Joseph Darden


Dark Space
College friends Devin, Jack, Shelly, Kristy, Shaun, and Flower rent a spacecraft to autopilot them to Centauri Five for a holiday break. Impatient over the rental agency restricting the ship’s speed to 10x, Devin and the others convince Shaun to remove the craft’s constrictor device. Doing so damages the computer’s automated systems, as well as the ability to send a distress beacon, causing the six friends to crash land on an uncharted alien planet.
Спрятаться негде
Дуэль на пустынной дороге с агрессивным водителем грузовика заканчивается для шестерых молодых людей сломанной машиной. Пытаясь добраться до цивилизации пешком, они оказываются в лесу, где орудует маньяк в кроличьем костюме и его безумная семейка.
Dreams and Shadows
Billy is a teenage outcast in search of his life's true meaning. Day by day, he slaves away at the local burger joint, only to return home to a paraplegic father, whose own dreams of happiness have faded away in an alcoholic haze. Nonetheless, Billy tries to bond with his delusional father, but cannot break through the many layers of pain and regret that surround him. Frustrated, Billy longs to escape the dead-end existence that has engulfed his father, and now appears to be closing in on him as well.