Tomer Almagor


1st Born
Tucker and Hamid are going to be grandfathers for the first time, but only if they can come together long enough to save their first-born grandchild.
С глаз долой, из сердца вон
Компания друзей Трэвиса распадается, когда он уезжает в Мексику, а у его друга детства обнаруживается психическое расстройство. Каждому пора выбирать свой путь. Пока Трэвис помогает социал-радикалам устроить мятеж, О’Брайен в маниакальном порыве становится знаменитым YouTube-блогером. Кейт ищет серьёзных отношений через онлайн-знакомства, а Локс отправляется в свой первый инди-рок тур.
King of Beasts
The story of lion trophy hunters in Africa. KING OF BEASTS offers a close-up on the world of the controversial 'sport" of lion hunting.
9 Full Moons
Frankie is an emotional train wreck, careening around the East Los Angeles music scene drinking and meeting strangers. Lev is a taciturn and tormented soul. He drives a limo and wants to work in the music business. They begin a relationship after they connect with each other one night at a party.
9 Full Moons
Frankie is an emotional train wreck, careening around the East Los Angeles music scene drinking and meeting strangers. Lev is a taciturn and tormented soul. He drives a limo and wants to work in the music business. They begin a relationship after they connect with each other one night at a party.
9 Full Moons
Frankie is an emotional train wreck, careening around the East Los Angeles music scene drinking and meeting strangers. Lev is a taciturn and tormented soul. He drives a limo and wants to work in the music business. They begin a relationship after they connect with each other one night at a party.
9 Full Moons
Frankie is an emotional train wreck, careening around the East Los Angeles music scene drinking and meeting strangers. Lev is a taciturn and tormented soul. He drives a limo and wants to work in the music business. They begin a relationship after they connect with each other one night at a party.