Brigitte Kerger-Santos

Brigitte Kerger-Santos


Brigitte Kerger-Santos


De Buttek
Line Producer
Like every year, André, manager of a company named ALTER NATIVE that furnishes sanitary article, invites his seven employees to a quietly festive Christmas weekend. Yet, unlike the years before, André has bad news. He is terminally ill and wants to hand over his company to one of them. He will announce his successor in the course of the weekend. His collaborators immediately turn into competitors. When his own son, Philippe, whom nobody knew about, makes a sudden appearance, cards are redistributed, but suspicion quickly arises that André plays a deceptive game. While his employees, in a crazy race behind the back of the others, try to make their mark, Philippe tries to understand the obscure game his father is playing. And what role does the hotel owner play in all this? Jingle bells? Jingle bells!
Line Producer
Since she’s started a passionate new relationship with the handsome and mysterious Joakim, life is smiling back at Lara again. Her marriage to detective Toni is but a distant memory. But when he accuses Joakim of having committed a series of unsolved murders in Luxembourg City’s Peitruss Valley, Lara’s world is thrown upside down. While trying to prove his innocence, she starts to wonder how well she really knows the one she loves.
Superchamp Returns
Line Producer
In order to save tiny Luxembourg from a cosmic catastrophe, a civil servant in a midlife crisis has to find back his lost superpowers and face his biggest fear: his family.
Line Producer
Siblings torn apart by the hazards of life meet in Spain to settle the family's modest inheritance. Gustave, the mover, on the brink of bankruptcy, Jules the anarchistic activist, and Lou, the youngest, lost between her brothers, yearning for the unknown. Each one has a different outlook on life and their personal projects for this inheritance will reawaken family disagreements and phantoms of the past.
Tomorrow, After the War
Line Producer
In February 1945, Jules Ternes returns to Luxembourg. To escape conscription, he fled the country and joined the resistance movement in France. Back in his hometown, Jules hopes to find peace of mind and put the war behind him. But he returns to a country devastated by the Battle of the Bulge and deeply divided from four years of occupation. His sister Mathilde is now engaged to Armand, the leader of the local resistance and his girlfriend Leonie has another man in her life. Jules nevertheless resumes a relationship with her and accepts a post as an auxiliary policeman. When Leonie is assassinated along with the German farmers she works for, the life Jules was struggling to rebuild collapses. The ensuing investigation will reveal grey areas of the Occupation along with the efforts made in high places to cover them up.
Справедливость или хаос
Executive Producer
Политический триллер о том, к чему может привести журналистское расследование, с Жилем Леллушем в главной роли. Разоблачение журналистом Дэни Робером темных делишек банковской фирмы Clearstream, вызывает настоящую бурю в европейском финансовом мире. Продолжая разбираться в хитросплетениях сомнительных международных банковских операций, Робер знакомится с судьей Рено ван Раимбеке, возглавляющим масштабное расследование коррупционных схем. Вскоре совместные поиски позволяют им сделать выводы, обнародование которых может иметь весьма серьезные последствия для Франции и всей Европы.
Волшебник Виплала
Executive Producer
Что не говори, но семью Бломов нельзя считать успешной. Ведь на плечи отца семейства после смерти супруги легла вся ответственность за двух несовершеннолетних детей. Да и должность учителя в местной школе – это не гарант финансового благополучия. Но самое главное – это то, что в этой семье никто не унывает, даже самый младший Йоханнес – самый впечатлительный и безропотный. И так уж случилось, что именно он обнаружил в своем доме на кухне маленького человечка, который очень любил арахисовое масло. И все бы ничего, но Йоханнес попросил своего гостя об одном одолжении.
Executive Producer
Melody, 28 years old, a confused child born under the name X, decides to rent out her body in order to get the money she needs to realize her dream: opening a hair-dressing salon. To do so, she accepts to carry the child of Emily, a rich English woman 48 years old who can no longer have children. To make sure everything goes well and keep an eye on her future child, Emily decides to welcome Melody into her home and stay by her side throughout the pregnancy. Although they first appear to come from completely different worlds, the two women end up adopting each other: Melody finds in Emily the mother she never had, and Emily sees in Melody the daughter she always wanted to have. Evidently, the bonds that emerge during this double maternity create all sorts of doubts and questions.
Виджай и я
Line Producer
Вильгельм Уайлдер — талантливый актер из Нью-Йорка, изображающий в детском сериале несчастного зеленого кролика. Он чувствует себя неудачником, но относится к этому с самоиронией. Это продолжается до тех пор, пока его жена, дочь и близкие друзья забывают про его 40-летний День Рождения. После этого недоразумения Вильгельм обижен буквально на весь мир. В суматохе после дорожного происшествия все его окружение полагает, что он мертв. Вместо того, чтобы исправить ситуацию, он решает воплотить в жизнь свою фантазию и побывать на собственных похоронах. Здесь то он и узнает, что о нем думают и говорят на самом деле. С помощью своего лучшего друга Радиуса, владельца индийского ресторана, Вильгельм перевоплощается в Виджая Сингха, красивого индийского джентельмена, с тюрбаном и белой бородой.
The Unemployment Club
Production Manager
In Differdange, in the South of Luxembourg, six unemployed men decide to create the "Dole Club", whose rules forbid its members to work, even in the very unlikely event that they are offered a job. Geronimo, Théid, Frunnes, Sonny Boy, Abbes and Petz all agree to abide by the strict regulations of the club. In accordance with them, they manage to survive. But they can do it only on petty theft and other swindles, which is bound to end badly...