Hattie Noel

Рождение : 1893-02-02,

Смерть : 1969-11-13


Hattie Noel was born on February 2, 1893 in Saint Martin Parish, Louisiana, USA as Celeste Noel. She was an actress, known for Lady for a Night (1942), Married and in Love (1940) and King for a Day (1934). She was married to Antina Parker. She died on November 13, 1969 in Los Angeles, California, USA.


The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind
(archive footage)
This documentary revisits the making of Gone with the Wind via archival footage, screen tests, insightful interviews and rare film footage.
Hollywood: The Selznick Years
'Gone with the Wind' screen test (archive footage) (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
Девушка пирата
Pralines Vendor
Обнаружив на захваченном корабле юную красотку, двое пиратов решают взять ее с собой. Искусанные и исцарапанные по дороге этой тигрицей, негодяи рады сбыть ее своему предводителю, кровожадному пирату по кличке Баптист. Увидев красавца-капитана, леди мгновенно превращается из дикой кошки в покорную овечку и уже ни о чем не жалеет. Тем более, что страшный пират оказался благородным морским разбойником, ведущим двойную жизнь — он прекрасно известен в Новом Орлеане как уважаемый капитан Кингстоун и жених племянницы губернатора. Все знают, что он «поклялся уничтожить подлого Баптиста», но никак не может найти его в открытом море, видимо Баптист «прячется»…
Honeymoon Lodge
Hattie Noel
Honeymoon Lodge is a musical variation on the old Awful Truth plotline. Divorce-bound Bob and Carol Sterling (David Bruce, June Vincent) make a last-ditch attempt to avoid their legal breakup by restaging their mountain-resort honeymoon. Things get complicated when a rancher named Big Boy (Rod Cameron, in a Ralph Bellamy-style "sap" role) shows up at the resort in ardent pursuit of Carol, while Lorraine Logan (Harriet Hilliard) sets her cap for Bob.
Lady for a Night
Gambling boat operator Jenny Blake throws over her gambler beau Jack Morgan in order to marry into high society.
Cracked Nuts
A young man in a small town wins $5000 in a radio contest. He goes to New York City to propose to his girlfriend, but gets mixed up with a crooked attorney and two con men...
Китти Фойль
Myrtle - Black Woman (uncredited)
Живущие в Филадельфии Вин Страффорд, большой босс, и Китти Фойль, его служащая, любят друг друга. Китти ждет предложения. Но не все так просто... Встреча в Нью-Йорке с романтичным, но бедным доктором Марком Айзеном. Предложение руки и сердца Страффорда. Свадьба вдали от родных. Их неприятие невестки. Социальное неравенство секретарши и дельца из высшего общества. Развод, подчиненный обстоятельствам. Второй брак Страффорда. Предложение доктора Айзена. К чему же это все приведет?
I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now
In this low-budget musical, two sets of politically ambitious parents attempt to pair up their youngsters who unfortunately despise each other and only pretend to like each other to please their parents. On the nights they are to go out, they sneak out with their respective true loves. It all works well until the unwilling couple find themselves falling in love for real. songs include: "I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now", and "Got Romance".
Возвращение Фрэнка Джеймса
Denver House Chambermaid (uncredited)
Фрэнк клянется отомстить за предательское убийство брата. Но Фрэнку нужны деньги, и он идет на ограбление. Издатель ведущей газеты городка посылает журналистку Элинор Стоун добыть эксклюзивный материал…
'Mama' Show Singer (uncredited)
Upholsterer's assistant Irene O'Dare meets wealthy Don Marshall while she is measuring chairs for Mrs. Herman Vincent at her Long Island estate. Charmed by her, Don anonymously purchases Madame Lucy's, an exclusive Manhattan boutique, and instructs newly hired manager Mr. Smith to offer Irene a job as a model. She soon catches the eye of socialite Bob Vincent, whose mother is hosting a ball at the family mansion. To promote Madame Lucy's dress line, Mr. Smith arranges for his models to be invited to the ball.
He Married His Wife
Sarah - Valerie's Maid
Race horse owner pays so much attention to business he winds up divorced from his wife. His alimony payments are so steep he plots with his lawyer to get her married off.
Married and in Love
Two married couples become engulfed in a storm of emotional fury when Doctor Leslie Yates runs into writer Doris Wilding, his old college flame, whom he has not seen in ten years. After reminiscing about their past, Doris and Leslie make a dinner date with their respective spouses. On the eve of the Yates's dinner party, Leslie's wife Helen brings home a magazine article written by Doris, which sparks Leslie's memory of his separation from her.
Maid on Train (uncredited)
Богачка Мэри Хейнс не подозревает, что у её мужа роман с продавщицей Кристал Аллен. Сильвия Фаулер, подруга Мэри, узнаёт об интрижке от своей маникюрши и сообщает Эдит Поттер, другой своей подруге. Они пускают сплетню, однако не могут сообщить обо всём самой Мэри, которая узнаёт о неверности мужа после посещения того же салона красоты. Миссис Хейнс оказывается перед дилеммой — потребовать от мужа объяснений или выждать время, пока интерес мужа к новой пассии не затухнет сам собой. Под давлением Сильвии Мэри идёт по первому пути, и вскоре они с мужем решают развестись
Our Leading Citizen
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
King for a Day
The Bride - Wedding Number
A talented tap dancer who can't get an audition uses his prowess at playing craps to gain ownership of a musical show, making himself the star.