Ünal Silver

Ünal Silver

Рождение : 1948-01-01, Istanbul, Turkey


Ünal Silver


Hilal, Feza and Other Planets
Set during the aftermath of the September 28 1997 military coup of Turkey, one of the most fascinating periods of modern Turkish history, Hilal, Feza and Other Planets follows the unlikely relationship between a pro-Muslim student Hilal and her friend Feza, a male transgender prostitute who aims to become a woman. With cultural and social backgrounds that are superficially, and in their own perception, polar opposites, Hilal and Feza find common ground through their separate struggles against state oppression and social prejudice. Though not always smooth or free of conflict, their friendship survives the test of time despite ingrained prejudices, and we see their mutual respect and understanding for each other grow each time they meet.
Между двумя рассветами
Кадир - управляющий льняной фабрикой, принадлежащей его отцу. Вскоре он должен встретится с родителями своей невесты Эсмы, хотя его собственный отец еще не знает об их свадебных планах. Кадиру часто приходится находить баланс между тем, чтобы жить своей жизнью и удовлетворять желания своей семьи. Когда работник получает серьезную травму на производстве, ему приходится принять решение, которое повлияет на его мечты, его семью и жизнь жены пострадавшего работника.
Cemil learns he has an alzheimer's disease and his only grandson, Meriç, connects Cemil to life, is going to Tokyo.While looking for ways to keep Meriç in his mind, Cemil will also confront his past with his son, Murat.
Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Hayatta Kalma Sanatı
Halit Aktunç
A twenty years old boy that lost his mother, father and sister in a traffic accident takes a caravan trip with his best friend in order to hold onto life again.
Çakallarla Dans 3: Sıfır Sıkıntı
Zagor İbrahim
Brother Gokhan, Accountant Servet, Meatball Necmi and Del Piero Hikmet are released from prison on probation and they join group therapy in order to be reintegrated to society.
Benimle Oynar mısın?
Romantik Komedi 2: Bekarlığa Veda
Танцор Зенне
Главные герои – студент из консервативной семьи Ахмет, танцор Джан, не скрывающий своей гомосексуальной ориентации, и немецкий фотожурналист Дэниэл, представляющий своего рода взгляд на сюжет со стороны. Согласно турецкому законодательству, молодые люди, смотрящие на отношения между полами иначе, чем принято, не могут служить в армии. Но как сообщить о подобном решении медицинской комиссии и собственной семье?.
Народ моего деда
Deli Bayram
Драма, вдохновленная детством режиссера, о насильственной миграции между Турцией и Грецией в 1923 году, как это видит десятилетний мальчик.
Beni Unutma
Olcay's Father
Sinan (Mert Firat) and Olcay (Acelya Devrim Yilhan) are two young people who have broken up with their lovers and lost their faith in love. After they have found each other, they start all over again. However, things get complicated when Sinan's ex-fiance shows up and Olcay starts to act strange.
Tod in Istanbul
Rasim Kirdar
The Shadow
Adapted from Peyami Safa’s novel Selma and Her Shadow, the movie tells the story of Selma. Selma (Görkem Yeltan) is the ultimate femme fatale whose alluring and seductive nature and irresistible charms exude an aura of death for men.
Beach Boys - Rette sich wer kann
Tour Abroad
Senay is a willful eleven year old girl in Hamburg who's Turkish father has just died. The only friend responding to the news about her father is a gay Turkish cabaret singer, Zeki. Together they travel through Europe in search of the orphan girl's mother, Cicek, who left at childbirth and whom Zeki represents as Senay's aunt.
The Serbian Girl
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.