Anna Amedei


Double Face
A millionare is unwittingly led into murder by his lesbian wife.
My Name Is Pecos
Pecos Martinez rides into Houston looking to settle an old score with gang leader Clane, who is after the money that disappearred from a recent robbery. The hunt for the loot and Pecos' quest become intertwined with the efforts of the locals to stay alive long enough for help to arrive. Source: SWDB
Romeo e Giulietta
Two teenagers fall in love, but their feuding families and fate itself cause the relationship to end in tragedy.
La banda Casaroli
Assistant Editor
Based on the misdeeds of the criminal group headed by Paolo Casaroli, who was dedicated to robbing banks.
Журналист из Рима
Assistant Editor
Трудная жизнь у Сильвио Магноцци. Жена его бросила, за участие в политических выступлениях он попадает в тюрьму, а когда выходит на свободу, отказывается от выгодной работы у богатого промышленника и снова пускается во все тяжкие.