Marie-Jaoul de Poncheville


Tengri: Blue Heavens
This is a love story set in the steppes of Central Asia of today. Temür a thirty year old Kazakh decides to start life again in his ancestral village in the Kyrghyz Mountains. He discovers soon after his arrival that he is a misfit in this settlement of old conservative Islamic men,some women and children. The only ray of hope for him is Amira a young married woman who waits in frustration for her absentee husband - a Mujahideen. Temur watches sorrowfully as the individual village stories unfold at the same as he tries to help the community out in any way he can. In this way he comes closer to Amira and Taib, her young brother-in-law. In a dead end situation the lovers decide to leave the settlement and travel to a place that would hold out with their dreams. Written by Mira Tanna-Händel
Tengri: Blue Heavens
This is a love story set in the steppes of Central Asia of today. Temür a thirty year old Kazakh decides to start life again in his ancestral village in the Kyrghyz Mountains. He discovers soon after his arrival that he is a misfit in this settlement of old conservative Islamic men,some women and children. The only ray of hope for him is Amira a young married woman who waits in frustration for her absentee husband - a Mujahideen. Temur watches sorrowfully as the individual village stories unfold at the same as he tries to help the community out in any way he can. In this way he comes closer to Amira and Taib, her young brother-in-law. In a dead end situation the lovers decide to leave the settlement and travel to a place that would hold out with their dreams. Written by Mira Tanna-Händel
Molom: A Legend of Mongolia
Molom, the shaman, takes Yonden, a child lost among wolves, under his protection, and walks with him through the Mongolian steppe.
Lung Ta: The Forgotten Tibet
The life of the Tibetan people, forty years after the Chinese invasion. Filmed in Amdo and Kham, regions forgotten by the world and absolutely forbidden to filmmakers and journalists until now, this is an exceptional document on the most mysterious civilization of humanity, now threatened with death.
Mona and I
Mona is the girlfriend of Pierre, who is a member of a rather pathetic rock band in France. Their hero is the singer "Johnny Valentine " who, seeing that Mona is being neglected, decides to make her his own.
Short Memory
In this thriller, a UNESCO translator stumbles across a group which is hiding and supporting Nazis and facilitating their travel around the world. She had been given an assignment to study the work of a writer who recently had died, and the conspiracy is revealed in materials he left behind. She comes upon a young man who is going through the writer's papers, and she immediately assumes he must be one of the conspirators. However, he soon convinces her of his innocence in that regard, and the two together begin a search for the ringleader.
Зеленая комната
Фильм снят по мотивам произведений Г. Джеймса «Алтарь мертвых», «Друзья друзей», «Зверь из джунглей». Франсуа Трюффо: «Мне кажется, что «Зеленая комната» - не столько фильм о смерти, сколько фильм о мертвых. Это фильм о чувствах, как и большинство фильмов. Просто на этот раз речь идет о наших чувствах по отношению к мертвым. Это фильм о силе воспоминания, о том, нужно нам забвение или нет. Для меня это вариации фильма о любви».