Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon

Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon


Pétur Jóhann Sigfússon


Grandma Hófí
Senior citizens Hófí and Pétur feel discarded by a system that has no use for them. They're tired of living in a poorly retirement home and plan to rob a bank to finally buy a place for themselves. Standing in their way are both hardened criminals and inept cops, but these are the most sly seniors around and they're going to show everyone that you can still teach and old dog new tricks...
Maður í bíl
Сюжет чёрной комедии «Жажда» повествует об аресте молодой наркоманки по имени Хулда. Однако её арестовывают вовсе не за наркотики, а за убийство собственного брата. Хулда всячески отрицает свою вину, а недостаток улик против наркоманки вынуждает полицейских отпустить её. Будучи под следствием и не имея возможности к кому-либо обратиться, девушка бредет по улице и решает помочь одинокому несчастному старику. Оказывается, что её новый пожилой знакомый Хьёртур – чудаковатый вампир-гей, которому более 1000 лет. Позже выясняется, что он способен воскресить брата Хулды. Девушка соглашается, не зная, к каким ужасным последствиям это может привести. Теперь они обязаны вести борьбу с древним культом, в то время как за Хулду следят полицейские…
A man finds himself mistakenly taken hostage by a troll-size debt collector and driven into the mountains. Things go from bad to considerably worse when a real troll shows up. Fortunately for the man, this particular troll is very particular about what she eats.
Gillz's Life Lessons
Gillz tries to educate the Icelandic people on manners and life itself.
World's End
Einar, a charismatic history teacher is committed to a remote mental asylum in Iceland. During the bank holiday weekend he initiates an uprising that transforms into a proper revolution where the lunatics literally take over the asylum.
The Truth
Icelandic one man show comedy
Mr. Bjarnfreðarson
Ólafur Ragnar Hannesson
Centers on Georg Bjarnfreðarson, an over-educated know-it-all who has just been released from jail after a ten year sentence for manslaughter, but is still a prisoner of his own past.
The Day Shift
Sequel to The Night Shift.
The Higher Force
Ashamed for being a debt-collecting thug, David believes that he is an ugly duckling waiting to become a swan. Through an unlikely mentor he finds out that life has indeed something very special in store for him.
The Night Shift
Ólafur Ragnar Hannesson
Three men working at a petrol station in Reykjavik battle boredom, strange visitors and their own customers.
Dorks & Damsels
The film revolves around Hildur, a national celebrity and socialite who has to look for a job when her boyfriend Jolli is sent to prison. She finds a job at Astrópía, a store that sells role playing books and her immersion into geek culture changes her outlook on life.