Arnold Tovornik

Arnold Tovornik

Рождение : 1916-03-13, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenia

Смерть : 1976-06-04


Arnold Tovornik


The Idealist
Priest from Blatni Dol
The movie based upon the classical Slovene novel Martin Kačur, depicts the clash between the teacher Martin Kačur and his conservative environment. Due to his progressive ideas, he is transferred to a small town. The village environment is even more depressing than his former surroundings were, as the influence of both the secular and the Church authorities is even greater in the country. Even though Martin meets Tončka and the two of them get married, he gradually becomes a disillusioned and embittered man. In time, when society's strictures become somewhat milder, Martin is transferred to a more friendly environment, but all the injustices he has experienced have already bitten too deep. Unlike his wife, Martin finds it very difficult to accept changes. When his son dies, it seems as though he has lost all his elan and the will to live. Will he be able to go on bringing the light of knowledge to the ignorant masses, or will his ideals be buried forever like a man in a snowdrift?
Mother Died, Stop
An elderly woman pays visit to her mother who resides in nursing home. Few days later she receives a telegram that the mother died, but it turns out that the address it was sent to was wrong. However the guilt of neglect starts to torment the mourning daughter nonetheless.
The Flight of Dead Bird
A film about three brothers who try to survive in a difficult, hostile and melancholic Slovenian countryside.
The Last Stop
A former partisan Tone, who once believed in the idea of a new, just society, now barely living as a municipal employee. Has an ex-wife and daughter, who live in his apartment, and he lodger. Even his relationship with a waitress, Magda is not without problems.
Red Wheat
An ex-partisan and current political activist sets out to Styria region in Slovenia to buy out the wheat from peasants and convince them to form the farming collective. His ostensible success (based on blackmailing rather than convincing), as well as his love defeat, make him disturbed and he kills an innocent man while performing a social mission.
The Fifth Ambush
Kuhar Jazbec
A partisan battalion falls into enemy trap more than once, which makes them suspect it's about treason. Their commissar and commander move the unit in a remote settlement in order to discover the enemy agent. This draws a lot of suspicion and distrust within the unit, and finally it was the head of the battalion who was charged as guilty, and executed. However, was he the real intruder? The commissar and the commander take the battalion to a new battle without definitive knowledge of the whole present situation.
Stronghold of Toughs
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
One Fine Day
Innkeeper 'Moj Jezus'
A story set in a Slovenian village during Italian occupation. Stefuc, a man who has been widowed twice and has four daughters, wants to get married for the third time with Zana, who's already engaged and pregnant with Ludvik. Stefuc tries to separate them away, but realizes that he'll have to marry Hedvika, a nice looking girl who has just returned from Milan. In the meantime, Italian fascist authorities decide to eradicate five Slovenian songs with the help of local traitors.
Dancing in the Rain
Peter is the dark brooding type. Leading a vacuous, shapeless life, he longs for the ideal woman, while at the same time, half heartedly continuing with his habitual girlfriend, Marusa , who is considerably older, a fact that Peter is quick to point out. As an aging actress, struggling for parts in her local theatre, she oozes insecurity and breathes uncertainty. Together, they spend their time in the local restaurant, smoking, drinking and trading verbal blows. "I bet you'll just end up a drunk," she tells Peter each time. Peter just grins and tells her how old she looks. Compounded by a thankless director who soon shows her the door, Marusa finds her identity being squeezed harder and harder against the wall. To escape, Peter and Marusa dream...
Партизаны готовят дерзкую акцию по освобождению заключенных из тюрьмы словенской столицы. Успех акции им должен обеспечить один из надзирателей, но узники, среди которых большинство составляют антифашисты, ни о чем не догадываются. Более того, многие из них уже впали в отчаяние. Ведь каждую ночь кого-то из их числа отправляют на расстрел, а кого-то забирают на допрос, после которого возвращается уже не человек, а избитое и страдающее от невыносимой боли тело. И в то время, когда по темным улицам города крадутся готовящиеся к налету на тюрьму партизаны, в одной из камер разворачивается драма, в которой сломавшимся духовно и физически людям противостоят те, кто даже смерть готов встретить с открытым лицом…
Three Quarters of the Sun
A story of a group of men at a small frontier railway station who have been released from German concentration camps and are on their way home.