It's the second wave of the COVID pandemic in Rio de Janeiro. There's no water in Madá's old mansion, a sewing cooperative where sheltered LGBTQI+ young people live and work. Renê, one of the residents, paints the anguish of a mysterious spirit that haunts the shelter through the plumbing. Across town, a loner middle-aged plumber, Ismael, is tormented by the same curse.
У супругов Лауры и Израэля есть пятилетний сын Лукас. Они живут вместе, но, кажется, полностью потеряли интерес друг к другу. Их отношения стремительно идут под откос, но в семье ещё остался человек, не утративший волю к жизни, и это Лукас.
COPA 181 is the first feature film by Brazilian director Dannon Lacerda. It is a 100% independent production that deals with the relationship of a couple that is affected by the events in a gay sauna. Awarded in several festivals in Brazil and in other countries, the director had the premiere of his film at the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival in October 2017.
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Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challenge of spending 30 million reais in 30 days, without accumulating anything. However, in this marathon, she will find out that there are things that money does not buy.
Абсурдно смешная версия похищения Кубка Жюля Риме, произошедшего в Бразилии в 1983 году. В кино похитителем оказался один неудачник, который одним махом попытался решить проблемы с долгами и назойливо хотящей замуж возлюбленной. В реальности судьба национального футбольного трофея осталась до конца не выясненной.
In the dark side of Rio de Janeiro, vampires deal vampire powder, which provides its users with a small taste of immortality. They work for Limbo Corporation, a company dedicated to the shady business, whose CEO is Limboman. Vlak and Michele reign supreme in the city. But Vlak has a restless spirit and decides to yank from his gums the fang chip through which he is monitored by Limboman. He has a mental blackout and starts to roam the city streets. Michele, searching for a new partner, meets Draco, a decadent vampire and former nemesis of Vlak. Their meeting encourages Draco to go back to the streets where he meets Daphne, a ripper psychopath who attacks her victims with a chainsaw. Draco joins her to find Vlak and avenge himself. Vlak, however, is abducted by Wang Su, a Chinese woman that is ruling the underworld in Rio. Wang Su wants to use Vlak to defeat Limboman and take over the command of the shady business.
1970. Brazilian Military Dictatorial Government. Georgia, a 8 year-old girl, is intrigued: one day, her play room appears locked. Away from the sight of her parents and her elderly nanny, Georgia gets to open the door: someone is inside.
Pedro's return to his hometown brings back memories of his childhood with his cousin Ari and their close and affective relationship with local cinema.
Violeta is a married dentist on a normal working day. While listening to a message left on the cell she enters in despair. The message of her husband, Djalma, says he is leaving her and going to another city.
What's the importance of luck in life? How much effort and talent is enough to guarantee a solid carrier? Is luck part of the craft? Bianca is an excellent actor but theater doesn't pay the bills yet. In order to make a living, she impersonates movie divas and promotes events. Bianca auditions for a big international production and gets the part. The director of the film, inspired by her work, changes the character he wrote into a version of Bianca. Is this the chance of a lifetime?
В 1997 году, перед визитом Папы Римского в Рио де-Жанейро, капитан Насцименто из БОПО (Батальона особых полицейских операций) получает задание устранить опасность, исходящую от наркоторговцев, действующих в опасных трущобах поблизости от резиденции Папы. Капитан Насцименто ищет человека, способного заменить его, так как жена капитана беременна, и он собирается оставить БОПО и стать наставником новобранцев. Тем временем, два друга-идеалиста Нето и Матиас начинают службу в военной полиции, рассчитывая стать честными полицейскими и бороться с криминалом. Однако они сталкиваются в военной полиции с коррупцией, недостатком профессионализма и бюрократическим идиотизмом. После серьёзного инцидента в Моро да Бабилония они решают вступить в ряды БОПО.