Vladimír Brabec

Vladimír Brabec

Рождение : 1934-05-15, Praha

Смерть : 2017-09-01


Czech movie, TV and stage actor.


Vladimír Brabec
Vladimír Brabec


Tajemství pouze služební
kardiolog - Povídka první: Tajemství bankovní
Godfather's Story
Godfather's story is the story of the greatest of Czech post-revolutionary 'entrepreneurs'. His activities often crossed the edge of the law, and his life ended bullet assassin.
Čtyřlístek ve službách krále
Sendivoj (voice)
profesor Viktor Verner
Goblins and Good Luck 2
Helluva Good Luck
Halt, Or I'll Miss!
It is April 1945, spring begins and ends the war. German transport heading away from Bohemia.
O princi Truhlíkovi
Dick Whittington
O princi, který měl o kolečko víc
král Ruprecht
O těch Martinových dudách
Martha and I
Emil (Vaclav Chalupa as a teen, Ondrej Vetchy as an adult) has been naughty, and his family is at a loss about what to do with him. He's been dallying with the family maid. They decide to ship him off to spend time with his uncle Ernst Michel Piccoli), who married his family maid. The boy has a good relationship with his uncle, and a touching picture of Czech family life just at the advent of World War II emerges. Since Emil and Ernst are both Jewish, they are eventually carted away by the Nazis.
Martha and I
Emil (Vaclav Chalupa as a teen, Ondrej Vetchy as an adult) has been naughty, and his family is at a loss about what to do with him. He's been dallying with the family maid. They decide to ship him off to spend time with his uncle Ernst Michel Piccoli), who married his family maid. The boy has a good relationship with his uncle, and a touching picture of Czech family life just at the advent of World War II emerges. Since Emil and Ernst are both Jewish, they are eventually carted away by the Nazis.
O nebojácné Bětce
Pernikářka a větrný mládenec
Narrator (voice)
Duch času
Než poznáš první úsměv
Jsou určité hranice
Lord High Steward
Záchvěv strachu
O princezně Solimánské
Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického
F. A. Šubert
Daleko od stromu
Veronika, prostě Nika
tatínek Janda
Královna bludiček
Po rozvodu
O stříbrném a zlatém vajíčku
Rukojmí v Bella Vista
major Zeman
Citová výchova jednej Dáše
Chased and Suspected
Dr. Hein
A crime drama directed by Zbynek Brynych.
Nekonečná – nevystupovat
Two somewhat crazy friends Milan (Milan Lasica) and Julo (Július Satinský) resolve to have a peaceful holiday in an old guard house that Julo has bought from his uncle. But in the early hours of the very first morning they are woken up by the loud sound of a trumpet. It is the severe supervisor of a nearby recreation center forcing the children out of their beds and out to exercise drill. To protect themselves from the children, Milan and Julo put up signs saying "private property". The first to disturb their privacy is the supervisor's little granddaughter Miluska, who uses their shed as her gingerbread house. The children in the camp are disgruntled, the supervisor's program bores them, and so they make up all sorts of other things to do.
Vynes na horu svoj hrob
Rovnice o jedné krásné neznámé
otec Havlíček
Náš dědek Josef
Poštovský panáček
Břetislav a Jitka
V každém pokoji žena
Vysoká modrá zeď
Adam and Otka
On the holidays, ten years old Adam and his little sister Otka, four years junior to him, travel from a village Vykán to their aunt to Prague. Their parents left for Hungary to the world championship in ploughing. The children have the address but they do not know the way to the Northern Town. They set out for a place on foot, across the historical parts of the town.
Tichý svědek
Miss Golem
Robot (voice)
It is the 1920's. The good-looking hostess Věra demonstrates household robots to visitors of the Futurum exhibition. Young inventor Petr comes to her rescue when she tries to flee from two men wanting to take her away. Věra confesses that she has fled from home because her father, a factory owner, wanted to profitably marry her off. Petr is fascinated by the emancipated woman and shows her round his laboratory, where he plans to create a robot of his own - but one that would be far more advanced. Věra cuts herself on a broken test-tube and a drop of her blood gets in the solution. In the morning, they are taken aback to see Věra's double. This lucky chance has helped Petr create an artificial being, Miss Golem. She has a single motive for her actions: to take care of Věra and allow her to do only what is good for her.
Legenda, the Robber
It is 1905. The police director gets Jindrich Legenda (Eduard Cupák) shadowed as, yet Legenda had served his sentence for a burglary, the jewels have not been found. Russian revolution encouraged also Czech workers to fight for their rights. Radical anarchists are followed by Legenda's friend Karel Wohryzek (Vladimír Mensík) who was forced to collaborate with the police as he was convicted of pornography distribution.
The Secret of a Great Narrator
The life of the famous French writer Alexander Dumas the Elder. Screenwriter Jaroslav Dietl did not hide his admiration for this literary giant, and in addition to the screenplay he also wrote a three-part TV play about Dumas (starring Vladimír Menšík). In Kachyn's film, Dumas played the father and son of the Štěpánková brothers, and it was a very difficult and difficult task for these young actors.
Poslední výstřel Davida Sandela
David Sandel (voice)
Královna Černá růže
Kamenný kvítek
Svatby pana Voka
cisaruv kanclér Slavata
Czech nobleman Petr Vok of Rozmberk (Milos Kopecký) is no longer so young, but his amatory adventures continue to arouse the envy of men and the indignation of respectable ladies. In his "female retinue" at the chateau in Bechyne he has twelve comely girls, but he still manages to seduce the miller's wife and the maid. Lord Vok is in great financial difficulties. His elder brother Vilém advises him to marry a rich woman. Petr surprises him by announcing his intention to marry the very young Katerina of Ludanice.
Sto dukátů za Juana
Král, kejklíř a hvězdář
Captain Korda
A story of Pepik, an orphaned boy recently adopted by foster family.
Pan Větrovský z Větrova a paní Deštná z Dešťova a také Martin a Klaudina
Komediantská historie
Prague Nights
Rabbi Neftali Ben Chaim (voice) (segment "Poslední golem")
Prague - mystical city. It was here in the Middle Ages, alchemists and magicians gathered. Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher's stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures. Prague just full of ghosts and phantoms. Let us slightly lift the veil that hides the secrets and little to satisfy your curiosity, get acquainted with some legends of Prague.
Spravedlnost pro Selvina
Selvin (voice)
Dům U špačka
Исследование страха
Психологическая драма по роману Стефана Цвейга. У Ирэны есть всё, что она могла пожелать в жизни - она красива, молода, богата, её муж, юрист, имеет хорошее положение, короче говоря, прекрасная семья с одним ребенком - это казалось бы - счастливая судьба. Но жизнь превращается для героини в ад. Достаточно было одной маленькой измены, увлечения молодым композитором. Ирэну начинает преследовать женщина, утверждающая, что она бывшая любовница композитора, которую он вероломно бросил, и требует всё возрастающие суммы денег. Скрывать расходы от мужа становится все труднее. Однако самый большой сюрприз ждет героиню в конце...
Cesta řeky k moři
Poslední růže od Casanovy
František Adam Valdštejn
S čím kdo zachází
Prague at Zero Hour
MUDr. Fahoun
Czech friends help refugees from Nazi Germany escape in 1939.
Prosím, nebudit
Jejich den
The Night Guest
When a man stops at a motel one evening in 1961, his tormenting behavior drives one of the people present at the motel to remember his experiences in a concentration camp during WWII.
Šibalství Scapinova
foreman Ladislav Zápotocký
О жизни рабочих пражской спичечной фабрики в буржуазной Чехословакии 19 века. В центре фильма - судьба молодого рабочего Йозефа, верившего в доброту и порядочность фабрикантов. Жестокая действительная реальность помогла Йозефу понять, что только совместной борьбой рабочие завоюют свои права.
Zdravý nemocný
За жизнь Яна Кашпара
MUDr. Lipský
Рабочий Ян Кашпар вместо воды случайно выпивает ядовитую жидкость. В борьбу за жизнь человека включается масса людей — врачи, лётчики, друзья по работе, совсем незнакомые люди. В результате общих усилий жизнь Яна Кашпара была спасена.
A poignant overview of how short life can be, this interesting drama from Czech director Vojetch Jasny is divided into four separate segments. In the first skit, a young child's impressions are observed as his newborn baby sister becomes a part of the family. In the second, a young woman falls in love for the first time one summer, and in the third, a tough, older peasant woman battles against the farming cooperatives. Finally, in the last segment, everything comes full circle as a woman who is about to become a grandmother dies while her daughter-in-law has not yet given birth.
Чёрный батальон
young man
1951 год. В пражском аэропорту совершил посадку спецрейс из Вьетнама. На его борту граждане Чехословакии, воевавшие ранее на французской стороне в составе Иностранного Легиона в Индокитае, перешедшие затем на сторону Вьетнамской Народной Армии...
Пепик и косолапый Брумло
Educator of an orphanage
О том, как пионеры Чехословакии подарили своим гостям — вьетнамским пионерам — забавного медвежонка Брумло, а те в свою очередь прислали в Пражский зоосад маленького слонёнка. Взаимные подарки содействовали укреплению дружбы между ребятами этих стран.
September Nights
Ztracená stopa
Návštěva z oblak
Nebe patří nám
Commentary (voice)
Большое приключение
В напряженный сталинский период на рубеже 1940-х и 1950-х годов в Чехословакии также как и в СССР тех лет было снято несколько биографических фильмов, главные герои которых изображались как сознательные художники, ученые и т. д. в духе господствовавшей пропаганды. В посвящённом жизни и деятельности путешественника Эмиля Голуба фильме, сценарист Иржи Брдечка создал очень показательную историю об исключительном человеке, который, однако, сталкивается с отсутствием интереса и неприятием чешской буржуазии. Однако, здесь показана и интернациональная точка зрения — Голуб встречает в Африке британский экспансионизм и с негодованием отвергает колонизаторские методы, пытаясь помочь неграм.
Революционный 1848 год
В конце первой половины 19-го века чешское движение возрождения не было объединено. В то время как старшее поколение, как например Франтишек Палацкий, поощряет сдержанность, студенты склоняются к радикальным мерам. Известие о революционных событиях в Париже заставит пражан записать требования чешской нации к самоопределению и провозглашению конституции. Напряженность достигнет кульминации во время Всеславянского конгресса в Праге. Вена отвергает требования Чехии, и конгресс жестоко разгоняется австрийской полицией. Прага начнет строить баррикады...
Křížová trojka
Píšťalka pro dva