Maurice (Patron)
В 2014 году Бернард Джордан устроил «большой побег» из своего дома престарелых, чтобы присоединиться к другим ветеранам войны и отдать дань памяти павшим товарищам в 70-ю годовщину высадки десанта в Нормандии. Это история попала в заголовки мировых новостей, потому что Бернар олицетворял смелый дух быстро исчезающего поколения. Приключение Бернара, длившееся всего 48 часов, стало также кульминацией его 60-летнего брака с женой Айрин. Сюжет фильма основан на реальной истории Бернарда Джордана.
After a violent car crash, Marilyn must take care of her man, who suffers from severe head trauma.
Customs officer
Mélanie, 16 years old, lives with her mother. She likes going to school, her friends, playing the cello, and she wants to change the world. But when she meets a boy on the Internet and falls in love with him, her world changes as she is gradually recruited by Daesh. Sonia is 17 years old, and she almost did something irrevocable to “guarantee” her family a place in paradise. These teenage girls might be called Anaïs, Manon or Leila, and one day they all might go some way down the recruitment process. But can they ever come back from it?
Père Kristof
The Jewish Cardinal tells the amazing true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger, the son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to Catholicism at a young age, and later joining the priesthood. Quickly rising within the ranks of the Church, Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by Pope John Paul II―and found a new platform to celebrate his dual identity as a Catholic Jew, earning him both friends and enemies from either group. When Carmelite nuns settle down to build a convent within the cursed walls of Auschwitz, Lustiger finds himself a mediator between the two communities―and he may be forced, at last, to choose his side.
Between fear of success and a tricky break-up, Ludovic is beyond all hope as he is getting close to the 30's stage. His unexpected meeting with a sick child, Raphael, shakes up his daily life and his future approach. Together, they go after their dreams...
Sam has been locked in for 30 days inside this abandoned apartment. It paints a rather negative assessment of his past life. But outside, hostile creatures lurk. Who are these creatures and where do these strange putrid tasks that progressively invade the arm of Sam?