Dorian D. Field


Золотое кимоно воина 6
Ларри Джонс, воин в золотом кимоно, был болезненным и слабым ребенком. Он поставил перед собой цель — стать сильным и добился этого. Ларри всегда на защите правды и справедливости. Из всех переделок он выходит победителем. Таков результат его служения каратэ…
Golden Kimono Warrior: War Against the Skinheads
Larry Jones (aka The Boy in the Golden Kimono) engages in a war with some skinheads.
Золотое кимоно воина 5
Золотое кимоно воина 4
Золотое кимоно воина 3
Karate Rock
Conny Parker
Fabrizio De Angelis leaves it all on the sweat-stained mat at the strip-mall karate studio that hosted the bone-crushing, senses-shattering, kickpocalypse between arch rivals Kevin and Jeff! The final battle would have been pretty lame (well, lamer than it was) if it hadn't been built toward with an unceasing increase in tension as Kevin and Jeff clashed in competitions where the stakes only got higher and higher and even freaking higher! Why, by the time that Kevin had bested Jeff in the race through the Tunnel of Death (neither of them died making the tunnel's name an unfortunate misnomer), I was thinking that surely nothing could top that! Well, nothing but a training montage!