Jeffrey C. Hogue


Soldier's Fortune
A rich young girl is kidnapped by masked terrorists. Her mother's ex-husband, a former mercenary, gathers some of his former comrades and goes off to rescue her.
In Broad Daylight
The fanatically uncompromising Len Rowan and his family insult and terrorize the citizens of a small town for years. One day the comment of a saleswoman about Len's son not being able to pay his sweets triggers off his persecution complex. As revenge for the believed insult, the whole family starts stalking the shop owner and her husband... until this escalates and the old man gets badly injured. Len is arrested, but gets off, free on bail. His clever attorney delays the court session for more than a year - while Rowan keeps threatening the witnesses. But then, the people feel they've had enough of this and decide to take the law in their own hands...
Враждебный пришелец
Bug Faced Guard
Злодей Кол приговорен к смерти на находящейся на орбите Земли космической станции. Но невообразимым образом ему удается спастись, сесть в спасательный модуль и приземлиться в густых зарослях Южной Америки. Командир космической станции решает отправить по следу Кола девушку-робота, чтобы уничтожить злодея любой ценой. На Земле Кол знакомится с подростками, которые помогают ему скрыться от преследовательницы…
Враждебный пришелец
Злодей Кол приговорен к смерти на находящейся на орбите Земли космической станции. Но невообразимым образом ему удается спастись, сесть в спасательный модуль и приземлиться в густых зарослях Южной Америки. Командир космической станции решает отправить по следу Кола девушку-робота, чтобы уничтожить злодея любой ценой. На Земле Кол знакомится с подростками, которые помогают ему скрыться от преследовательницы…
Angel of Vengeance
A young woman newly arrived in a small town comes up against a crazed group of survivalists who have killed a party of motorcyclists in the desert. They capture and rape her, but she escapes and makes plans to take her vengeance on them.
Angel of Vengeance
A young woman newly arrived in a small town comes up against a crazed group of survivalists who have killed a party of motorcyclists in the desert. They capture and rape her, but she escapes and makes plans to take her vengeance on them.
The Curse of the Alpha Stone
A university professor uses hypnotism, potions and smoke from a glowing stone to get women to have sex with him.
Asylum of Satan
A young woman is brought to an asylum to receive special treatment from a mysterious doctor. Dr. Spector does more than just run the hospital -- he offers his patients as sacrifices to Satan.
Magic Christmas Tree
A boy is given a ring by an old witch, he uses the ring to bring upon a magic Christmas that grants him 3 wishes.