Anna Kristín Arngrímsdóttir
Two lifelong friends find their small-town routine thrown into peril when a buxom and beautiful woman their own age shows up in their hot tub.
After Lára, 13, loses both her father and brother in an accident, she discovers that her father used to be a member of a theatre group at a local theatre. In order to keep his memory alive, she joins the company. The company consists of eccentric and playful elders who introduce Lára to the magic of theatre and the importance of play. While Lára struggles to piece together the fractured life she now shares with her mother, she decides to help the company in their attempt to save the theatre with a big hit play. But evil and corrupt forces want it gone forever.
After taking over the local radio station in a small town a young man soon discovers that he is living in an other mans existence which stretches beyond life and death.
Robert is an important man with big responsibilities. One day he has an accident that blurs the border between the man and the beast within. Robert acts out and suffers the consequences.
Some people have to live their lives on a constant look out for snakes. Some even have to wear boots all the time. But people in Iceland have the privilege of just wearing whatever shoes they want – without any worries.
Sheriff's wife
Post-war provincial Iceland: around 1950, Freyja, who'd been a plump teen, returns from America, a widow with a 20-inch waist, seven suitcases of dresses, and a list of who ever wronged or slighted her. She moves in with an aunt and socialist uncle: finding a new husband is high on her agenda, and she's mistrusted by Agga, a pre-teen who's our eyes and ears. The social order and Freyja are more complicated than they seem at first, and so may be her prospects. Class divisions, families ties, pride, the onset of puberty, and the power of Eros sliver the ice.
Пол влюбился в девушку, но ее родители запрещают им встречаться. У Пола — шизофрения, он попадает в психиатрическую лечебницу. Будучи наделен талантами художника и поэта. Он отождествляет себя с героями Шекспира и Ван Гогом. Друзья Пола по клинике — Оли, у которого телепатический контакт с «Битлз» и эрудит Виктор, которому временами кажется, что он — Гитлер. Пытаясь скрасить ужас холодной исландской жизни, троица время от времени сбегает из больницы и наведывается то в гости к президенту, то в самый фешенебельный ресторан Рейкьявика.