Noboru Nakamura

Noboru Nakamura

Рождение : 1913-08-04, Tokyo, Japan

Смерть : 1981-05-20


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Noboru Nakamura was a Japanese film director and screenwriter. His films Twin Sisters of Kyoto (1963) and Portrait of Chieko (1967) were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.


Noboru Nakamura


Фильм посвящен 700-летней годовщине со дня смерти монаха Нитирэна, основателя школы японского буддизма Нитирэн-сю, которая почитает Сутру Лотоса. Сюжет построен на жизнеописании мыслителя, который всю жизнь фанатично боролся за верховенство своих идей. Школа «Лотосовой Сутры» так и не получила статуса государственной религии Японии, однако и по сей день имеет там многочисленных сторонников.
Фильм посвящен 700-летней годовщине со дня смерти монаха Нитирэна, основателя школы японского буддизма Нитирэн-сю, которая почитает Сутру Лотоса. Сюжет построен на жизнеописании мыслителя, который всю жизнь фанатично боролся за верховенство своих идей. Школа «Лотосовой Сутры» так и не получила статуса государственной религии Японии, однако и по сей день имеет там многочисленных сторонников.
A story about being scared of getting old.
Love Stopped the Runaway Train
Based on a novel by Ayako Miura.
Love and Death
Yuji, a budding writer, meets and starts falling in love with his best friend’s girlfriend, Natsuko. The attraction is mutual but due to the circumstances, they try to not act on their attraction. However, as time goes by, they realise that, perhaps, they cannot be without each other. Will the forbidden love affair move forward and can they finally be with each other?
The Earth is Born Again
Japanese movie.
My Destiny
Тиэко - избранное
Котаро Такамура (1883 — 1956) опубликовал сборник стихов "Тиэко-сё" (Тиэко-избранное) в 1941 году и посвятил его своей жене Тиэко, которая умерла 3 годами ранее. Это история творческой семьи: Котаро был скульптором, Тиэко занималась живописью. Однако в возрасте 45 лет Тиэко был поставлен диагноз шизофрении, и она была помещена в психиатрическую больницу Дзэмусака. А через 7 лет она умерла от туберкулёза. Сборник стихов стал настоящим бестселлером, по нему были написаны романы, сняты фильмы и поставлены театральные постановки. Настоящая экранизация основана на романе Харуо Сато.
Тиэко - избранное
Котаро Такамура (1883 — 1956) опубликовал сборник стихов "Тиэко-сё" (Тиэко-избранное) в 1941 году и посвятил его своей жене Тиэко, которая умерла 3 годами ранее. Это история творческой семьи: Котаро был скульптором, Тиэко занималась живописью. Однако в возрасте 45 лет Тиэко был поставлен диагноз шизофрении, и она была помещена в психиатрическую больницу Дзэмусака. А через 7 лет она умерла от туберкулёза. Сборник стихов стал настоящим бестселлером, по нему были написаны романы, сняты фильмы и поставлены театральные постановки. Настоящая экранизация основана на романе Харуо Сато.
Three Faces of Love
When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery.
Three Faces of Love
When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery.
Масштабная экранизация одноименного романа Савако Ариёси, опубликованного в 1959 году. Повествование начинается в последний год XIX века и разворачивается на фоне всех основных событий в жизни Японии вплоть до конца 1950-х годов. Хана приходит в дом Матани юной невесткой и становится стержнем этой семьи. Она изо всех сил старается передать эту эстафету свой дочери и внучке.
The Shape of Night
Yoshie Nogami, a factory worker by day, moonlights as a hostess at a bar. One of the regulars, Eiji Kitami, invites her out on a date. Still only 19, she goes along out of curiosity and ends up spending the night at a hotel where she gives herself to him. They begin a passionate love affair and move in together, after which Yoshie begins skipping work at the factory and rarely returns to her family home. Before long, Eiji’s demeanor changes and he begins to constantly ask her for money. Despite claiming to be a businessman, he is actually a local thug, and his inability to pay his dues to his gang leads him to force Yoshie into prostitution.
Our Happiness Alone
Mototsugu is the younger son of Akira Sakawa, a director of an advertising agency whose mother, Nobuko, is ill with cancer of the liver. His elder brother, Ichiro, works at the Bank of Japan whose wife, Masuko, is from a very high-class family. Mototsugu becomes disgusted with such strait-laced living and leaves home to marry Yoshiko, a blind masseuse, and they live in a small apartment near a pinball parlor where he works.
Our Happiness Alone
Mototsugu is the younger son of Akira Sakawa, a director of an advertising agency whose mother, Nobuko, is ill with cancer of the liver. His elder brother, Ichiro, works at the Bank of Japan whose wife, Masuko, is from a very high-class family. Mototsugu becomes disgusted with such strait-laced living and leaves home to marry Yoshiko, a blind masseuse, and they live in a small apartment near a pinball parlor where he works.
Double Wedding
Старая столица
Двадцатилетняя Тиэко — наследница известного магазина традиционных тканей. С детства она знает, что является приёмной дочерью. Она не может забыть, что настоящие родители бросили её, хотя в новой семье её окружают ласка и забота. Неожиданная встреча с сестрой-близнецом меняет всю её жизнь.
A Roaring Trade
The Estuary
Женщины Токио
Эйко Курита возненавидела мужа и сбежала в Токио со своим младшим братом. После случайного знакомства с художником, она начинает работать в ночном клубе и там попадает во власть различных любовных схем.
Towering Waves
Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
When It Rains, It Pours
Tane, the lady proprietor of an inn for amorous couples, lives there with her three children. When her eldest daughter loses her fiancé due to the fact her mother is a mistress, her despair drives her to become a cabaret hostess.
When It Rains, It Pours
Tane, the lady proprietor of an inn for amorous couples, lives there with her three children. When her eldest daughter loses her fiancé due to the fact her mother is a mistress, her despair drives her to become a cabaret hostess.
The Mask and Destiny
Shuzenji Monogatari (The Mask and Destiny) is based on a 12th-century Japanese legend. An abortive royal romance leads to an escalating series of tragedies. The central character is a Japanese monarch who would prefer to live a humble existence as a maskmaker. Unfortunately, events -- and destiny -- are against him. When first released, Shuzenji Monogatari was held in far lower esteem than such recent Japanese films as Gate of Hell and Samurai. Nevertheless, the film was selected as an entry at the Venice Film Festival, possibly on the strength of its excellent production values.
Жизнь одной женщины
Экранизация романа Юдзо Ямамото, хорошо известного в нашей стране, повествует о трудной судьбе матери-одиночки в довоенной Японии.
Zoku jûdai no seiten
Tateuo Ueda
Film directed by Saeki Kozo with Wakao Ayako.
Natsuko’s Adventure in Hokkaido
Born to a prestigious family, Natsuko is not impressed by any one of her suitors. Determined to spend her life serving god, she sets off to a convent in Hakodate, Hokkaido, and meets along the way a young bear-hunter with whom she begins an adventure.
The Waves
Nami (波 Nami) is a Japanese film directed by Noboru Nakamura. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
Наша весёлая семья
Косаку Уэмуре нелегко содержать большую семью. Старшая дочь не работает и мечтает стать художником. Её избранник болен туберкулёзом, и неизвестно, сможет ли он поправиться. Средняя дочь заканчивает школу и планирует с классом туристическую поездку. Сын и младшая дочь ещё совсем маленькие. К тому же у них нет своего жилья, и приходится платить за аренду. Понимая тяжелое положение мужа, супруга работает ночами и продает свои последние ценности. Неожиданно за выслугу лет главе семьи вручают солидную премию. Все в семье вздыхают с облегчением, но радость оказывается преждевременной.
Otoko no iki
This was 1942, so it was a national policy film, no matter what you call it. But when the war was still on the winning side, there wasn't even a little bit of sadness in the film (as the war was getting worse and worse, the burdens on our backs were increasing day by day, and we had to keep forming a line for tomorrow with nowhere to go (Akira Kurosawa's "The Most Beautiful", Admiral Nomura's "Enemy Air Raid", etc.) (Song of Annihilation, directed by Sasaki Yasushi). The film closes with the hope of the blue cloud that is bubbling up in the air. Or it may be the last time that a Japanese film talks about war and looks at the end of the war with an unconcerned eye.
Otoko no iki
This was 1942, so it was a national policy film, no matter what you call it. But when the war was still on the winning side, there wasn't even a little bit of sadness in the film (as the war was getting worse and worse, the burdens on our backs were increasing day by day, and we had to keep forming a line for tomorrow with nowhere to go (Akira Kurosawa's "The Most Beautiful", Admiral Nomura's "Enemy Air Raid", etc.) (Song of Annihilation, directed by Sasaki Yasushi). The film closes with the hope of the blue cloud that is bubbling up in the air. Or it may be the last time that a Japanese film talks about war and looks at the end of the war with an unconcerned eye.