Mary Jo Randle

Mary Jo Randle

Рождение : 1954-04-28, Rochdale, Lancashire, England, UK


British actress of stage, TV and film. Best known for her roles as Jo Morgan in The Bill from 1993 to 1995 and as Bernie Quinlan in Jimmy McGovern's drama The Lakes.


Mary Jo Randle


Еще один год
Том и Джерри — семейная пара предпенсионного возраста. Вечера и выходные они коротают с родными и близкими — единственным сыном Джо, острой на язык Мэри, не слишком опрятным сослуживцем Тома Кеном… Ужин и неспешная беседа, чай и вино, ободряющие советы и словесные перепалки. Любовь и тепло, надежда и отчаяние. Общение. Одиночество. Рождение. Смерть. Весна, лето, осень, зима. Время проходит…
Rose McCain
1974. Amidst power cuts, strikes and boot-boy aggro on the football terraces, Joe McCain is bored of a life that's going nowhere. Enter hair-dresser Jane: blonde, beautiful, and moving to the beat of a whole new world of sound, movement and all-nighter dancing at The Wigan Casino - the home of Northern Soul. Swept along on this tide of pulsating dance and lust, Joe becomes embroiled in the darker side of soul scene that will put his friendship to the test.
Кровавый округ: 1974
Eddie's Mum
Корреспондент криминальной хроники газеты «Йоркшир пост» Эдвард Данфорд получает задание написать о расследовании таинственного исчезновения десятилетней девочки. Когда ее находят зверски убитой, Данфорд предпринимает собственное расследование. Чем больше вопросов он задаёт, тем глубже погружается в кошмарные тайны человеческих извращений и пороков, которые простираются до высших эшелонов власти.
A young Russian foreign exchange student arrives at the home of the vicar of a very proper english village whose residents are more than scandalised when her secret colorful past is suddenly revealed.
Debbie's Mother
Художественный фильм о покойном Иене (Яне) Кертисе, загадочном ведущем певце культовой английской пост-панковской группы Joy Division, рассказывает о нескольких последних годах его жизни, завершившихся трагическим самоубийством в 1980 году. О борьбе между его неумирающей любовью к жене и его бурно развивающимися отношениями с подружкой, о его изматывающих приступах эпилепсии, невероятном таланте и всепоглощающих выступлениях на сцене.
Последний палач
Mrs Corbett
Реальная история жизни Альберта Пьеррпойнта, знаменитого британского палача, пошедшего по стопам своего отца и дяди и ставшего самым печально известным в этой профессии. Казнь — грязная работа, но кто-то же должен ее выполнять?! После работы Пьеррпойнт переодевается и становится ничем не примечательным обывателем, спешащим домой к жене или в паб. Единственное, чего он желает, так это достигнуть в своем деле совершенства… Что происходит в душе у человека, чья работа убивать людей? Удивительно, но Альберт Пьррпойнт мечтал о такой судьбе…
Born to Run
Byron Flitch is not enjoying his anniversary party. Instead of making him a partner in their classic car business, his father Burke has demanded he work harder. His mistress Judith could arrive to gate crash the celebrations at any moment and to top things off midway through the line 'I'm going to live forever' from his karaoke Fame rendition, Burke keels over with a heart attack. Amidst this chaos, Burke's wife Lili sees a chance to make her escape and ducks out of the party to leave for an impromptu holiday in Tenerife. When she returns, she is a changed woman and intent on taking up marathon running. With Burke critically ill and Lili off guard, the rest of the family squabble for control of the business.
The Bill: Target
W.D.S. Jo Morgan
Feature length episode of the popular TV series. WPC Ackland finds herself the target of an assassin's bullet.
Bad Behavior
Winifred Turner
The McAllister family house is the setting for Gerry and Ellie's grapples with work, children and how to get the bathroom fixed. Both have reached the stage where reason cannot be heard above the ticking clock of experience and ambition. When temptation comes, how will they react?
Olly's Prison
"When you marry, have'll still be in that chair." An ordinary city flat. Evening. A man tries to talk to his daughter. She will not answer. The play moves through the prison of the mind, to that of the outside world in a search that leads to a tragedy.
My Sister-Wife
Television Producer
Farah is an independent young British woman who manages to reconcile her modern lifestyle with her Pakistani heritage. As a Muslim in love with a married man, she can become his second wife - especially as his first marriage to Maryam seems to exist in name only. But with all three under one roof, Farah becomes increasingly insecure.
Griff Rhys Jones stars as a writer on a popular television soap opera who falls in love with the show's leading lady but finds himself unable to break his ties with his ex-wife and their children.
London's Burning: The Movie
Marion I
It's Josie Ingham's first day at Blackwall Firestation but things aren't going so well being the only female firefighter in an all-male team. Not only does she have to prove to them that she can do the job, problems at home complicate her life even further. Outside, in the heart of the city, tensions are rising to the extreme, Blue Watch have a long night ahead.
The Girl
The story is set in a small English coastal town, around the turn of the century. A young woman, thought by many in the village to be a witch, dies suddenly one day. Not long after she's buried, the villagers begin to see her walking around the area and especially along the shoreline. The village minister begins to look into her life and her death, hoping to lay the spirit to rest.
Another Flip for Dominick
Now a respected teacher of temporal observers, Dominick has not visited the past for several years. He is content with his lot, resigned to the idea that he will never again see Jane, the lover he left in 1980, or their son. Then his boss gives him a new mission: to find out what has become of one of Dominick's students, Pyrus Bonnington, who has gone missing in 1982.