Park Sun-duk

Рождение : 1954-02-20,


Инцидент, изображаемый в картине, произошел в Корее в октябре 1988 года. Тогда 12 заключённых сумели бежать из перевозившего их автозака, захватив с собой оружие с полным боекомплектом. 6 человек вскоре были пойманы полицией, остальные же, включая Чи, сумели ускользнуть от стражей порядка и на протяжении 9 дней, захватив свои собственные семьи в заложники, укрывались в доме одного из заключенных.
Jenny, Juno
Jenny, Juno centers on the title characters of Jenny and Juno, two fifteen year old middle school students whose one night of romance has dramatic consequences for both their lives. After careful deliberation, the two expectant parents decide to keep the baby.
Воин ветра
Фильм основан на вымышленном анимационном сериале Банга Хак-Ки, показывающем жизнь Чои Бай-Дала, который переселился в Японию во время колониального периода и стал известным мастером карате, основав новую школу боевого искусства, называемую «Киокушин».
Заклятие смерти
Старшеклассницы прибегают к помощи темной магии для того, чтобы разобраться со своими проблемами. Но не все проходит так гладко… Во время магического обряда в одну из старшеклассниц вселяется дух девушки, учившейся в этой же школе много лет назад. Девушки, которая была безжалостно сожжена вместе со своей матерью жителями города, которые обвинили их в колдовстве. Оживший дух девушки, преисполненный жаждой мести, начинает кровавую охоту на виновных в ее смерти…
Low Life
A sprawling story of one man's tumultuous life within the context of the South Korean political situation during the second half of the 20th century.
Моя маленькая невеста
Дедушка Боюн с юношеских лет был другом деда Санг-Мина. В своё время, перед тем как отправиться на войну два друга решили, что когда их дети вырастут, то они их обязательно поженят. Однако судьба распорядилась так, что у обоих друзей родились только мальчики и поэтому исполнение старого обещания перешло на следующее поколение, которое об этом даже и не подозревало…
Libera Me
An arsonist is terrorizing Seoul and the fire investigators are hot on his trail.
A governor's son falls for Chunhyang, a commoner, and illegally marries below his station; when he has to leave her for several years, a local official attempts to corrupt her.
Holiday in Seoul
A hotel bellboy having recently been dumped falls in love with a leg model who's a regular guest at the hotel' she and her lover meet regularly in room 901. One day, her lover gets killed in a hit-and-run accident. Also around this hotel is a telephone operator, whom wishes to waste her time. Her fixation is with a taxi ride. When she gets into a cab, she doesn't tell the driver where to go, and the driver doesn't ask. They just speed along the city at night.
The Real Man
A car salesman decides to escape from his mundane life so he steals a convertible from his boss and sets off on the highways of Korea in search of adventure.
The Hair Dresser
A former dog-stylist creates a phony resume and sets up shop as Henri Park, a man who studied hairdressing in Paris. His styles soon become the sensation of the neighborhood causing the competition to seek ways to keep their customers and drive Henri out of business.
Sunset on the Neon Lights
Sang-min faces sexual discrimination at her advertising job and her lover's publishing company goes bankrupt. However she is determined to find a solution to both their problems
The Taebaek Mountains
Based on the great river story, The Taebaek Mountains chronicles the lasting generational conflict between proprietors and peasants in South Korea.
The Woman and The Man
A maternity ward nurse meets and falls in love with an obiturary columnist. Despite their apparent happiness, the nurse begins to feel that something is terribly wrong with their relationship.
1930-е годы, Корея. Отец, желающий передать своё умение пения пхансори, обучает своих детей. Старшая дочь и младший сын становятся профессиональными певцами, но времена меняются, и людей уже не интересует традиционное пение.
General's Son 3
The General's Son is set during the Japanese occupation of Korea, when the oppression of the imperial rulers is escalating in the streets of Seoul. Starring Park Sang Min (Tube) and Shin Hyun Jun (Face), The General's Son is a winning mixture of fast-paced action and colonial Korean realism, which helped the film become one of the biggest domestic hits of the 1990s.
Marriage Story
This film is a social comedy which depicts women's endeavor to get the right to live free from men's violence in a male dominated society. This Film begins with a newly married couple. They wed against the wishes of family and friends, who thought they weren't a good match. As their marriage progresses, the young couple realize that marriage is not what you see in movies or read in books. They find that love, sex and marriage are very different from what they had dreamed. They also understand why people disagreed with the marriage from the beginning.
For Agnes
This 1990s South Korean movie focuses on a woman who is put on death row after killing her abusive husband.
General's Son 2
The General's Son is set during the Japanese occupation of Korea, when the oppression of the imperial rulers is escalating in the streets of Seoul. Starring Park Sang Min (Tube) and Shin Hyun Jun (Face), The General's Son is a winning mixture of fast-paced action and colonial Korean realism, which helped the film become one of the biggest domestic hits of the 1990s.
Fly High Run Far
In mid-19th Century Korea, the people of Joseon Dynasty embrace the new religion Donghak. After the founder is executed, Choi Si-hyeong becomes Donghak’s second-generation leader and successfully propagates the religion, but in doing so becomes the object of oppression by the royal court.
The Pinwheel That Spins Alone
Nam-do and Nam-shik are two brothers who were raised by their poor grandmother on a mountainside in a remote region of Kangwon Province. Hoping to receive a salary to support his family, Nam-do takes the airforce entrance exam but he fails. He is forced to move to Seoul to earn a living. Nam-shik remains to care for their ailing grandmother and decides to make a go at improving their small farm
General's Son
Kim Doo-han lost his mom at the age of eight and he survives on the streets as a singing beggar. His natural born fighting skills places him on the mean streets of Jongro with the kisaeng house Woomigwan at the center. He is soon recognized for his incredible strength and ability. He finds out through Shin Ma-jeok, the head of a student gang, that he is the son of General Kim Jwa-jin who fought against the Japanese army. Meanwhile, the Yakuzas expand their sphere of influence and try to take over the Jongro streets but Doo-han protects the Korean vendors of Jongro and wins their respect. When the head of Woomigwan, Kim Gi-hwan is arrested, Doo-han becomes the leader of the Jongro gang.
Selling Body
Na-young becomes a prostitute when her heart is broken and then she is sexually violated by Jung-han, a street thug.
The life of a mute woman.
Die to Live