Grazia Di Marzà

Grazia Di Marzà

Рождение : 1922-01-18,

Смерть : 1993-04-17


Grazia Di Marzà


My Darling, My Dearest
Gennarino Laganà is a poor Sicilian who struggles with menial jobs to support his family, while his parents pressure him to seek his fortune in the North. Gennarino would never leave his beloved island if he had not stumbled into a love affair with Donna Egeria, wife of the Mafia boss Don Mimì. To escape certain revenge, he boards a goods train. In a dream, Saint Totino appears to him and promises him protection in exchange for a regulated life. He thus arrives in Milan, where he meets Armida, a woman of the streets, who takes him into her home and makes him her protector and lover. But San Totino appears again to Gennarino and reproaches him for being a kept man: he must work and Armida must change her life. 
The Soldier with Great Maneuvers
Mother of Fiaschetta
Doctor Eva Marini takes up a position at an army base to investigate the sexual behavior of the Italian male soldier and soon finds out she's taken on more than she bargained for.
Лишь бы не узнали все вокруг!..
la proprietaria della copisteria
Типичная «комедия по-итальянски» с довольно распространённой новеллистической конструкцией. Каждая из трёх коротких историй представляет собой странный случай, анекдот из жизни, рисуя нравы разных слоёв общества. Это могут быть интеллектуалы (первый рассказ «Машина любви») и любители приятно провести время вместе с высокооплачиваемой проституткой по вызову (третья новелла «Недоразумение»). Или же вообще отщепенцы, изгои, отверженные, к которым присоединяется доведённый до отчаяния полицейский Энцо Лукарелли («Вышестоящий»).
The Lady Medic
A man is desperately trying to avoid mandated military service, but a sexy medic proves to be his undoing.
Il gatto mammone
la madre di Rosalia
Lando Buzzanca plays a man desperate to father a male heir. However, his wife (Roseanne Podesta) is apparently barren. They decide to use a surrogate mother, which, since this was in the days before artificial insemination, means Buzzanca will have to impregnate the surrogate the "old-fashioned" way. After a mishap involving a VERY unattractive but fertile widow, Buzzanca sets his sights on young girl (Gloria Guida) at an orphanage for unwed mothers (who has already given an illegitimate child up for adoption). They hire her as a maid, but she is under the impression they're going to adopt her, leading to some quasi-incestual misunderstandings...
L'eredità dello zio buonanima
When a rich uncle dies, giving him a great inheritance, Franco will clash with other grandchildren and lawyers.
Paolo il freddo
Aunt of Paolo
A baron, nicknamed Paolo il caldo (Paul the Hot One) because of his womanizing, asks his son, on his deathbed, to leave women alone and only think about work. The son tries hard but only gets into trouble.
Солидный отец сицилийского семейства становится вдовцом. Но внезапно скучную жизнь его семьи преображает экономка, которая держит под контролем не только быт в доме, но и сексуальные фантазии мужчины и его юных сыновей.
The Last Italian Tango
madre di Margherita
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
Il provinciale
The Beast
Maria - Juan's Foster Mother
Foul, twitchy, and deranged sex maniac Johnny Laster comes up with a plan to abduct a lovely young heiress in order to obtain her considerable inheritance.
Un caso di coscienza
la sarta Saraceni
Discovering that a woman from their small town in Sicily cheated on her husband, a group of upper class men investigate and try to identify her.
The Viking Who Became a Bigamist
Serafina Anzalone
The Italian Vittorio Coppa works as a sleeper car commuter and commutes regularly between Munich and Rome. Because he believes that true love exists only in connection with marriage, he is secretly married twice.
Прекрасный ноябрь
Состоятельный сицилианский клан собирается на родовой вилле отметить очередную годовщину смерти одного из членов семьи, отца юноши Нино. Самой последней на виллу прибыла неугомонная красавица, тетя Четтина, которую Нино не видел два года, а встретившись, вдруг понял, что безумно влюблен в нее. Первая любовь оказалась не только волнующим, но и горьким жизненным уроком, который Нино усвоил в этом прекрасном ноябре...
A suon di lupara
Concetta Masullo
Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1967.
Don Juan in Sicily
Giovanni Percolla lives in Catania surrounded by the attentive cares of his three sisters. He permanently acts like a Don Giovanni to hide his real poor "knowledge" of women. With his friend he moves also to Rome but women still continues to remain part of his fantasies. But Giovanni succeeded to build anyway a fame of "tombeur de femmes". One day he meets the real love of Maria Antonietta and decides to marry. Will things change?