A group of friends gather for a Memorial Day celebration, when the Earth is violently attacked by someone...or something...from regions beyond. This exciting character-driven thriller features found footage chronicling the panic and terror that ensue as these people must fight to survive.
Rita heads to the mountains to get some peace and recover from mental distress. While there she meets Pierce, a doctor doing stem cell research whose experiments have gone horribly wrong. Now Rita is the only one who can solve the problem.
Andy (as Austen Jesse)
Компания первокурсников приезжает к заброшенному летнему лагерю для прохождения обряда посвящения в элитное студенческое общество. Однако ни зелёные новички, ни их наставники не подозревают, что здешние места облюбовал маньяк с топором.