Denise Milfont


Denise Milfont


События фильма вращаются вокруг подрядчика, который консультируется со своим психоаналитиком в связи с нервным расстройством. То, что началось как обычные сеансы психотерапии, постепенно превращается в жесткую психологическую игру, в которую вмешивается магия вуду.
No Coração dos Deuses
Following the clues of a map, a boy and some adventurers go into the forest in search of treasure from the pioneers, and end up going back two centuries in time, in search of the legendary Minas dos Martírios.
The Given Word
Adaptation of the series shown in 1988. The humble farmer Zé do Burro makes a promise to Santa Bárbara to save his donkey Nicolau from death. The payment is to carry a heavy cross from the interior of Bahia to a church in Salvador. When you reach the steps of the church, with injured shoulders, you have to deal with the incomprehension of a conservative priest. Author: Dias Gomes.
Corisco & Dadá
Cruel and brave Brazilian outlaw called Corisco, living in the backcountry in the Northeast, an arid region, rapes 12-year-old Dadá, who becomes his woman, following him and his gang. Although they were supposed to fight against social injustice, they terrorized the small villages along their way.
O Calor da Pele
Журналистка Дженнифер Джеймс получает задание выяснить — кто убивает бездомных детей и подростков на улицах Рио-де-Жанейро. С помощью приятеля-оператора она знакомится с Бокой — защитником детей от «эскадронов смерти». Однако за образом современного Робин Гуда скрывается жестокий и циничный убийца.
In 1987, in Goiânia, two paper collectors find a radioactive capsule and sell it to the owner of a junkyard. Once the capsule is opened, more than 250 people end up contaminated by the substance called Cesium 137, being the biggest radiological accident in the history of Brazil.