Praptpadol Suwanbang

Рождение : 1969-07-09,


Ai Kai, Wat Chedi Boy
From the pure soul of a little boy whom Phra Thutung entrusted to guard the treasures in an abandoned temple to the adventure in the battle of mantra, spells, magic with human friends to protect the treasure from evil hands
Couples in Trouble
A romantic romp between Tum and Oh. Though they have spent 45 years together, there were meager problems to tackle all along. After aunt Or came out as a tomboy, she falls in love with Tongjai, a millionaire widow with a lovely daughter. Or has to ask Tum, her lawyer, to make her dream come true. Um, an oversea graduate and a modern dance teacher, misunderstood Pakin, her own father. She blames him for having an affair with another woman, causing her mother to drive away to a deadly accident. She disobeys her father by dating with Toh, Tum and Oh’s nephew. Will Toh overcome Pakin’s discord and how all these escapades get resolved?
King Naresuan 5
Phra Chai Buri
The Legend of King Naresuan Part 5 Elephant Battle. In the year 2129 the Department of the Red God was incensed to the crushing defeat of King Naresuan. Both have to face the hosts and glory. So then wreak vengeance to the Lord Supangkanlaya. HRH on Dlamini's father was a sadness with the realization that the fate of the daughter and invading the Ayutthaya done it, because he defected to the enemy side. Nordstrom will finally died King Naresuan's went up succeed to the throne of Ayudhya dominate the successor of his father.
King Naresuan 4
Phra Chai Buri
Army of God, King Ananda Bago Red Score big hitters than any war. 3200, elephant riding includes the army and the commoners Regiment, which amounted to 12000 252000 by Mr. A wise army into battle. Well Maha Raja Manga equipment necessary to do and steal cover Roland Smooth brave soldiers. Reputation greatest hitters of Bago forces that come into this. As a result, the cities in the northern frontier of the Ayutthaya Kingdom qualm with conspiracy to renege on healing for the Department of the Red God. The result was the Battle of King Naresuan the face off and battle. When the crowd raging battle over the Tigers. Viziers lack of unity misdeeds, but their personal and partisan considerations. Deputy commander and the survival of the throne was captured mid-battle to bayonet fighting. The soldier was besieged by warlords who Charnarong than captured. Fate of Ayudhya And King Naresuan will end. To follow in the film The Legend of King Naresuan Part 4 "The Nanda Bayin War".
Великий завоеватель 3
Phra Chai Buri
Продолжение захватывающей саги об истории Тайланда.
Ларго Винч 2: Заговор в Бирме
После убийства приёмного отца Ларго Винч становится президентом группы компаний «W Group». Но роль управленца огромной корпорации не подходит Ларго. Он объявляет о продаже «W Group» и создании гуманитарного фонда, который возглавит старый друг его отца. В день, когда договор подписан, Ларго обвиняют в преступлениях против человечества и финансировании режима бирманского генерала Мина. Чтобы узнать, кто стоит за ложными обвинениями, Ларго Винч отправляется в Бирму и встречает там свою бывшую возлюбленную Малунай, которая поможет раскрыть заговор
Великий завоеватель 2: Продолжение легенды
Phra Chai Buri
Фильм рассказывает о жизни короля-воина Наресуана, освободившего сиамцев от бирманского ига, за что до сих пор считается национальным героем. Маленьким мальчиком он, принц Сиама, был взят в заложники королем Бирмы, и жил в плену до 16 лет. Там в нем и зародилась идея борьбы за независимость своего народа... Вторая часть великолепной исторической саги о великом освободителе сиамского народа - Сиамском принце, выросшем среди врагов, ставшем заложником бирманского короля...
Headless Hero
To honour his father's dying wish, a man goes in search of his old friend and along the way he experiences love, betrayal and revenge.
Kwan Riam
In 1939 two young lovers are forced to part when the girl's father falls into debt and sells her to a wealthy widow in central Bangkok. She returns two years later, to find herself torn between love and duty.