Seung Tin-Ngo


In Love with the Dead
In Hong Kong, the successful designer Ming lives with his beloved girlfriend Wai Luk and her younger sister who loves ghost story comic books. When Wai is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Ming's life is turned upside-down, and he sacrifices his career to spend more time with Wai. He finds a new job in a lower position and out of the blue he finds that his new boss, Chu Fong, was his old friend in elementary school. When Wai gives up chemotherapy she decides to treat herself in accordance with the traditional Chinese medicine guided by her aunt. She has a weird behavior at home, and her frightened sister insists that she is a ghost. Meanwhile, Ming gets closer to Fong, who is a successful entrepreneur but a woman needy of love. During a trip to Peking, they have one night stand. Over the next days, Ming and Fong have a love affair and Ming believes that Wai is a spirit resolving her issues to move to the next level.
Poon So Fong
Не самый везучий частный детектив Там получает заказ, показавшийся ему в начале отличным способом заработать лёгкие деньги — сумасбродный клиент просит найти девушку, которая якобы хочет его убить. Но занявшись расследованием Там отчётливо начинает понимать, что жертвой может стать не только его клиент, но и множество других людей, включая его самого…
Shark Busters
TC Lee, a senior policeman whose mounting debts are making headlines in the local press. Lee's not the only person in trouble at his police station, where a handful of colleagues are paying off the bank or worse, are becoming locked into repayments to gangland debt collectors. When Lee and his colleagues become caught in the loan sharks' spiraling interest charges and organized pressure tactics, they become vigilantes and fight back.