A portrait of the witty, artistic, and at times sarcastic Latvian composer Mārtiņš Brauns.
A portrait of the witty, artistic, and at times sarcastic Latvian composer Mārtiņš Brauns.
A portrait of the witty, artistic, and at times sarcastic Latvian composer Mārtiņš Brauns.
A documentary about the Latvian pop singer Mārtiņš Freimanis who died at the early age of 33. The director of this film, Arvīds Krievs, has directed two films starring Freimanis as an actor, and had an intimate connection with him as they were neighbours and Freimanis trusted him more than the journalists or reporters who interviewed him. Arvīds Krievs had planned to make a film about the singer for a few years, so he filmed the singer's life extensively.
A documentary about the Latvian pop singer Mārtiņš Freimanis who died at the early age of 33. The director of this film, Arvīds Krievs, has directed two films starring Freimanis as an actor, and had an intimate connection with him as they were neighbours and Freimanis trusted him more than the journalists or reporters who interviewed him. Arvīds Krievs had planned to make a film about the singer for a few years, so he filmed the singer's life extensively.
A documentary about the Latvian pop singer Mārtiņš Freimanis who died at the early age of 33. The director of this film, Arvīds Krievs, has directed two films starring Freimanis as an actor, and had an intimate connection with him as they were neighbours and Freimanis trusted him more than the journalists or reporters who interviewed him. Arvīds Krievs had planned to make a film about the singer for a few years, so he filmed the singer's life extensively.
Four Latvian legionnaires are sentenced to death for deserting the German army. A Latvian girl heads to the German headquarters to try to free her beloved. In the few hours remaining before the execution a love triangle plays out between the girl, a German officer and the prisoner.
Four Latvian legionnaires are sentenced to death for deserting the German army. A Latvian girl heads to the German headquarters to try to free her beloved. In the few hours remaining before the execution a love triangle plays out between the girl, a German officer and the prisoner.
Actress Indra Burkovska tells the story of her father Aleksandrs and his large family, and life on the farm through the 20th century when the farmer was both a master and a slave to his land. Aleksandrs presents a gift to the Ethnographic Open Air Museum that was his life’s dream – a threshing machine Imanta.
The characters of the movie are closely twisted. Each of the heroes is a slave to their own passions. Only through strong will and some happy event they will be able to free themselves from their addictions.
Молодому сотруднику уголовного розыска Конраду Улфу поручено дело об убийстве фотографа Рудольфа, застреленного во дворе своего дома. Следователь выясняет, что накануне убийства фотограф поссорился со своим соседом Карлисом - инвалидом, который с трудом передвигается на костылях. В Карлисе Конрад признает своего друга, служившего вместе с ним в Афганистане. Карлис признается в совершении убийства, но по ходу следствия становится понятно, что он оговорил себя. Следователь уверен: ключ к разгадке - найденный в фотоархиве Рудольфа снимок обнаженной красавицы.
Во время пикника по случаю дня рождения виновника торжества убивают. Его друг детства, майор милиции, берется найти убийцу...
Во время пикника по случаю дня рождения виновника торжества убивают. Его друг детства, майор милиции, берется найти убийцу...
История знакомства солдата срочной службы Каспарса и девушки Либы. Познакомившись с Либой по переписке, Каспарс после окончания службы приезжает к ней в город... Но вскоре маски оказываются сорванными: выясняется, что парень вовсе не тот талантливый поэт, за которого себя выдает. А за понравившейся ему девушкой скрывается одна из ее знакомых... Но, как известно, большая ложь может привести к большой трагедии...
About the life and work of the famous Latvian poet Vilis Plūdonis.
About the life and work of the famous Latvian poet Vilis Plūdonis.