судей кардинально изменились…
Executive In Charge Of Production
The scene is a remote tropical island, where several top swimsuit models converge for a magazine photo shoot, orchestrated by publisher Lee Majors. The girls are lovely, the scenery gorgeous, the weather couldn't be pleasanter. Only one hitch: one by one, the models fall victim to mysterious fatal accidents. You know by now that these are no accidents.
Executive In Charge Of Production
A female writer of popular thrillers decides that it is time to kill off one of her characters, a serial killer who has appeared in many of her recent books. Soon afterward, she finds herself pursued by a copy-cat serial killer.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Jimmy Burke and his friends steal 10 million from the Lufthansa office in New York. The FBI has no idea who the thieves are until Burke girlfriend gives them a hint. When word leaks out a Mafia boss puts a killer on the gang's trail.
Executive In Charge Of Production
This movie is based on the actual events on the tragic day of August 2nd, 1985. Delta Airlines flight 191 en route to Los Angeles Via Dallas Ft Worth took off from Ft Lauderdale, Fl. When the plane was landing in Ft Worth wind-shear from a strong thunderstorm caused the plane to crash.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Hitler's Daughter wants to occupy the White House. She might just do it, unless the ineffectual Nazi hunters and their latest recruit can figure out who the heck she is.
Майор Райт, ведущий группу коммандос в оккупированной нацистами Дании должна встретится с агентом капитаном Карлом Людвиг. Но он застрелен патрулём. Прежде, чем он умер, произнёс фразу: 2420, значение которой никто не понял. В Англии Майор Райт, генерал Уорден, Лейтенант Кэрол Кэмпбэл и британский полковник ведут обсуждение, что означали слова капитана Людвига. Майор Райт набирает отряд из 12 военных заключенных, приговоренных трибуналом к смертной казни и длительным срокам каторги за тяжкие преступления, которые поедут в специальном поезде N2420, чтобы разгадать смысл операции немцев.
Learning of a Nazi plot to attack Washington, D.C. with a deadly nerve gas, Major Wright leads twelve convicts on a suicide mission deep into occupied France to destroy the secret factory where the poison is made.
A massive blackout plunges a major American city into a night of terror.
Second Unit Director
The story of a posh seaside vacation resort, and the lives and adventures of its guests and staff.
The story of a posh seaside vacation resort, and the lives and adventures of its guests and staff.
Associate Producer
A traveling horse trader and his young nephew travel the west in search of the boy's prize Arabian horse, who has been stolen by a bounty hunter.