Tao Zeru

Tao Zeru

Рождение : 1953-12-07, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China


Tao Zeru


Мистер Шесть
Liu Ye's old friend
Лю Е — 50-летний вор в законе, который когда-то царствовал на улицах Пекина. В преступных кругах его называли Лао Пао Эр, что означает «старая пушка». Однажды его непослушный сын из-за девушки ввязывается в конфликт с бандой гонщиков, где все сплошь золотая молодежь. Лю Е вступается за сына, пытаясь усмирить тех своим авторитетом, но молодая поросль и слыхом не слыхивала о таком замшелом пне как Лю Е. Приходится собрать старую банду и указать соплякам на их место.
The Hundred Regiments Offensive
Song of the Phoenix
Jiao San Ye
The life and trials of You Tianming, a young suona apprentice who forms his own suona troupe at a time when the traditions of suona music are declining in Chinese society.
Feed Me
Grandpa Wang
On an old barge moored close to a small village inhabited by old people and children, live young Wang Wang and his grandfather. The latter is immensely fond of the local doctor, Ms. Bei, who keeps prompting him to buy her a ring as proof of his good intentions. Wang Wang attends the local school, but, in the absence of maternal authority, with great reluctance. Then, one night, a young pregnant woman is discovered hiding on the boat, ready to give birth. With the arrival of her little baby girl, the young mother, already used to her river accommodations, opts to stay with them. Life on the barge is no longer the same. Wang Wang feels the stirring of adolescence and an Oedipal attraction to the young woman; the grandfather is diagnosed with dementia and and is warned that its first signs could soon manifest themselves; and the new young mother keeps a bag whose contents will later reveal a dark secret. Three people at a crossroads in their lives.
Angry Kid
Angry Kid is a Chinese Comedy
Последний ужин
Fang Zeng
В фильме ведется повествование о воспоминаниях 61-летнего императора Лю Бана, основателя династии Хань. Лю Бан жил в страхе, что кто-то пытается его убить, мучимый кошмарами и подозрениями по отношению ко всем окружающим. Больше всех остальных Лю Бан опасался двух человек: первым из них был Сяй Юй, боровшийся с императором за господство над Китаем после падения династии Цинь, вторым же был Хань Синь, который ранее был на службе у Сяй Юй, а затем стал генералом у императора.
Падение последней империи
Tang Weiyong
Китай, 1911 г. Период политической нестабильности и революционных настроений в государстве. На фоне общей неразберихи и неопределённости, некто Сунь Ятсен поднимает восстание и направляет мощь своих войск с одной единственной целью — свергнуть правящую династию Цинь и установить новый, социально направленный режим управления республикой.
Основание партии
Zhang Xun
Картина обращается к событиям так называемой Первой китайской революции (Синьхайская революция), произошедшей в 1911 году, и свергнувшей династию Цин. Тогда было положено начало основанию китайской компартии. Фильм рассказывает о первых шагах самых влиятельных лидеров первого поколения нового Китая, в числе которых Мао Цзэдун и Чан Кайши.
Love for Life
Set in a small Chinese village where HIV virus is spreading rapidly as a result of illicit blood trade, Mo shu wai zhuan revolves around De Yi and Qinqin are both estranged from their respective family because of their disease and unexpectedly find love with each other by their misfortunes.
Основание Китая
Wu Tiecheng
Эпическая историческая драма, посвящённая шестидесятилетнему юбилею основания Китайской Народной Республики. Фильм посвящен событиям между 1945 и 1949 годах, когда коммунисты, под руководством Мао Цзэдуна боролись с националистами Чана Кайши, после неудачной попытки создать демократическое коалиционное правительство. Мы увидим, как в 1948 году впервые было проведено заседание Народной политической консультативной конференции, которое и сейчас является важным консультативным органом.
A Chinese peasant is given the responsibility of protecting his village's special dairy cow during a particularly harsh winter in 1940.
Life Show
Zhuo Xiongzhou
The story of a beautiful, single woman who runs a restaurant in inland China, delving into her battle to understand the rapid changes affecting society around her.
Shanghai Story
The film tells of Dr. Robert Payne's adventures in Shanghai 50 years ago. Payne falls in love with beautiful Qiuqiu, the consort of revolutionary hero Jin, who is a communist leader in the Shanghai underground However, he suffers from seizures caused by old head wounds and becomes Payne's patient. Hao Ming is the brutal chief of the Guomintang secret police. In his hunt for Jin, he discovers that Qiuqiu is his long lost daughter. At a lavish father-daughter reunion, Qiuqiu gets her revenge and shots Hao Ming. She's been arrested and admits her guilt. When Jin realizes how much Qiuqiu loves him, he offers to give himself up in exchange for commuting Qiuqiu's death sentence...
Don't Cry, Nanking
In December 1937, during the Second Japanese-Sino War, a Chinese doctor, his Japanese pregnant wife, their teenage daughter and their young son travel from Shanghai to Nanjing seeking shelter in the Capital during the Japanese invasion. The family faces the Rape of Nanking by the Imperial Japanese Army, with rapes, mass murder of prisoners of war and civilians including women, children and elders, and disrespect of international conventions.
Wu Long
Shot in 1995, but banned until 2004, this is an adaptation of Su Tong's novel about a shrewd amoral country boy who arrives in the big city in the 1930s and works at a rice emporium.. Initially pushed around, he learns the ropes in his new environment quickly, eventually climbing to the position of boss by marrying the daughter of the house.
Unwelcome Lady
A story of the upheavals and changes in Chinese society from the 1960s to 1980s, set in the hutong alleyways of Beijing.
The Big Mill
A Communist is outraged by the structures of power in his village in China in the 1930s, during the corrupt Nationalist regime of Chiang Kai Shek.
Sun Mountain
The September of Mine
An Jianjun's Father
Before the Beijing Asian Games in 1990, a group of elementary school kids compete for the chance to participate in a martial arts performance for the opening ceremony. In this coming-of-age story, kind-hearted An Jianjun pursues his dreams through sweat and tears, friendship and betrayal. The comedy depicts Beijing locals in precise, humorous, and loving detail.
Evening Bell
Taking place in the immediate aftermath of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Evening Bell follows a small platoon of five Chinese soldiers who must negotiate a devastated landscape, burying bodies, disarming mines, and eventually facing off against a starving band of Japanese soldiers who do not yet know that the war has ended.
Joyous Heroes
The Last Day of Winter
Three young people meet by chance on their way to visit relatives imprisoned in a remote labor camp.
Shooting by the Suolun River
General Chen Geng Part 1
First part of the two series about Senior General Gen Chen of the People's Liberation Army
One And Eight
Director Zhang Junzhao's superbly tense revisionist war film (featuring striking cinematography from future Fifth Generation standard bearer Zhang Yimou) is widely considered to be the first work of Mainland Fifth Generation cinema.