Regnārs Vaivars

Regnārs Vaivars


Regnārs Vaivars


Agate – the older and well-off partner of Matiss and the mother of ten-year-old Paula dies unexpectedly. It becomes a devastating blow for Paula and a grand possibility for Matiss, a charming novice bailiff assistant and a cheating boyfriend, to “upgrade” his social status with Agates splendid house. Matiss and Paula are stuck together in order to find the only relative left – the missing brother of Agate. This journey leaves irreversible footprints on both of them.
TUR [ There ] - drama about relationships in virtual an physical world - blending boundaries of both worlds.
After falling out with his girlfriend, Pauls, an employee of an advertising firm, starts spying on Sandra, a woman who lives across the street. As Pauls’ obsession with Sandra deepens, he becomes a witness to her murder.
Golfstrim pod Aysbergom
Киноальманах состоит из 3-х новелл, объединенных мифом о Лилит, первой жене Адама, упоминаемой в древних преданиях Востока, в Талмуде, каббалистике Средневековья. Автор задумал фильм как эротическую притчу о вековечном противостоянии Человека и Матери-природы, ненасытной в своей жажде рождать и уничтожать. По легендам, Лилит была создана, как и Адам, из глины. В ссоре она покинула его, поэтому не запятнана первородным грехом и избежала проклятия. У нее нет души, она бессмертна. Она принимает любой облик, овладевает мужчинами против их воли и покидает, когда захочет, обрекая их на тоску и погибель. Что бы она ни делала, это не является ни Добром, ни Злом. Она — другого естества…
An awkward young man adopts the online MYSPACE identity of his friend, a popular journalist, in order to attract a woman who he otherwise feels would be out of reach. He succeeds and after corresponding with the girl for some time, he travels to meet her, all the while impersonating his friend (whose picture is rarely published with his articles). Surprisingly, when he finds her, she is living with her boyfriend and claims to have no MYSPACE identity at all. It seems the recluse neighbor of the girl has hijacked her online identity also. Intrigue and moral corruption ensue as this case of stolen virtual identity leads to disaster for both the imposters and all those involved.
You're Sexy When You're Sad
The characters of the movie are closely twisted. Each of the heroes is a slave to their own passions. Only through strong will and some happy event they will be able to free themselves from their addictions.
I'm In Love With Your Daughter!
A young guy from impoverished family moves to the big city and by unlikely chance falls in love with a girl who has a wealthy father. When planning their wedding, he asks his father-in-law for a significant amount of money and decides to keep a part of it for himself. To have the wedding on the cheap, he hires inexperienced wedding organizers and asks them to make it look as posh as possible for the low cost. His plan ultimately backfires when the organizers overdo it.
Good Hands
The Estonians and Latvians join hands in this jointly produced Baltic comedy about love and theft centering on light-fingered Margita. Everything and anything that hasn't been nailed to the spot winds up in her possession - whether it's a wallet belonging to a passer-by or a Jeep. But the police are on to her and the streets of Riga are becoming just a little too dangerous for Margita these days (played by rising Latvian star Rezija Kalniņa). She decides to break camp and hitchhike her way up north coming to rest at a little place called Vineeri in Estonia, where she soon finds herself looking after an entire household, including three men and a small boy.
Tristans un Izolde. Trīs stāsti par...
Rolstein On The Beach
In September 3, 1997, an art project - the annual exhibition of the Soros Center for Contepmporary Arts-Riga was opened. The centre - piece of the event was the experimental opera "Rolstein on the beach", that was shown in Dailes theatre. The music and libretto of the opera was written by Hardijs Ledins and Kaspars Rolsteins, and popular musicians, actors and well - known public persons took part in the opera.