Ted Babcock


Spring Break Shark Attack
A young teenager travels to Florida, unknowing that a group of dangerous tiger sharks are ravaging the beach.
Vinegar Hill
Family secrets surface when a married couple returns to the husband’s hometown, where his overbearing family interferes with their imagined new start.
Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure
Behind the scenes of Aaron Spelling's nighttime soap opera.
Загадка Натали Вуд
За одну ночь она стала любимицей Америки и суперзвездой. Ее взлет напоминал волшебную сказку. К семи годам дочь русских эмигрантов Наташа Захаренко, получившая на студии "Двадцатый Век Фокс" сценический псевдоним Натали Вуд, воплотила мечты своей честолюбивой матери. Маленькая девочка стала мировой знаменитостью и кумиром миллионов кинозрителей. Она была признана талантливой актрисой и играла рядом с Рексом Харрисоном, Джеймсом Дином, Джином Келли, Джоном Уэйном, Фрэнком Синатрой и, самое главное, со своим кумиром Робертом Вагнером, за которого Натали вышла замуж. Но голливудские грезы имеют свою оборотную сторону: страхи и фобии, непонимание и одиночество, семейные проблемы и депрессии, постоянная борьба с бременем славы за право любить и быть любимой.
Gracie's Choice
For as long as she can remember, 16 year-old Gracie has been raising her four siblings, each of whom has a different, absent father and their mother is on the fast track to self-destruction. When these children's lives are about to be pulled apart, Gracie will have to do the impossible and make the ultimate sacrifices to keep her family together.
Heart of a Stranger
What happens when you receive someone else's heart and wind up with the transplant donor's personality traits and memories too? Jill Maddox, a middle-aged concert violinist, is about to find out! After her surgery, Maddox starts chugging beers, blasting modern music and donning barely-there miniskirts. She is acting like the 22-year-old guy whose ticker she inherited. Even weirder — this is a true story! (Based on the book “Change of Heart” by Claire Sylvia and William Novak.)
Within These Walls
Female prisoners train dogs to aid people with disabilities in a program started by a nun (Laura Dern).
Silent Predators
In 1979, a delivery truck makes its way up a lonely southern California highway in a storm, bound for the San Diego Zoo with a deadly tropical rattlesnake as cargo. When the truck suffers a blowout, the driver loses control and hits a tree, shattering the snake's aquarium in the back and the window separating the snake from the driver. The snake slithers into the front of the truck, kills the driver with its bite and then moves off into the forest. Flash forward to 1999. The small southern California town of San Vicente has grown from 6,000 to 30,000, and the rattler, which escaped nearby years ago, has bred. There are now 25,000 of these hybrid rattlesnakes, and they are slowly making their way downhill into the town, attracted by the movement of the blasting as the town paves its way toward progress. Progress, in this case, brings terror, in this tale originally penned by John Carpenter.
Murder on Shadow Mountain
Denny Traynor has the idyllic life a loving wife and family, a flourishing career. Seems like life is perfect until some policemen from another break into their home one night and arrest him for a twenty year old murder. Initially, Denny denies the accusations made against him but when evidence is presented that implicates him, he is then extradited to stand trial. When his wife, whose faith has been shaken asks him what happened, he tells her that he did kill the man they said he killed but in self-defense. However, when there is no evidence that supports his claim, his wife wonders if he has told her the truth, and if she should continue to support him.
Holiday in Your Heart
LeAnn Rimes plays herself from her childhood in Nashville to her performing around the country as a country-western singer, until she has to make a choice: Does she perform at the Grand Ole Opry, following her dreams? Or does she not go to the concert, and stay at her dying grandmother's bedside? The made-for-tv film is based in part on LeAnn's autobiographical novel.
Murder Live!
Frank takes Pia Postman hostage on live TV, threatening to execute her after she accepts the blame for his daughter's suicide.
Dying to Belong
When a girls friend is killed by a college hazing, she is the only one who can find out the truth.
Бешеный конь
Associate Producer
В 1865 году после гражданской войны с новой силой обострились конфликты и столкновения между белыми и индейцами. В фильме рассказывается история об индейце по имени Бешеный Конь, ставшем легендой еще при жизни. Когда мальчику было 12 лет, белые уничтожили много людей, а ему, оставшемуся в живых, было видение всадника, который предсказал ему много побед, но и то, что его же племя отвернется от него.
My Son Is Innocent
Associate Producer
After a brutal nighttime attack on a woman alone in her suburban home, police investigators zero in on teenager Eric Sutter. When the victim identifies Sutter as her attacker, the legal system closes in on the boy as friends, neighbors and the media turn against him. Only through the dogged determination of his mother, and her loyal boyfriend does Eric and the victim have a chance for justice to be served.
The West Side Waltz
Associate Producer
Margaret keeps her neighbours at a distance and avoids contact except with Cara. She enjoys her company just for making music since Cara plays the violin accompanying Margaret at the piano. Because of her arthritis she accepts the housemaid Robin who wants to become an actress. With this naive pretty girl her life gets suddently really exciting and she makes a lot of new friends.
The Other Woman
Associate Producer
After the divorce from Michael, Tessa raises her daughters Kate and Lara alone. None of them can stand Michael's new young wife Carolyn, a model. But when Tessa learns that she's suffering from cancer and soon will die, she tries to get her kids to accept Carolyn as new mother. She takes them on a trip across the country to her father Jacob's ranch in Wyoming. During this trip, Tessa tries to teach Carolyn about the responsibilities involved in raising kids.
Смертельный страх
В одном из госпиталей некоего американского мегаполиса пациенты начинают таинственным образом умирать внезапно один за одним. Доктор Дженнифер Кесслер, работающая в госпитале, решает разобраться в этом и найти причину смертей во что бы то ни стало. После смерти одного из своих друзей Дженнифер начинает подозревает всех окружающих, включая своего нового любовника.