'The Last Party' is a young romantic comedy that follows a group of four friends at their high school graduation party. Each protagonist with their love dilemma to solve throughout the night, all connected by the issues of this generation. It's their last night as teenagers. The last night with friends before being separated by different colleges. The last night before the rest of their lives.
Steadicam Operator
In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, heiress and owner of the Diário de Notícias, leaves the social, cultural and family luxury in which she lives to escape with a petty chauffeur, 26 years younger.
Steadicam Operator
По роману Мануэла да Фонсека. Португалия, 1950 год. Пустынный и величественный ландшафт Юга, пронизанный ветром, изнуренный страданием и голодом, сотрясает насилие: в одну ночь происходит чреда хладнокровных убийств. Каковы причины этих преступлений? Эпическая история одной крестьянской семьи, для которой чувство собственного достоинства оказывается сильнее голодающих детей. История основана на романе Мануэла да Фонсеки, который в свою очередь основан на реальной истории о человеке, который в течение трех дней в одиночку оказывал сопротивлении армейским частям.
'Bué Sabi' (pronounced "bweh sabi") portrays the unlikely friendship of three female characters: a troubled girl of Gypsy descent who lives in one of Lisbon's toughest neighbourhoods, her best friend from Cape Verde and a young middle-class girl. Apart from their differences, they are good friends. Until one fateful night in Lisbon...
During World War II the United States of America did everything to persuade Salazar to grant them facilities on the island of Santa Maria in the Azores. After long and difficult negotiations an agreement between Portugal and the USA for the construction of an airport is celebrated.
Director of Photography
Haunted by their own directionless lives, two pre-adolescent girls reunite while visiting their ailing grandmother. In the midst of her fantasies of a medieval past - one consumed by fear and desire - the two girls are transformed and confront a legacy of oppression.
Set in the area surrounding the Angolan capital of Luanda, 'Liberdade' follows a young couple, Betty a seductive but domineering Chinese immigrant and Liberdade, a troubled young Angolan. When Betty tries to take the relationship to the next level Liberdade must go beyond his physical and psychological limits.
Steadicam Operator
Tizangara, Mozambique. After the peace agreement. A mystery. UN soldiers exploding. An investigation is begun and Massimo is appointed to solve the mystery. Joaquim will have to translate, not only the words but the facts, in order for him to understand.
Steadicam Operator
Messias, the husband, a dentist, almost magician. Felizbela, the beautiful wife, almost happy. Joana, the daughter, almost a singer, and Nuts, her boyfriend, almost a filmmaker. Finally the grand father Tobias, a shepherd, almost immortal.