Kristin Zachariassen

Kristin Zachariassen


Kristin Zachariassen


Анита, 42-летняя учительница физкультуры, устраивается на работу в новую школу. Вскоре она обнаруживает, что один из учеников одержим ею.
Cool Kids Don't Cry
Norwegian children's film about football girl Anja who become seriously ill.
Путешествие к Рождественской звезде
Храбрая маленькая девочка Соня отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы найти Рождественскую звезду, освободить королевство от заклятия и вернуть давно пропавшую принцессу. Но коварные враги всеми силами пытаются помешать ей. И тогда в покрытых снегом норвежских горах начинается настоящее волшебное приключение…
The Woman in My Life
Jakob is an immigration legislative. He changes girlfriends like he changes socks and is less than responsible when it comes to being there for his family. But all this changes when he meets the charming doctor Nina. Now he must decide if he will give up his carefree, superficial lifestyle to be with the woman he loves.
Hold My Heart
Tyven, Tyven ("Hold My Heart") follows the tense relationship between a father and his young daughter. The father, Harald, has divorced Cecilie, his wife, after an ugly breakup which involved accusations of spousal abuse and child molesting. Furious, Harald kidnaps his 7-year-old daughter, Lisa, who he has been forbidden any contact with. Over the course of a few days, the father and daughter grow closer. The police, meanwhile, have organized a manhunt for Harald, and only one policewoman believes he is not a dangerous man.