Tom Lambert

Рождение : 1893-05-16, Cheshire, England, UK

Смерть : 1966-03-19


Grey William
Sound Designer
Like the famous racehorse her tour bus is named after, Margie faces a decision: sprint for the finish line or end up in the glue factory.
Strange Intruder
Sound Recordist
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
Tangier Incident
Sound Recordist
Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists.
The Steel Fist
Sound Recordist
In an Iron Curtain country an idealistic student goes on the run from the Communist authorities.
Crazy Over Horses
Sound Recordist
The boys get mixed up with a race horse & crooked gamblers
Yukon Manhunt
In this North Woods adventure, the Mounties investigate a series of payroll robberies and discover that it is an inside job.
Ghost Chasers
A ghost helps the Bowery Boys capture a gang of crooks led by a mad doctor.
I Was an American Spy
An American nightclub singer in 1940's Singapore becomes a spy for America in an effort to get back at the invading Japanese army. Based on a true story.
The Lion Hunters
Sound Recordist
A lion trapper and his daughter rendezvous with their hardheaded partner in the African jungle. Bomba, with assistance from a local tribe, strives to run them off.
Bowery Battalion
Sound Recordist
Slip, Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) think an air-raid test is for real and join the Army.
Outlaws of Texas
Monogram's Outlaws of Texas is surprisingly bereft of the action highlights one might expect from star Whip Wilson. This time, the Whip and his saddle pal Andy Clyde play heroes Tom and Hungry who work undercover to break up a gang of bank robbers.
Blues Busters
Sound Recordist
The Bowery Boys (Bowery Boys) open a nightclub after Sach has his tonsils out and wakes up with a singing voice.
Hot Rod
Sound Designer
A young man builds a hot rod despite the disapproval of his father, a Juvenile Court judge. Circumstantial evidence points to the innocent teenager when his car is involved in a hit-and-run accident and he must reconcile with his father.
Silver Raiders
Arizona Ranger Larry Grant is posing as an outlaw while hunting for an outlaw gang, secretly led by Lance Corbin, that is stealing silver in Mexico and smelting it into bars for sale in the United States.
Triple Trouble
Slip and Sach take the rap for a robbery they did not commit in order to uncover the real robbers, whom they suspect are led by a convict who gives orders to his gang outside via a short-wave radio stashed somewhere in the prison.
The Underworld Story
Wardrobe Designer
A blacklisted reporter brings his shady ways to a small-town newspaper after being fired from a big city daily.
The Lost Volcano
Sound Recordist
Little David Gordon lives in the jungle with his parents Ruth and Fred, along with their servant Nona. David likes living there while his father captures wild animals; he's made friends with Bomba the jungle boy, who has shown him a great deal about life in the jungle. One day two adventurers come looking for ancient treasure in the shadow of a live volcano.
Rocketship X-M
Sound Engineer
Пятеро астронавтов отправляются на Луну, однако сбившись с курса, вынуждены приземлиться на Марсе. На красной планете они обнаруживают признаки существовавшей некогда могущественной цивилизации, и примитивное племя существ, невероятно похожих на людей…
Без ума от оружия
Sound Designer
Барт Тэр с раннего детства любит оружие. По возвращению из армии друзья отводят его в парк с аттракционами, где он встречает Лори, девушку своей мечты, которая работает в этом парке и любит оружие не меньше, чем он. Вскоре они женятся. После свадьбы Лори становится недовольна своим финансовым положением. Барт не может противостоять беспощадной и жадной женщине, которую он любит. И пара начинает вереницу дерзких грабежей…
Bomba on Panther Island
Sound Recordist
In this second film in the "Bomba, the Jungle Boy" series, Bomba tracks a dangerous panther.
Master Minds
When Sach eats too much sugar, he goes into a trance whereby he's able to predict the future. Slip tries to make some money off of Sach by using him as a fortune teller in a carnival, until a mad scientist kidnaps Sach to use him in an intelligence-switching experiment with a monster.
Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch
Joe heads for South America to fight the Latin champ. Shipboard, he helps federal agents fight counterfeiters. He also spars with love interest Anne Howe.
Special Agent
A California railroad agent hunts two brothers for murder and robbing a payroll express.
Leave It to Henry
Sound Recordist
Henry Latham and town Mayor Colton continue their misadventures in Smalltown, America. This time, twelve-year-old David Latham is testifying at the trial of his father, Henry, who is accused of burning down the McCluskey bridge.
Hold That Baby!
While working in a laundromat, the boys find a baby hidden among the linen. They soon find out that the baby, who is the heir to a fortune, has been abandoned by his mother so that her two evil aunts can't cheat her and the baby out of the inheritance. The boys determine to help the woman claim her baby's rightful inheritance from her aunts, who have hired gangsters to find and eliminate the girl, the baby and anyone who helps them.
Sky Dragon
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Bomba, the Jungle Boy
Sound Recordist
George Harland and his daughter Pat are photographers who discover a wild boy in the jungle. When Pat becomes lost, Bomba brings her back, overcoming plagues of locusts, forest fires and fierce wild animals.
Two members of a dynamite crew--a rugged veteran and a young college drop-out--finds themselves at odds regarding safety precautions for their co-workers.
The Feathered Serpent
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Borrowed Trouble
Finishing a trail drive, Hoppy and the boys head to town and immediately get caught up in the conflict between school teacher Miss Abott and next door saloon owner Mawson. When Miss Abott disappears, Hoppy gets a clue to her location and rescues her from Mawson's cabin. It looks like Mawson is the man he wants, but Hoppy finds an item that indicates otherwise.
Jinx Money
A man wins $50,000 in a card game with gamblers, but is soon found dead and the money missing. Slip and Sach find the money near where the body was discovered, and soon find themselves the target of both the police and the gamblers.
Sinister Journey
Lee Garvin has eloped with the daughter of a railroad man who didn't approve of the marriage. Hoppy steps in when the young man is framed for murder.
Smart Woman
A crusading DA falls for a defense attorney with a criminal past.
Docks of New Orleans
Detective Charlie Chan springs into action when top officials of a New Orleans chemical company begin dropping like flies.
Song of My Heart
Sound Engineer
The portrait of Russian composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky focuses on his failed love affair.
Smart Politics
The growth of juvenile crime in a small town starts a movement for the building of a youth center.
Black Gold
Sound Recordist
A Native American man trains a horse for the Kentucky Derby.
News Hounds
Slip and Sach are working for a local newspaper as a reporter and photographer, respectively. Slip wants to get the goods on a local gambling ring that is fixing sporting events, so he and Sach go undercover to expose the ring.
Sarge Goes to College
Sound Recordist
A Marine Sergeant, wounded in overseas service, requires an operation, and the Navy psychiatrist recommends to the Captain and Colonel that "Sarge" be given a few weeks rest before hospitalization. Through the Dean of San Juan Junior College, Sarge enters the school on a temporary basis.
Spook Busters
Sound Recordist
The Bowery Boys--Slip, Sach, Bobby, Whitey & Chuck--start their own exterminating service, and get a job which takes them to a spooky old abandoned mansion in the middle of the night. Meeting up with pal Gabe and his new French bride, the boys are tormented by mad scientists who try to convince them the place is haunted and then kidnap Sach in order to place his brain inside a gorilla.
Bowery Bombshell
Slip (Leo Gorcey), Sach (Huntz Hall), Bobby (Bobby Jordan), Whitey (William Benedict) and Chuck (David Gorcey) unsuccessfully try to sell a dilapidated car to a street cleaner for a fabulous amount, so they can get enough money to save Louie's (Bernard Gorcey) Malt Shop. Sidewalk photographer Cathy Smith (Teala Loring) snaps a pictures of three bank robbers as they are fleeing a robbery but when the Bowery Boys and Cathy realize that Sach is also in the photograph, they break into the photo lab to destroy the negative, which might make the police think Sach was involved in the robbery.
Тёмное алиби
После того, как трое мужчин были осуждены за ограбления банков, у Чарли появляются подозрения. После некоторого расследования Чарли обнаруживает, что мужчины невиновны и что доказательства в виде отпечатков пальцев, использованные для их осуждения, были подделаны. Затем Чарли приступает к поиску настоящих грабителей банков.
Allotment Wives
Sound Mix Technician
Unscrupulous women marry servicemen for their pay.
Шанхайская кобра
Sound Recordist
Чарли Чен расследует ряд необычных убийств. Все убитые отравлены ядом кобры. Вскоре Чарли с «сыном № 3» Томом и вечным ассистентом Бирмингем Брауном выходят на поиски сбежавшего из Шанхая мошенника, который собрался ограбить правительственное хранилище. Он задумал выкрасть из него ценное вещество: ядовитый радий.
A woman who has been married and divorced five times comes back to her small hometown, where she proceeds to complicate, and potentially destroy, the marriage of her childhood boyfriend.
The Cisco Kid Returns
After several years' dormancy, the "Cisco Kid" western-film series returned to the screen with Monogram's The Cisco Kid Returns. Duncan Renaldo, actually Rumanian, starred as the Mexican "Robin Hood of the Old West", with Martin Garralaga as his corpulent sidekick Pancho. In the tradition of 20th Century-Fox's earlier "Cisco" efforts, our hero comes to the aid of an orphaned child, clears himself of a kidnapping charge, and proves that a "solid citizen" is in fact a criminal mastermind.
Oh, What a Night!
An international jewel thief tries to keep his secret from his neice.
When Strangers Marry
A naive small-town girl comes to New York City to meet her husband, and discovers that he may be a murderer.
Nearly Eighteen
A singer pretends to be younger so she can enter a music school.
Perils of the Royal Mounted
Sergeant MacLane of the Mounties investigates the disruptive activities of a bunch of troublemakers.
Souls in Pawn
Sound Recordist
Although she is secretly married to a student, a young girl is forced to give up her baby rather than be thought of as an "unwed mother".
Passport to Alcatraz
George Hollister, crack investigator for the NYC police, is assigned to run down the enemy aliens who dynamited a Detroit munitions plant. The trail takes him to a customs inspector who is known to have honored fake passports provided by Leon Fenten, chief henchman of Drexel Stuyvesant who heads the sabotage ring. Aided by his partner Ray Nolan. Hollister arrests an agent named Reed and takes his place using the fake passport. As Reed, he is met by Karol Roy, an innocent assistant, who takes him to Fenten. Working undercover, Hollister is still unable to learn the name of the head man, not even from dumb gang-member Hank Kircher. Stuyvesant warns Fenten of his suspicions about "Reed" and the latter gives Hollister an assignment as a test.
Law of the Ranger
Sound Engineer
Working undercover, Rangers Bob and Wally arrive to take up ranching. Out to stop them is Bill Nash and his men. When Bob plans to file on a ranch, Nash finds out and heads for the Registrar ahead of him.
Ranger Courage
The Harper wagon train is carrying money and Bull and his gang are after it. When their first attack is foiled by the rangers, Allen trails them. But he is captured and his ranger badge used to divert the rangers away leaving the wagon train unprotected.
The Unknown Ranger
Bob Allen in his starring debut gets a job on Wright's ranch where he hopes to find the rustlers no one else has been able to locate. Everyone is looking for men when the actual rustler is a horse.
The Crime Patrol
Sound Recordist
Prizefighter Bob Neal (Ray Walker) is in debt to gangster Vic Santell (Hooper Atchley) for training expenses. Santell orders Bob to take a dive in the fourth round so Santell can recoup prior gambling losses. Taunted by his ring opponent, Bob wins the fight. Realizing that his profession and underworld characters connected to it are causing him problems, Bob decides to join the police force. After taking nurse Mary Prentiss (Geneva Mitchell) to a drive-in restaurant where the total bill is a depression-era cheap eighty-two cents, Bob and his fellow officers round-up a gang of fur thieves in a warehouse shoot-out.
The Reckless Way
The DVD for this film bears the title "The Lure of Hollywood". Marian Nixon plays a girl who doesn't want to settle for second best. She is offered chance to be a model and jumps at it. Her boyfriend is upset--he just wants to marry her and settle down to a life of domestic bliss. But she has stars in her eyes--and soon learns to use publicity to create a new movie star persona. Throughout all this, the sappy boyfriend is always waiting nearby--hoping that she'll come to her senses and give up this new life.
Heir to Trouble
Sound Engineer
Ken Armstrong (Ken Maynard) finds himself a mine owner and a daddy simultaneously when a friend dies and wills him his mine and his baby. The outlaws eying the mine try to frame the hero for the death.
Lawless Riders
Sound Engineer
Edith overhears Bart's plan to rob the bank so she informs Ken. But she is also overheard and when Ken goes to investigate, Bart's Henchman Prod frames him for the robbery. Thrown in jail, Ken's pal Pedro arrives with a plan to get him out.
The Scarlet Letter
Sound Recordist
In the seventeenth century, in Massachusetts, a young woman is forced to wear a scarlet "A" on her dress for bearing a child out of wedlock.
Badge of Honor
Hoping to impress a pretty girl he's after, a playboy poses as a newspaperman and goes after a big story.