The life of a famous Brazilian film and television actor, including testimonials from people who knew him and worked with him, as well as excerpts from films and videos in which he acted.
A documentary film about the taboos, stereotypes, and struggles of black actors in Brazilian television "soaps". Based on his own memories and on a sturdy body of research evidence, the director analyses race relations in Brazilian soap operas, calling attention to their likely influence on Brazilian African-Americans' identity-forming processes.
Журналистка Дженнифер Джеймс получает задание выяснить — кто убивает бездомных детей и подростков на улицах Рио-де-Жанейро. С помощью приятеля-оператора она знакомится с Бокой — защитником детей от «эскадронов смерти». Однако за образом современного Робин Гуда скрывается жестокий и циничный убийца.