Marco Antonio Treviño

Marco Antonio Treviño

Рождение : 1961-01-07, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Marco Antonio Treviño


Don Julio
A man who loses his wife and goes to seclude himself in a cabin in the woods, where strange things happen.
The Chicken Coop
Carlos is tired of how a TV Network manipulates information and abuses its power. In order to bring justice, he kidnaps one of his main executives.
10 fantastic and dark conversations tell us the story of a Mexican family through the relations and conflicts of two brothers.
A middle-aged man calls into question his life choices and his own morals after a flirtation with a teenage girl at the beach.
La Petición
Broken Souls
After leaving a desolate mother and an abandoned home, Julian returns 10 years later in search for his past, only to find his ex-wife Maria partnered with Santiago, a writer in whom she has found a refuge. Julian's arrival will give a new direction to the lives of the three, creating a love triangle full of reconciliations, secrets and death.
Out of the Clear Blue Sky
Returning to Earth as an imitator, the legendary Mexican artist Pedro Infante must prove that he is no longer a womanizer to enter paradise.
Некоторые секреты лучше оставить как есть. Фабиан - астроном, стремящийся открыть природу неизвестного объекта вблизи созвездия Лебедь, находящегося на расстоянии 37 000 световых лет от Земли.
Mist of Guilt
Iliteracy today seems to be a small problem globally, but it is hell for the individual illiterate that struggles alone in a hyper communicative era.
A Beginner's Guide to the Presidency
A governor wants to be president, but in order to reach his goal he needs to do what he hates most: being a politician.
José Henriquez
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, расскажет о тридцати трех чилийских шахтерах, которые в 2010 году на 69 дней оказались в ловушке под землей.
Demon Inside
Marta used to be a recognized and successful psychic, but after a dramatic experience, she loses faith in her gift and develops agoraphobia. She couldn't see the devilish side of her rapper, Mario, and now, Marta is afraid that Mario will stalk her again. As soon as she released from the asylum, she moves to Monica's uncle apartment. There, she feels safe. But soon, she has trouble with her crazy neighbors. And if this wasn't enough, a spectrum starts to haunt her, making her life impossible. Marta will have to fight against all these difficulties and manage to get her gift back before Mario finds her.
Los Salgado
The Father
In a highly dysfunctional family consisting of father, mother and young daughter, dwells conflicts and dangers in a paralyzing silence.
Hidalgo: la historia jamás contada
Abad y Queipo
Hidalgo, en su celda del Hospital Militar de Chihuahua, recuerda algunos pasajes de su vida, principalmente su estancia como párroco en San Felipe Torres Mochas; donde se relacionó con las clases bajas y nació la idea emancipadora, tradujo y montó al Tartufo de Molière, se enamoró de Josefa Quintana y se alejó por algún tiempo de la vida eclesiástica.
Опасное Обольщение
Лаура – успешный пластический хирург. Но жизнь она посвятила работе, и теперь, когда ей под сорок, она не замужем, одинока и чувствует, как уходит ее молодость. Когда симпатичный молодой медбрат Густаво проявляет к ней интерес, она быстро ложится с ним в постель. Он пробуждает в ней дикую сексуальность, но чем ревнивее он становится, тем больше ее пугает его любовь. Ей приходится уволить его из больницы и выставить из дома, и тогда из просто странной ситуация становится страшной. Сначала ее лучшую подругу избивают до полусмерти, а потом уничтожают ее дом. Она начинает изучать его прошлое и выясняет, что он не тот, кем представляется. Любимая бабушка, которую он так часто цитировал, оказывается приемным родителем-насильником. Когда ситуация накаляется до предела, она решает закрыть клинику на несколько недель и отправиться на долгожданный отдых. Но в тот вечер, когда она завершает свои дела с пациентами, Густаво является, чтобы выяснить отношения.
Lic. Lozada / Padre Miguel
In 2033, Mexico City is a hot, mechanical and chaotic megacity ruled by the military and a tyrannical government. It is an oppressed society with its religious faith and liberty of expression stolen. Pablo, the main character, is a young finantial yuppie that gets shelter in drugs and alcohol. He leaves his privileged life in order to help the unprotected and destroy the system that controls the population.
Bajo Amenaza: 42 km. de angustia
After a police raid, commanding officer Alberto has confiscated a large sum of money from a powerful drug dealer named Bartolomé. Bartolomé is pure evil and wants his money back, so he makes a plan to recover his money that involves kidnapping Alberto's son and forcing Alberto's wife, a famous runner, to run the local marathon.
El brassier de Emma
It was the year of 1962 when I turned 12 and my breasts began to grow. Cecilia, my sister, went to study in Paris, I was left alone with my parents and their problems. I discovered that the breasts made men and women crazy, while mine began to draw the attention of my friends without adults realizing that I needed a bra.
Malos hábitos
Matilde is a nun convinced that faith moves mountains. She secretly begins a mystic fasting to end what she considers to be the second great flood. Elena is a thin and fashion-conscious woman ashamed of her daughter's chubbiness. She's willing to do the impossible to make her daughter Linda thin so Linda will look like a little princess on the day she receives her first communion. At the same time Elena's husband Gustavo - a professor of architecture - cannot cope with his wife's bones poking him during intimate moments so he turns his attention to a buxom female student with a hearty appetite.
Pink Punch
Judicial 1
Jimmy Morales is a young fighter with a short career but with a promising future in the world of boxing. One night, after watching a movie, he witnesses a cold-blooded murder committed by Germán Corona, a known gangster of the neighborhood. Their eyes meet, Jimmy fears the worst, but the murderer runs away inexplicably. From that moment, a peculiar relationship between the boxer and gangster develop.
El aguacate
La Playa Del Deseo
A sadist kidnaps & struggles to keep several women captive till he meets one that's all too willing to cater to his cruel desires.
Triángulo Fatal
Por un salvaje amor
By night, Esteban (Sebastian Ligarde) is an assassin for the mob. By day, Esteban is a pimp and his boss explains to him that the demand right now are prostitutes that are very average looking. He manages to find one girl and her name is Julia (Vanessa Yudic). Julia is a young secretary who mostly keeps to herself, but still longs for a good man in her life. Julia at first is contemplated by the job offer Esteban has offered her considering it's prostitution, but since she's very attracted to Esteban, she takes the job and let's him take fully advantage of her and her innocence. Julia, young, naive, and virginal, thinks Esteban really loves her because she gives herself up to him. She thinks all that he does is out of love and "tough" love.
Doña Herlinda and Her Son
A manipulative mama deftly manages the life of her homosexual son so that he can have his cake and eat it too. A woman of means, she does this by allowing her son, a doctor, to tryst in her home with his lover. Putting her son's happiness above all else, she then arranges a marriage of convenience to a woman.