James W. Sullivan

Рождение : 1909-07-17, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Смерть : 1974-10-10


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia James W. Sullivan (July 17, 1909 – October 10, 1974) was an American art director. He was nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Art Direction for the film Around the World in 80 Days.


Art Direction
A ride to the airport unites three women whose husbands are either prisoners or missing in Vietnam.
Art Direction
Элвис Пресли в роли исправившегося бандита, которого заманили в Мехико и заставили вернуться в банду. Но вместо того, чтобы помогать преступникам, он мешает им уничтожить маленький пограничный городок.
Return of the Gunfighter
Art Direction
A gunfighter and a cowboy help a Mexican girl avenge the land-related murder of her parents.
The Spy in the Green Hat
Art Direction
"Spy in the Green Hat, The (1966)" on the other hand, is both exciting AND funny. Especially the scene where Napoleon Solo (Robert Vaughn) hides from THRUSH agents under a young woman's (the incredibly cute Letícia Román) bed and is caught by the woman's grandmother (Penny Santon), who is forcing Solo to marry the young woman. He successfully escapes, but is hunted by a legion of stereotyped Italian gangsters. Now that's comedy.
Art Direction
В 1820-х годах Эбнер Хэйл, целеустремлённый и лишённый чувства юмора миссионер, женится на прекрасной Джеруше Бромли и отвозит её на экзотические Гавайи, где ему предстоит работать. Однако разрыв между двумя культурами слишком велик, и вместо понимания приходит трагедия.
The Confession
Art Direction
Madame Rinaldi, owner of a bordello, helps thief Mario Forni locate an ancient buried treasure.
The World of Henry Orient
Production Design
A mischievous, adventuresome fourteen-year-old girl and her best friend begin following an eccentric concert pianist around New York City after she develops a crush on him.
Desert Hell
Art Direction
This melodrama tells the tale of a great battle between the French Foreign Legion and the rebellious Arab tribe, the Tuaregs, who fight it out upon the blistering Sahara sands. Just before the Legionnaires embark upon their dangerous mission, the commander discovers that he is being cuckolded by his lieutenant. Because the mission is urgent, there is no time to fight over the commander's wife. Unfortunately, as they travel, the tension between the two mounts and they begin squabbling over how to plan the attack. Their inability to work together results in tragedy.
Blood Arrow
Art Direction
Phyllis Coates, TV's erstwhile Lois Lane, essays one of her largest film roles in Blood Arrow. Coates is cast as a devout Mormon girl whose mission is to transport smallpox vaccine to her friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, this requires her to journey through hostile Indian territory. Appointing themselves as the girl's unofficial protectors are Indian scout Scott Brady, trapper Don Haggerty and (reluctantly) gambler Paul Richards.
The Unknown Terror
Art Direction
A woman leads an expedition into a remote jungle to find her long-lost brother, but instead finds a mad scientist who has created a fungus monster that feeds on the local inhabitants.
Back from the Dead
Art Direction
A woman is possessed by the spirt of her husband's deceased first wife, turning her into a cold, scheming flirt who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. The woman's sister, husband and the sister's new boyfriend struggle with accepting what has happened, who has caused it and how to correct it, which soon brings them into contact with a coven of devil-worshippers and forces of the supernatural.
Вокруг Света за 80 дней
Art Direction
Обогнуть земной шар всего за 80 дней? Смешно! Даже лучшие паровые корабли Ее Величества Виктории не смогут сделать это. Но точный и пунктуальный Филеас Фогг заявил, что сможет. А когда члены лондонского престижного Реформ-Клуба попросят Фогга подкрепить его похвальбу солидной денежной ставкой, мы отправимся в путешествие Вокруг света в 80 дней!
Murder Is My Beat
Mr. Dean's body is found face down in the fireplace, burned beyond recognition. Nightclub-singer Eden Lane is convicted of the crime. She is escorted to prison by one of the arresting detectives when she convinces him that she just spotted the murderer outside their train.
Target Earth
Art Direction
Giant robots from Venus invade Chicago. Stranded in the deserted city are Frank and Nora (who has recently attempted suicide). They meet a celebrating couple at a café, Vicki Harris and Jim Wilson. The quartet escape the robot patrol and take refuge in a large hotel. There, they encounter a new danger in Davis, a psychopathic killer.
Art Direction
Жители аризонской глубинки объединяются против Вьенн, владеющей местной таверной… а все из-за провокации Эммы, которая испытывает чувства к влюбленному во Вьенн ковбою по прозвищу «Танцующий малыш».
The Bigamist
Art Direction
San Francisco businessman Harry Graham and his wife and business partner, Eve, are in the process of adopting a child. When private investigator Mr. Jordan uncovers the fact that Graham has another wife, Phyllis, and a small child in Los Angeles, he confesses everything.
Bandits of the West
Art Direction
Marshal Rocky Lane learns of a plan to obstruct the promotion of natural gas in his town.
Sweethearts on Parade
Art Direction
Cam Ellerby brings his traveling medicine show to town and it spells glamour and excitement to young Sylvia Townsend.
City That Never Sleeps
Art Direction
Chicago cop Johnny Kelly, dissatisfied with his job and marriage, would like to run away with his stripper girlfriend Angel Face, but keeps getting cold feet. During one crowded night, Angel Face decides she's had enough vacillation, and crooked lawyer Biddel has an illegal mission for Johnny that could put him in a financial position to act. But other, conflicting schemes are also in progress...
Woman They Almost Lynched
Art Direction
Laying on the Missouri-Arkansas border, the neutral Border City, its female mayor and city council, take no side in the ongoing Civil War and they're prepared to hang any troublemaker, Yankee or Confederate, who stirs the townsfolk up.
Perils of the Jungle
Art Direction
On an African safari with his friend Grant, Clyde Beatty plans to buy some black-maned Numbian lions from Jo Carter but her animals are wiped out by a fire. Despite interference by rival dealer Gorman, who hopes to ruin Jo, Beatty saves her business by helping her to capture an adult gorilla. (2nd story) When Grant is bitten by a tsetse fly and falls ill, Beatty heads for the nearest hospital through the territory of the dangerous Matabeles tribe. They are captured and condemned to death by Grubbs, a white man living with the tribe and stealing their gold. Using the Matabele Boy King as a shield, Beatty and Grant make an escape and Grubbs is forced to accompany them, leaving his loot behind.
Invasion, U.S.A.
Art Direction
A group of American witness the deadly invasion of the United States by the Soviet Union.
Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
Art Direction
The Singer Duke Mitchell meets Sammy Petrillo in this parody of Martin & Lewis. They arrive on a jungle island, where a mad scientist played by Bela Lugosi makes human esperiments.
Летающие морпехи
Art Direction
Этот фильм посвящается морскому корпусу США, в особенности морской авиации. Фильм повествует о событиях, начавшихся летом 1942 года на гавайском острове Оахо, когда мирный плеск волн был заглушен ревом атакующих японских истребителей. Японцы захватили цепь островов до Гуадал-канала и американцам пришлось вступить с ними в схватку, несмотря на нехватку людей и вооружения. Эта история о группе американцев, вошедших в корпус пехотинцев ВМФ 247 «Дикие кошки». Представители американского флага наводнили авиабазу на спящем вулкане, что стало неотъемлемым доказательством того, что США всегда будет бороться против агрессии и агрессоров, нарушающих права свободных людей. В эскадрилью назначен майор Дэн Кирби. Ему предстоит навести порядок и дисциплину совместно с капитаном Карлом Гриффином, среди расслабившихся на палящем солнце солдат и офицеров, чтобы дать достойный отпор японским милитаристам…
Salt Lake Raiders
Art Direction
A man is sent to jail for murder escapes while being transferred, Rocky is sent to bring him in. When he catches him in a ghost town the man claims to be innocent and was trying to clear himself by finding the stolen money that was never recoveded at the time of the killing. But then they find themselves prisoners of an outlaw gang that is also after the money.
Singing Guns
Art Direction
Notorious stagecoach robber Rhiannon is unintentionally appointed as deputy when he saves the sheriff's life and must wear two hats between his new job that he enjoys and his old occupation that he misses.
Пески Иво Дзимы
Art Direction
1945 год. Южная Атлантика. Джон Страйкер - профессиональный морской пехотинец и жесткий командир, требующий беспрекословного выполнения своих приказов. Под его командование прибывает взвод новобранцев из США, которым предстоит пройти обучение перед будущей высадкой на японский остров Иводзима и уничтожить оборонительные укрепления врага.
Боец из Кентукки
Art Direction
После того как Наполеон потерпел поражение в битве при Ватерлоо, его офицеры с семьями были изгнаны из Франции за их преданность своему императору. Они искали страну, где смогли бы жить дальше и Соединенные Штаты великодушно предложили им свою землю. На территории штата Алабама переселенцы получили место для своих четырех городов, которые поднялись среди пустынных мест. В это время, сделав небольшую остановку в городке французских поселенцев Мобеле, кентуккийский полк добровольцев возвращался из очередного похода. Утром отряд продолжил свой марш - впереди было еще шестьсот миль пути, но бравый солдат Джон Брин, решил уклониться от дальнейшего следования в родной штат, предпочтя армии знакомство с Флеретт, дочерью местного управляющего.
Too Late for Tears
Art Direction
Through a fluke circumstance, a ruthless woman stumbles across a suitcase filled with $60,000, and is determined to hold onto it even if it means murder
Art Direction
Zeb Smith is a gambler with a larcenous streak, but when an itinerant preacher takes a bullet meant for him, Zeb vows to fulfill the preacher's mission of building a church. Frustrated in his attempts to get donations, Zeb attempts to capture fugitive Doll Brown in order to obtain the reward. But he finds that there's more to Doll than meets the eye. When his old friend Bucky McLean shows up gunning for Doll, Zeb sees a chance to redeem them all... one way or another.
Angel on the Amazon
Art Direction
An expedition exploring the Amazon jungle comes across a jungle goddess who lives among the animals and fears none of them--and apparently has found the secret of eternal youth.
I, Jane Doe
Art Direction
While stationed in France during World War II, an American fighter pilot marries a French girl but leaves her behind when he returns to the U.S. The French woman follows him to America only to discover he’s already married to a successful lawyer.
The Gallant Legion
Art Direction
When power-hungry Faulkner and Leroux want to divide Texas into smaller sections, instead of allowing it to enter the Union as a single state, Gary Conway and the Texas Rangers must step in to thwart their chicanery.
The Web
Art Direction
A brash young lawyer takes a short-term but high-paid job as bodyguard for a slick business exec being threatened by a former partner, and quickly realizes he may be in over his head.
That's My Man
Art Direction
A poor young man is finally able to achieve his dream of running a horse at the track, but when he starts becoming successful, he begins to lose sight of what mattered to him before.
Sun Valley Cyclone
Art Direction
In this western, Red Ryder rounds up a gang of horse thieves who have been stealing cavalry horses.
Art Direction
A Mexican crooner tries to put off fans by faking marriage to his American co-star.
The Cheaters
Art Direction
An eccentric wealthy family facing bankruptcy schemes to steal an inheritance, but an alcoholic ex-actor they take in for Christmas charity complicates their plan.